Introducing my new

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Introducing my new

Introducing my new CAPTCHA, Ivy! Now, let me tell you the story behind the name. One time my CAPTCHA said "eivey". And I was like, huh, that sounds like Ivy. Actually, that's not really a story... Anyway Ivy is one of those fluffy, kind of cartoonish-looking white dogs, with black eyes. She's pretty sweet, mischevious, and extremely sensitive and defensive of her people (me and my AEs which hardly ever appear on cb posts, Flora and Fauna. And a new one I'm still developing). 

Hey, we're here! You just don't bother to type us in!

She's right...but back to Ivy.

hello. imivy. canii lickk youuu? pleas givee meeee treat!

submitted by DoodleGirl, age 13, Earth
(May 28, 2020 - 8:23 am)

*Gives Ivy a gigantic treat* yes you can lick me

>>newww cptch? hello Ivyyy, immmm Tomru<<  [New captcha? Hello Ivy, im Tomru]

DoodleGirl, Tomru is kinda lonely, would you mind if they and Ivy could be friends?

>>thatt would beeee nicee<< 

*Gives another treat to Ivy* have a nice dayyyyyyyyyyy 

submitted by HeroesOfOlympus, age eternal, somewhere-everywhere
(May 28, 2020 - 11:33 am)
submitted by Top
(May 29, 2020 - 9:59 pm)

yesss illbe yourr friend tomru! thank youuu forrr theee treat! 


submitted by DoodleGirl, age 13, Earth
(May 30, 2020 - 9:19 am)

Hi Ivy!! Of course you can lick me. *bends down*

*hello iiamm yager pleas dontt likme*

That's Yager. He's very nice and sweet, but he isn't very social. He's a bearded dragon. 

submitted by Starchaser, age 12, Pyrrhia
(May 30, 2020 - 6:31 pm)

Here is a very late sketch of Ivy! I'm not great at drawing dogs, but I'm trying to get better.

"gynyi"  she says. Do you want a Guinea pig CAPTCHA? I'll think about it.

submitted by DoodleGirl, age 13, Earth
(June 9, 2020 - 1:24 pm)