Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

Wow, thank you! 

This may or may not work, but what if we played a game of Go by posting the position code thingy and updating it by making a move? This may not be fine with the Admins, since it violates no codes and no online resources (to decode the code into a visualizable picture) but could it?

And this is comment 9500! I am in the Y2K worrying vibe. Now I get why they were caught up in that.  

You're right. Chatterbox avoids posting codes.


submitted by Sine
(May 22, 2023 - 6:00 pm)

Theoretically if players had a game board of Go, the game could be played by taking a picture of their board set up with their move.  The other player could set their board up in that way, then make their move, then post a picture of their board, and so on.

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(May 22, 2023 - 7:16 pm)

Maybe that could work! Is that ok Admins?


Sure, posting photos of the game board as you play is fine, as long as there are not photos of people. - Admin

submitted by Sinusoidal
(May 24, 2023 - 1:19 pm)

As somebody who has read quite a bit about this type of thing, I don't think this thread is going to have to worry about a Y2K rollover type thing. That was because they'd been storing dates with only 2 digit numbers for the year instead of 4 digits, which isn't something the CB has to worry about.

If Random Thoughts were to have a rollover, it would be a little different, if it even happened. It would be just the "Replies" section that would roll over, and most likely the number would just reset to zero, which would make the replies count off when you looked at it on the home page of DtE, but I doubt it would affect anything else. The Admins/Webmaster probably wouldn't even bother to fix the count, since it would just be another part of the CB that's ever-so-slightly-outdated-and-dysfunctional. There was actually an example like this on a YouTube video that I read about where it got so many views that the view count restarted at 0.

And there's still quite a large chance that it even wouldn't happen, depending on how many digits of binary the CB website uses to store numbers. I'm not very familiar with how the CB is programmed, so I can't say anything for certain, but I don't think we need to worry about it.

Also, i'm impressed that you thought of that! :D It never would have even occured to me that something like that could happen. 

submitted by Scuttles@Sine
(May 24, 2023 - 7:44 am)

Greetings, all. I am, in fact, not dead. Thus, I have returned to seize my crown yet again...

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(May 22, 2023 - 1:57 pm)

Jaybells, nice to read you! Hiiiii~

submitted by Wolfy, age 14, =)
(May 22, 2023 - 8:11 pm)

yesterday I figured out that Breath of the Wild's in-game map marks the last place you Game-Over'ed with a red X and the title R.I.P. 

also, I've got a question for y'all- how many times have you Game-Over'ed jumping off the Great Plateu's Shiekah Tower? I've done that around three times.

submitted by Viney@BotW players, age idk, Hyrule
(May 23, 2023 - 9:41 am)

I didn't really keep count, but...probably more than three times.

I haven't played Breath of the Wild in a while -- I should play again sometime. 

submitted by pangolin, age she | they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(May 23, 2023 - 3:09 pm)

I think only one time..

submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(May 23, 2023 - 6:35 pm)

What happens if I string together all the title previews in DtE:

Random thoughts things new AE! I did it. Hey everyone, I'm the Scarlet Group! Track and Field AE Diaries!!! Outdoors Group - the best actually autistic hiatus... first... name change! Chat thread! Friend issues confessions tears of the...


submitted by Poinsettia
(May 23, 2023 - 3:53 pm)


Screen Shot 2023-05-23 at 4.54.12 PM.png
submitted by Rainbow, age [Lost], Raise A Glass To Freedom!
(May 23, 2023 - 3:54 pm)

Oh my gosh that's amazing

well, hi!!

submitted by Poinsettia, age immortal, a sea of crystal waters
(May 23, 2023 - 5:39 pm)

You don't even know how many times I've watched the "Well hi!"cat video.

submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(May 24, 2023 - 6:18 am)

I'm at school rn, reading... We just had a celebration for Shavuot, b/c that's tomorrow. Oh, I should get to work now. Bye 

submitted by Rainbow, age [Lost], At school
(May 24, 2023 - 10:02 am)

Currently  at home, sick, taking  apart  my studded choker.

submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(May 24, 2023 - 10:35 am)