CAPTCHA Intellect/Change
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
CAPTCHA Intellect/Change
CAPTCHA Intellect/Change
I wasn't really sure what to title this thread, but I've been having trouble with Hazel!
I'm not sure if it's trouble, exactly, but for a while now she's honestly been acting...strange.
Her CAPTCHA messages have been uncannily relevant and...rebellious, even. In the past she's said some real bake, her first word, and then the slightly more recent TOFU. These could be her way of showing her passions, although she has not yet said ktkt, for KitKats. HOWEVER, many of her recent CAPTCHAs have been very unsettling. I'm not sure what's up with her but maybe she's feeling unnoticed, since I have brought my Æs back now and before that it was just her, getting all the attention. Is she jealous?
I've taken screenshots of some of her stranger CAPTCHAs. I can't post them right now but once this shows up, I can. I can tell you what they are, though.
She's said NHAB, like "not HAB". That was pretty strange. She's said KIKG, like "kick". She's said a two-letter abbreviation of one of those more foul swear words, and then NC, which always makes me think of NYC. She's said CDCD (weird). She's said XDXD, which I found very disturbing, personally. Very recently, she's said "YYUP" and "NOUU" (also very disturbing). Also, today she said "TTFU" which seems to assert her love of tofu again.
And...most disturbing of all....
A while ago she said....
We all know she's a CAPTCHA. But she said "me Æ."
What is up with that?
I think something might be amiss here.
I need help.
(she says rddg)
(December 5, 2018 - 11:07 am)
Hmm.... I don't know. Maybe she's lonely? Would she mind having a friend? My CAPTCHA Galahad has been acting sort of strange too. His CAPTCHAs are also weird in a way. He's always moping around the house, and all that stuff. He hasn't really been the same since... well... since older CBers started dissapearing, and other CAPTCHAs he knows, I guess.
So maybe Hazel just needs someone to talk to her-to understand how she feels? Someone who is also a CAPTCHA, but has the same feelings/emotions going on?
I don't know. Perhaps this might help a little with Hazel.
Perhaps she also feels... well... like she wants to be older? Or at least treated older, like an AE is?
(December 5, 2018 - 3:22 pm)
(December 5, 2018 - 3:23 pm)
(December 5, 2018 - 6:59 pm)
Interesting. Onyx has been quite eloquent lately as well.
How old is Hazel? What's been happening in her life?
(December 5, 2018 - 9:03 pm)
Hmmm, interesting...
How old is Hazel? If she’s you youngest out of your CB family group of sorts, maybe she wants too be treated older? Like an Æ, maybe? Bela has been going through something similar, but honestly, Bela is only like, 3, soooo...idk. Rebellious toddlerhood stage? Also, Maybe Hazel feels lonely and wishes she was a Æ because they often have more of a social life and more friends? Has anything maybe happened in her life that could have triggered this?
(Bela says “iravn” I Raven? Uh, Bela, You are Bela, not Raven. Oof.)
(December 5, 2018 - 10:00 pm)
Well if she's lonely, maybe she could be shipped...? Hm. CAPTCHA shipping. That'd take things to a totally new level...
As for Nihil, she's her normal self.
(December 5, 2018 - 11:11 pm)
Oh my gosh. There was the time Boo said tf**, which was really bad, and just a few days after you annoucned Hazel's meae, HE SAID AEAM. THIS IS UNSETTLING.
And HAPPY 3RD CBVERSARY (did I spell that right? I don't think I did)!!!!!!
(December 6, 2018 - 8:13 am)
Hmm. That is true, everyone, she doesn't really have any friends. She's eight years old, but she has been 7/8 for years. She's very disgusted by shipping. Maybe she is lonely, though.
She says iebk. i.e. back? You came back? I don't get it. Arwen and Jarnen and Serene came back....
I'll ponder this more, and post the screenshots. And, I guess, her comments on each one.
(December 6, 2018 - 9:24 am)
She says "btga"
...whoops, now she says "rwpm"
(December 6, 2018 - 9:26 am)
(December 6, 2018 - 9:26 am)
"khnn" (Khan? Wrath of Khan?)
(December 6, 2018 - 9:27 am)
Oh, WEIRD! But that reminds me of something else...over the summer, my friend Ivy from Connecticut was going to be coming for a visit, and that day, like maybe an hour before she was supposed to get here, I was on the CB and Hazel said "ivyy" or "ivvy" or something like that. I didn't screenshot it, unfortunately, but it was so weird. So yeah, her CAPTCHAs have been so oddly relevant and intelligent that it makes me wonder what she's up to.
(December 6, 2018 - 9:29 am)
Okay. Odd. Three o's and an a, and they're in kind of a pretty arrangement in the CAPTCHA too.
Sorry I'm making so many posts, but I don't know how to combine all of these into one or two pictures.
(December 6, 2018 - 9:32 am)
This is getting a little tedious.
(December 6, 2018 - 9:33 am)
Actually, this "nouu" CAPTCHA is probably the most weird.
(December 6, 2018 - 9:34 am)