Does anybody have

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Does anybody have

Does anybody have any good fat-reduction tips? I'm not extremely fat, but I've noticed recently that I've been getting a bit thick so I want to catch myself before I go down that road too far. I'm going to start drinking more water, which I rarely do right now and is a habit I should start anyway, I exercise, and I eat fairly well. Which is going to get better. Any other things I should add?

Thanks, guys. :) 

submitted by Anonymous
(February 22, 2019 - 5:32 pm)

Hmmm, I think I actually know a bit about this.  

-Eat less carbs and sugar and more proteins, vegetables and fruits, and fat. Sugar every so often won’t hurt you, but cutting back on it will help you lose weight/reduce fat. Same with carbs, such as wheat. Eating some carbs is okay—even good for you—just make sure you’re also getting protein, fiber, veggies, etc. Though it might seem like fat would cause you to gain weight/fat (and for a long time it was believed that that was the case) fat is actually good for you! I’m not saying to gorge yourself on fatty foods all day, but many fats, like those in cheese and milk, are very nutritious as long as you’re getting your other nutrients too. A lot of people still believe that fat is bad for you, which is a common misconception. There are plenty of studies that show that fat is not bad for you—but you should know that this is still a pretty controversial topic. 

-Everything in moderation. It’s not what you eat that matters as much as how much of it you eat. Take what I said about sugar earlier, for instance. It’s not great for you, but a little here and there won’t hurt, especially if you have an overall balanced diet. 

-Exercise. I know you said you’re already exercising, and that’s great! Exercise is good for you in so many Wells. It relieves stress, makes you stronger, releases endorphins that make you feel good, helps with sleep, helps with weight loss, and keeps you healthy in so many ways! I recommend walking/jogging, hiking if you can, and doing short workouts at home, as well as sports, and even fun things like trampoline parks and rock climbing. 

-Don’t starve yourself! This might be an obvious one, but it’s very unhealthy. Eating less can seem like it will help with fat loss, but it can actually make you gain weight and develop bad habits. Make sure you eat enough, and if you’re eating healthy, nutritious food, you won’t necessarily have to eat less.

-Sleep. Sleep is just healthy and helps with everything and you should get a good amount no matter what. 

-Water. I know you mentioned this also, and water is good, so keep drinking lots! (I don’t drink enough either, and I should really start drinking more too.)

I think it’s really great that you’re taking action now and trying to develop healthy habits early on. I’m not overweight or anything either, but I’m trying to eat healthier and exercise more like you, just because it’s good for me. So keep it up! Also, I know it can get frustrating to do things like this and see no physical difference for awhile. I work out and exercise pretty frequently, partly because it’s healthy and partly because I want to get stronger, and I often get frustrated because I can’t see much of a visible difference. But don’t give up! Keep it up and you will see a difference eventually. 

I hope this was helpful, and good luck with your health endeavors! 

submitted by Leeli
(February 22, 2019 - 6:55 pm)

Thanks Leeli! I'll definitely keep your advice in mind! 

submitted by Anonymous
(February 22, 2019 - 9:15 pm)
submitted by topbumppokenudge
(February 22, 2019 - 7:31 pm)

*coughs* Um, excuse me? You are a beautiful human person and you should not change that to be skinnier. So what if you're 'a bit thick'? Your body is a beautiful thing and you should never want to change it. Please please please dont start skipping meals or not eating or anything. Leeli, that goes for you too. Your body is a beautiful thing, and the social norms of 'skinny people' is ridiculous and no one should try to lose a little bit of weight to fit into this obscured category. Does everyone hear me? Your bodies are beautiful and you should not change them, especially if its because of social norms and outside influences! Not being 'skinny' is perfectly fine and perfectly normal, Leeli you sound perfectly healthy and so do you, Anonymus. Don't try and loose the 'extra pounds'. You are both beautiful humans with beautiful bodies and you should not try and fit into the crazy unrealistic social norms America has set for the young. 

Admins, I am very disappointed that you posted this without even saying something like this! This is not ok! There is nothing wrong with being 'fat'. And fat is a bad term to use and its harsh and its often used as an insult which is not ok!!!! This is not ok! This could be very hurtful to many kids who read it and i CANT BELIVE YOU POSTED THIS without even a COMMENT that you dont NEED TO BE PERFECTLY SKINNY.

I don't think anyone's talking about being skinny. I see it as a discussion about healthy eating and life style.


submitted by Claaws, Going crazy, whats new
(February 22, 2019 - 9:56 pm)

WHAT?? No! I would never starve myself, that's even worse than allowing myself to get fat when I can still do something about it! Like the Admins said, I only want to stay healthy. But thanks for your input, I know I am a beautiful human being created in the image of God, and I want to take care of this temple of His that he has entrusted to me to take care of!

Wow that was dramatically poetic. Hm. Whale then. *He heh fish puns* 

submitted by Anonymous
(February 23, 2019 - 1:17 am)

Yeah, what the Admins and Anonymous said. There is a difference between trying to be healthy and being unhealthily consumed with being skinny. I definitely agree with you that starving yourself is a terrible idea and that you shouldn’t try to be skinny just because culture tells you, etc (if you read my post above, you’ll see that I actually warned against starving yourself). That’s not where I am. It’s true that I sometimes can get over-concerned with that stuff (I think most everyone does from time to time), but not so much that I skip meals or anything, and I’m working on it. That wasn’t what I was talking about here, though. I’m not actually trying to lose weight, I just want to have a healthy lifestyle (healthy is not synonymous with thin, here). Also, if a person actually is legitimately overweight, losing a few pounds is a good idea, not because of social norms or trying to be skinny and all that, but because being too overweight is unhealthy. 

Like Anonymous said, I know that I’m a beautiful human created in the image of God, and I too am just trying to take care of the temple of his that is my body. I do appreciate your post and I agree with you, I think you just misunderstood what anonymous and I were trying to say. :)

submitted by Leeli
(February 23, 2019 - 11:45 am)

There's a difference between thin, fit, and heathy. I've been thin my whole life (probably because of my metabolism or something), but I'm not that active and I could eat healthier.

Also, the idea that you should never want to change your body at all can be a little... eehhh...? A disordered desire to be skinny is dangerous, of course, but wanting to be healthier isn't.

submitted by Alizarine
(February 24, 2019 - 8:37 am)

I’ve read that diet is more important than exercise, and sugar is supposed to be especially bad, so I guess watch what you eat, but do whatever you think is best. However, you may simply be naturally thick. It’s especially likely if your parents are. Don’t worry too much if nothing notable happens, and talk to a doctor or nutritionist if you’re really concerned about your health. For now, I think you’re fine. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(February 24, 2019 - 12:37 am)

Alizarine and Leeli, I agree with you. Trying to be healthier and being overly consumed with being skinny are two different things.
I believe everyone is beautiful how they are, but I think trying to be healthier is very important for everyone, fat or skinny and everywhere in between.
I personally am very skinny, and have been recently trying to improve my lifestlye by eating healthier and exercising more. Not to be thin, but because its healthy and the best for me.
Some health advice:
- You probably know this, but vegetables are the most nutrutious food around, so make sure to eat lots of them, including different varieties.
-Healthy fats are super important! Things like avocados, nuts, and seeds are really high in healthy fats.
And like Leeli said, exercise is important. Find fun activities that you like and do them regularly. It doesn't have to be boring!
Remember, everything in moderation. A good ice cream or something like that is good once in a while.
Also, don't try to think of it as restictions and stuff. Having a good mindset really helps. Find healthy foods and active things that you like to eat and enjoy doing them!
Hope this helps!


Don't forget fruits, too! Apples, pears, oranges, peaches, strawberries, . . . !


submitted by Dandelion
(February 24, 2019 - 11:10 am)

Well, the only stuff I know about this is the stuff my mom tells me when I sometimes complain that a dress I want doesn't look flattering. I don't think I'm fat, far from it. But I'm defintely not a tiny thing, so it happens every now and then.

She says that getting sleep always helps (ughhhhh), and drinking water, and eating less junk food, of course. Eat a vegatable or fruit by every meal. Have a small and healthy exercise routine each night, or if that's hard to cordinate, do it twice or three times a week. 

That's all I got. 

submitted by Twirlgirl, age 13, My Imaginary Dance Studio
(February 24, 2019 - 10:14 pm)

Yeah! I'm focusing on my stomach, so I've started doing an excersises every night that I can. I mean, if I'm so exhausted that I could collapse at any moment then I go straight to bed. Otherwise, I'm doing planks for a minute and a half (straight) and I'm planning to add fifty sit ups to it once I have the time. But anyway, I was going to say how hard it is the first night 'cause your belly's all loose, but then it tightens and suddenly you have a better outlook on this entire thing because your waistline just shrunk a solid three inches overnight. Just me? Sorry. Anyway, after that first night it was so much easier to do! I was amazed! I felt a ton less tired after the set.

So yeah! There you go! If you're planning to start something like this, don't be discouraged because it burns or hurts or something like that. :) 

submitted by Anonymous
(February 25, 2019 - 3:08 am)

I’m glad you’re making a good effort to stay healthy! I would agree with most everything Leeli said. I’m setting a goal this month to eat a fruit every morning and drink plenty of water every day.

submitted by Jwyn, age 14, The Realm of Creativity
(March 1, 2019 - 12:15 pm)