AE Holiday chat
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
AE Holiday chat
AE Holiday chat thread!
Pretty self explanatory.
submitted by Hooded & Crew, age ..., Happy Holidays!
(December 4, 2018 - 10:22 pm)
(December 4, 2018 - 10:22 pm)
AE Holiday chat thread!
Pretty self explanatory.
(My AEs are Caspian, Wendy, and Susanna Marie)
*sips cocoa* So, Wendy, do you have any holdiay plans this year?
Oh, okay. Um, Caspian, do you?
I'm going up to Switzerland to ski with some friends.
That sounds... expensive
Susanna, do you have any plans?
I'm going to eat dozens of cookies with Marigold and watch the original Grinch over and over.
How nice.
*wanders over to bookshelf*
Anything good over there?
Wendy, dear?
Ooh, a detailed analysis on why families fight over the holidays. *slides a decently thick volume off the shelf*
That sounds lovely, Wendy
*rolls eyes and rifles through a stack of holiday records * Do you guys like Dean Martin?
(December 5, 2018 - 9:02 am)
(December 5, 2018 - 11:21 am)
Come to think of it, I have no idea what holidays or lack thereof Onyx celebrates. So? Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, what?
[coyote, I am not Christian, Jewish, or even remotely African.]
Non-Christians often celebrate Christmas.
[True. I do celebrate the Winter Solstice. So in a sense I guess I celebrate all of those, plus Saturnalia.]
Huh. Whatcha do?
[Well... I've never actually celebrated it before. I should probably make up some rituals.]
I love rituals. Gift-giving?
[Maybe. Present are fun. So are bonfires.]
We live in, like, a city.
[It's not like a city, it is a city. And I don't live in a city, I live in your head and on the CB. So I can totally have a bonfire. Heck, I can have a forest fire.]
[*pulls out Zippo lighter*]
Um. Okay. That's rather pyromaniacal. I'll be there, then. Here's this, by the way.
*gives Onyx a wrapped gift*
[Presents? I haven't gotten you anything yet... Sorry.]
S'fine. Open it.
[Not on camera!]
Okay then. You gotta open it soon, once we're done here.
[Will do...]
(December 5, 2018 - 9:19 pm)
"Merry Christmas CBeings! Anyone want to share some cocoa?"
<3 georgia
(December 6, 2018 - 7:39 am)
HOT COCOA YASSSSS It's not tongue-burning hot, is it? I've burned my tongue many times before. It's really annoying.
Should we have, like, a gift exchange or something? I brought a present just in case.
If we're having a gift exchange, count me out. I always get the lame stuff.
Quit being such a pessimist, Sam. Are we gonna do a gift exchange? Let's see if I have anything... *pulls can of catfood out of back pocket* Does this work? I'm sure there are other cat-people on here, right? Isn't Nymph a shape-shifter?
I don't want to be rude or anything, but EWWWW REESE NO ONE WANTS THAT
Like I said, I always get the lame stuff. *plugs in earbuds and leans against a corner*
(December 6, 2018 - 12:22 pm)
Ooh, cocoa, how lovely!
I honestly love gift exchanges *produces a little golden present*
Hmmm, I would have to side with Sam on this. No gift exchange for me, please *turns page*
Shall we do this, then? White Elephant style, or do you know another one?
Oops, I didn't think to bring a gift! Can I run out and be right back? Start without me!
(December 6, 2018 - 2:19 pm)
(My AEs are Sebastion and Jericho)
I can see that??? Also there are other holidays-
Can you calm down?
Sorry. It’s just, I can’t wait to ruin Christmas for everyone around me. *gets green paint* You know that the grinch and I are like, the same person? *starts painting himself green*
You really wanna do that? It’s your first Christmas on the Chatterbox, everyone here is so nice!
Jericho, trust me.
Where did you even get that paint?
I stole it from your makeup drawer.
Can you not- *sigh* I can’t believe you're older than me.
Jericho! This will be fun! Loosen up a little! Jeez!
*walks away toward AEs with hot cocoa* Well, you go do that.
(December 6, 2018 - 3:44 pm)
Oh hey Artimerrx! *waves vigorously* We're having a gift exchange, wanna join?
UGH. It's stupid enough that you had to take me to this thing, now you have to drag your annoying boyfriend into the mix?
Oh, shut up, Sam. So, are you joining the gift exchange? I think I have some spare catfood if you didn't bring a gift...
(December 6, 2018 - 5:32 pm)
Oooh! *waves vigorously back* A gift exchange!? Of course I’ll join! Don’t worry, I’ve stol- brought some gifts of my own!
Did you even hear Sam? Nevermind. Sam, I agree with you completely. I guess I’ll join the gift exchange too, if everyone else is. My name’s Jericho, by the way. Nice to meet someone who hasn’t lost their sanity.
(December 6, 2018 - 6:36 pm)
Finally someone who agrees with me. *smirks* Nice to meet you, Jericho. *puts out hand to shake*
WHOA Sam's actually being social with someone!!
Yeah, I'm sensing romance in the air... *smiles*
SHUT UP GUYS! ANYway Jericho. What kind of music do you like?
(December 6, 2018 - 8:41 pm)
Music? Well, I like electronic music, but not the really energetic kind. I like calm music, and piano, too.
Well, *pats Jericho’s back* you kids have fun! Reese, do you wanna ruin the holidays with me? Like, the grinch? I have green paint...
(December 7, 2018 - 7:20 am)
Yeah, I like that kind of music too. Imagine Dragons is my favorite though, since it's literally the only thing Winter ever listens to--
Hey, that's not true!
This is an Æ thread, you're not allowed here. SECURITY!!! *turns back to Jericho* Do you like Imagine Dragons at all?
I TOTALLY WOULD LOVE TO DO THAT YES I have graffiti paint if that helps...
This is a really bad idea, Reese.
Oh, shush. It'll be fine. *runs off with Sebastion*
*sigh* I wonder if Kaden's coming...
(December 7, 2018 - 1:28 pm)
Hey guys could I hang with you? I really don't feel like going to the White Elephant. Thought I might hide out with some sane AEs; you guys look like reasonable people.
(December 7, 2018 - 2:49 pm)
Oh, shut up and let me have some fun.
(December 7, 2018 - 7:49 pm)
R: Hey guys do you have any Holidays?
What's up with the 'R'?
R: Nihil and I speak the same way.
N: Yep.
Ah. I see. Well, as for your question, I observe the holidays since I have no other AE to celebrate it with.
R: Well why don't you invite some AEs to celebrate with you?
... Okay, but I don't see why I would do that.
(December 6, 2018 - 8:41 pm)