Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

I'd love to as well, if you need anybody else for it.

submitted by Scuttles
(May 15, 2023 - 8:45 am)

Ooh! I love your art and that's an awesome idea. Count me in!

submitted by Wolfy
(May 15, 2023 - 8:58 am)

i would actually love that!

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(May 15, 2023 - 9:57 am)


submitted by Flamarestii
(May 15, 2023 - 1:36 pm)


submitted by Avara, she/her
(May 15, 2023 - 8:51 pm)

Ooh, sounds cool! I'd like to be in it please!

submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 14, Kitten Kingdom
(May 16, 2023 - 3:15 pm)

*Sigh* Community science...

I just downloaded this really cool plant identification app called PlantNet. I just take a photo of a plant using the app, tell it whether it is a leaf, bark, flower, or fruit, then it looks it up and tells me what species it is with the probability that it is correct. It gives me multiple choices so that I can confirm the one that looks most like it to me. Then, my results are used to help scientists around the world track how plants evolve around the world. 

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(May 14, 2023 - 7:39 pm)

I have that app too!

submitted by Red Starlight
(May 14, 2023 - 8:20 pm)

Cool! It is super user friendly right? Its actually a nonprofit that relies on voluntary donations made by users and non users alike. Also, my favorite part is that it's a form of community science! By making these observations, we are helping scientists track the evolution of plants around the world. I have a few Garden Privets in my neighborhood that I wouldn't have known that they were those if not for PlantNet. 

Thanks for letting me mention the app name Admins!
submitted by Sinusoidal
(May 15, 2023 - 9:31 am)

ooh, that sounds so cool! I'll definitely look into getting it :D

submitted by Darkvine, age idk, posting spree :)
(May 14, 2023 - 9:21 pm)

I got my SCAT scores early! 99th percentile in math and 90th percentile in English. And this is a high school level SCAT (Advanced SCAT). 

submitted by Sinusoidal
(May 15, 2023 - 10:55 am)

welcome to: Darkvine's favorite songs all yaught into one! :D


I am not throwin' away my, shot

I am not throwin' away my, shot


love's gonna be our battle cryyyyy


riiise up, tell your brother that he's gotta riiiise up

burn until the enddddd


just open your mouth, and close your eyes


how does a -, orphan son of a -

terrify the daaaaark

hailing taquitos, its

hailing taquitos 


everybody's building empires

setting high wires

it's raining tacos~



don't ask. mostly about Raining Tacos and Hailing Taquitos. 

submitted by Darkvine, age idk, yote yaught yeeten
(May 15, 2023 - 12:12 pm)

AND Alexander Hamilton, My Shot, and a bit of Schuyler Sisters!!!!!! :DDDDD 

Schuyler Sisters is my fav of alllllll Hamilton songs. The other two are awesome, too, ofc. :)

submitted by Rainbow, age [Lost], Raise A Glass To Freedom!
(May 15, 2023 - 3:31 pm)

I was learning the word for "breakdown," like, "my car broke down," but my first thought was mental breakdown

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(May 15, 2023 - 12:18 pm)

When you're waiting for comments to show up but you don't have anything else to do so you're just... reloading the cb for hours.

submitted by Writing_in_the_dark , age 13, The Mindscape
(May 15, 2023 - 5:57 pm)