Myers-Briggs Personalitie

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Myers-Briggs Personalitie

Myers-Briggs Personalities

Hey all! I took a Myers-Briggs personality test yesterday; I did the 16 Personalities test. I got ESFJ-T, which surprised me because I'd never heard of that type before. But I realized that's because I've only heard about the Myers-Briggs personalities on the CB, and y'all are a bunch of introverts. XD 

I always thought I was something of an ambivert, but I guess I am pretty extroverted when I think about it. Anyways, what types are you all? Apparently Taylor Swift is also an ESFJ, which is kinda cool. 

I think my letters stood for Extroverted, Observant, Feeling, Judging, and Turbulent.... 


submitted by Leafy, age No, not a cat
(June 21, 2019 - 10:23 am)

I’ve taken the test several times and don’t really trust the accuracy of it, but either way it’s fun to try and get my type right. The first time I got INTJ, which I generally tend to stick with, but I’ve found I also really identify with the INTP type, so who knows. I think I could be any of the INxx types, as I’m really on the edge between T/F and J/P. 

submitted by The Riddler, age 16, Hello
(June 27, 2019 - 6:48 pm)

So, at my homeschool program for our campout, we've got me, the Mediator (INFP-T), the Architect (INTJ-T), a Logician (INTP-T), a Campaigner (ENFP-T), two protagonists (ENFJ), and a Virtuoso (ISTP-T)

submitted by Catsclaw
(July 6, 2019 - 9:41 am)


Yes we are, and PROUD of it! I personally am a mixture of ISTP, INTJ, and INFP. I took the test a couple of years ago and,(surprisingly) got ENFG. Or ENFJ. I also looked up the myers-briggs pesonalities as animals and freaked when I saw that INTJs are octopuses,because octopuses are awesome! FIGHT ME. 

My best friend and I are polar opposites though, and she's probably more of a ESFJ or ENFJ. Once I wore a red coat and she wore a blue. We looked in a mirror and saw my short brown hair and big brown eyes and her long blonde hair and small blue eyes and burst out laughing.

CiaoAdiosAurevoirAdeiuSayonaraAlohaAufWiedersehen! -The Valiant Sirfire 

submitted by Sirfire, age depends, who's asking?
(January 6, 2020 - 5:55 pm)