My CBversary! 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

My CBversary! 

My CBversary! 

Gosh, it's been three years. And a day, maybe, depending what time zone you're in.

Happy birthday to Nymph, I suppose? As for me, well, I'm feeling old and flighty, but I'm sure I'll drop by again soon with more thoughts on the matter.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(July 12, 2020 - 1:23 am)


submitted by Velvet Serpent
(July 12, 2020 - 9:03 am)
submitted by Top!
(July 12, 2020 - 3:37 pm)

This is belated, but happy CBversery! My 10th is in six days. It's feels sooooo weird. (BTW, I started on here at a young age, I'm not old, I can't drive yet XD)

submitted by Sammy Everlast, age Back, Home :)
(July 12, 2020 - 4:48 pm)

Sorry, that was a friend of mine. This year's my 11th though.

submitted by Sammy E, age I Can't, With Her XD
(July 12, 2020 - 4:57 pm)

AAAAAA HAPPY CBVERSARYYYYY! I haven't seen you here in a long time! How's life? I missed you! Btw, I've been doing some sticky note art lately, but I'm still nowhere near as skillful as Her Majesty the Sticky Note Queen. XD It's so good to see you back here, even if it's just for a little while.

submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified, Enceladus
(July 12, 2020 - 5:11 pm)

Happy CBversary Viola?!!!!!!! Thank you for being the awesome CBer and artist that we love! Wait... Crescent...!

*hurls cupcakes at random velocities* 

She... used a strong verb...

...and a descriptive noun...

The world really is going crazy.

Guys. Viola?'s CBversary?

Oh, right.

Anyway, I hope you have a great day that doesn't involve frosting stains on your walls!

You and me both. Happy 3rd CBversary Viola?! (That looks really odd...) 

submitted by Jwyn, age 15
(July 12, 2020 - 5:16 pm)

Happy CBversery!!! It's great to (figuratively) see you again! How old are you in real life? You don't need to answer that, I'm just wondering. 

AHAHAHA my phone auto corrected "I'm just wondering" to "I'm just wonderful." Good thing I didn't post that.

submitted by DoodleGirl, age 13, Earth
(July 12, 2020 - 5:38 pm)

Ahhhh happy CBversary! It's been a good three years :)

submitted by Leafy, age No, not a cat
(July 13, 2020 - 10:21 am)

Happy CBversary Vi! I can't believe its been 3 years! 

submitted by Dandelion
(July 13, 2020 - 10:34 am)

oops im late! 


Happy birthday Viola? !!!!

hope you had a great day and thank you for being a great part of the CB! ive always loved your art <3


submitted by HeroesOfOlympus, age eternal, somewhere-everywhere
(July 13, 2020 - 1:25 pm)

Happy CBversary!! 

Wow, 3 years is pretty long. Cool! :D 

submitted by Starchaser, age 12, Pyrrhia
(July 13, 2020 - 3:02 pm)

Ack, Viola?! It's so good to see you again! (It's Soren, I feel like I should say.)

Happy CBversary, wow! Three years is quite the accomplishment.  *confetti* <3

submitted by Luna-Starr, age 27 eons, Existential Ponderment
(July 13, 2020 - 4:21 pm)

Happy CB-Versary Viola!

You're such a great artist and creative writer. I love seeing you on the CB!

<3 Fidelity 

submitted by Fidelity
(July 14, 2020 - 8:40 am)

Happy CBversary Viola?! 

*throws confetti*

You are an extremely talented artist and wonderful person. 

submitted by Happy CBversary!!
(July 14, 2020 - 9:23 am)

Happy CBversary!!! *throws confetti* It's good to see you again! Congrats on three years, that's awesome. Also, happy birthday to Nymph! I hope to see you around!

submitted by Quill
(July 14, 2020 - 3:21 pm)