Happy Reunion Day!!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Happy Reunion Day!!

Happy Reunion Day!!



So I know there are practically a million threads being posted today, but I just wanted to say hey what's up?? Those of you who are back, it's great to see you! I can't really count this as a "revisiting" because I think I've only been gone for what, two months? I mostly figured today was a good time to see everyone and say some things that I've been meaning to tell you. 

December, I got some really shocking news. I tried to many times to tell y'all, but I couldn't find the words. I didn't want to just disappear without letting you all know, so I'll do my best to tell you now. I don't want to make this happy time sad, so I'll keep it brief and let you know that God has really worked through this whole situation for His glory, and provided abundant comfort in so many ways. 

On December 11, my beautiful, strong, amazing mother was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. It came out of nowhere. I remember asking her how her doctor's appointment went when she picked me up from classes. I'll never forget what happened next. She looked over at my Dad and said, "Oh Dale, she wants to know how it went." She reached back to take my hand, and I felt someone kick the bottom out of my heart and fold it in like a cardboard box. I didn't want to hear what she said next, because cancer is such a scary word, and now it has a different meaning. Every time I hear it, my heart starts pounding because now, I know what it means. 

Y'all, waiting last Christmas Eve was nothing compared to waiting for the staging.  But guess what??? Our God is amazing!! Not only did he bless us with so much from friends (love ya Autumn sweet fren!!), family, and loving people we don't even know, but he also blessed us with the staging 1C! We were praying for 2 rather than 3 or 4, but He gave us immeasurably more than all we could ask and imagine. 

We're in the midst of chemotherapy now, which is really hard, but we're taking it one step at a time. I can't wait for April when she's all finished! I miss her vivacious curly hair so much.


So yes, that's what's been going on. I was a bit in shock after the diagnosis, and stopped writing for about a month, so that's when I guess I "officially" left. But I wanted y'all to know what's going on! And I want to hear about what's going on in your lives as well? How's school or college or work or life or whatever? Have you guys won any writing contests or publications or recognitions or anything? Go ahead and brag my wonderfully talented friends :)

I want to know if any of you have been through cancer in your immediate family, or know someone who has? 

I love y'all. It's great to see so many familiar faces. Let the celebration continue!  


It is so hard when a family member gets sick. We're all here to support you--we're thankful that you've gotten so much love from your community. --Admin 

submitted by Rose bud, age 16
(February 14, 2019 - 3:53 pm)

Oh, Rose bud I'm glad to see you! I've missed you so much. I'm sorry to hear about your mom, but I'm glad she is doing well. I'm glad to see that you are still the faithful, optimistic person I remember. Welcome back to the CB. 

submitted by Cockleburr
(February 14, 2019 - 11:54 pm)

I hope you mom is doing well, she sounds amazing. <3 My mom has chronic depression, and I understand how hard it is to see someone you love in pain. I wish your mom the best of luck, and I hope she recuperates as soon as possible. 

Anyway *tackle hugs* I’m so glad you’re back! <3 I missed you so so much.

<3 Fidelity 

submitted by Fidelity
(February 15, 2019 - 2:13 am)

Oh, Rose bud, I'll be praying so hard for you, your mom, and your family. Cancer is a scary thing, but I'm so glad to hear of God's amazing work in y'alls lives through this hard time. <3 Both my grandfather and great aunt are fighting cancer right now. They're still undergoing treatment, but we've been praying for their recovery.

Schoolwise, things are going well; my sister and I recently switched from homeschooling to private schooling. That's basically the biggest thing in my life right now--doing schoolwork, turning in schoolwork, going to school...I got a website, too! I've been putting some of my stories on it lately.

It's been great to see you again, Rose bud! *hugs* 

submitted by Micearenice, --> Romans 5:3-5
(February 15, 2019 - 9:00 am)

Awe Rose bud, Im so sorry to hear that. *hugs* I'm glad it wasn't worse, but I'm sorry your family has to go through that. But we missed you even if you just disappeared for a bit!! And I hope life's been going well for you besides that. You're a...sophmore right? Or a junior? I can't remember lol. One of the two, I think. I hope thats going well for you!! We should talk more too, I've missed you! 

Anyways, one of my close friend's mom's had breast cancer when we were growing up and he stayed over at my house a lot. Her cancer lasted a few years. Elementary school. I remember neither of us really knew what was happening, and we just understood that there was a good chance his mom wasn't going to be around for much longer. It was a pretty bad case. But she made it! And she's alive and doing well. He's doing well too, for the record. I have faith your mom is going to be ok, and if you need emotional support we're here for you Rose bud <3

submitted by Claaws, Going crazy, whats new
(February 17, 2019 - 6:15 pm)

Hello, Rose bud! I am so sorry you and your family are having to go through that, and I'm sure it took a lot of courage to find the words to tell us about it...even I felt my heart jump when I read it just now, and I know how hard it is when a loved one gets sick...I lost my grandpa a couple years ago and my grandma before that when I was younger but I still remember her. My grandma had bladder cancer, which I actually didn't even know until after she passed, because it was really a combination of so many different things, I think it was just considered of old age. They both lived long healthy lives and I have good memories of them.

In 8th grade (I'm in 9th now) one of my friends was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It turned out to be benign which I was so relieved to hear, but it was still a long and difficult process because she was hospitalized for a long time before and after its removal and missed months of school. She was up and walking by the end of 8th grade, though she has to talk slowly. About a week ago, I got to hang out with her at a reunion of other 8th graders, which was really great, she's recovered a lot. Also, my wonderful school librarian from elementary through middle school is a breast cancer survivor.

I am so grateful for you to hear about it being a really early stage, even though I know chemo and everything is still really tough to deal with. 

I've missed you lots, and I want you to know that I and everyone on the CB is here to support you.<3 <3 <3

submitted by Owlgirl, age 15, Texas
(February 17, 2019 - 8:28 pm)

ROSE BUDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!! *tackle hugs*

It’s so good to see you! I’m so sorry about your mother; I’m not going to pretend I know how you feel, but please accept all of the virtual hugs I’m sending <3 <3 <3 :)

I wish you the best in this all.  

submitted by Kestrel, Returning to reality
(February 19, 2019 - 12:27 pm)