I need to
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
I need to
I need to vent. I don’t have anyone else to really talk to right now, so here is all I have. It won’t hurt my feelings if everyone ignores this; I just need to get it all out of my head.
I have anxiety. I know that now. I hate it. I hate the feeling of beeing scared to leave the house. I hate the feeling of closing my eyes to sleep just because I know something’s there. It’s not even a specific something; it’s just there. I’m taking medications, but I hate them too. They make me sick, emotionally and physically. I feel like I’m going to throw up every time I take them. I hate that I have to take a stupid pill every day just to be stupidly normal. I don’t even know what normal is at this point.
I can’t sleep. Sometimes just the idea of closing my eyes and leaving myself vulnerable terrifies me to the point of staying up all night. Sometimes my brain just doesn’t stop; it just keeps going. Sometimes it’s a physical thing and I just can’t fall asleep. The meds for sleeping though make me emotionless and yet somehow manage to make the anxiety worse. Then again, if I don’t take them and actually sleep, the anxiety’s worse anyway.
I have one person other than my parents in my life that i can trust to talk to without a screen protecting me. He still doesn’t understand. He tries, but he could never understand. Not truly.
I feel fake. Every time I’m on here, I always feel pressure to make sure I don’t hurt or offend anyone. It’s not as bad as in real life, but it’s still horrible. I feel like every time I post or say something that I’m bothering people. I feel like every time I talk that I’m bothering people.
I’ve tried a therapist, I’ve tried multiple, and I’ve tried the meds. I’ve tried helplines or whatever you want to call them. Nothing ever changes. Nothing helps. Nothing ever freaking stops.
I’m sorry. I just needed to get it out. It hurts too much.
Keep talking and trying. Think of good things, things you enjoy doing. Never give up. You can get through this.
(October 21, 2018 - 1:59 am)
I do, sort of. Both writing and art are a way for me to get my feelings out; especially writing. My stories and characters are kind of like a diary for me, since I’ve never been good at keeping up with a journal. Music helps too, just blasting the sound through my headphones.
Thank you :) I have heard that song before, and it is really good.
Have you read Psalm 91? If not, it’s a really amazing Psalm for showing the promises of the Lord. I’ve been doing a study on it, and it’s been such a blessing.
Thank you again for your comment :)
The CAPTCHA says “acan.” Wow, I suppose you want a can? A can of what? Root Beer [soda, to be clear]?
(October 23, 2018 - 11:56 pm)
Do you ever have that nervous energy of just.. needing to move? Like, your body literally feels like it’s going to jump out of its skin if you don’t do something. It’s annoying. It’s five in the morning, and I can’t sleep because I have to keep moving. Can’t stop. Can’t stop. I don’t know why this happens and keeps happening. I just want to sleep. I’m exhausted. Apparently my body is not.
I’m hungry now too. I don’t want to eat. Eating disgusts me sometimes. Still not sure why. I like food. Why can’t I eat without wanting to stop eating?
School is so freaking stressful. I don’t understand Algebra 2. I cant concentrate on literature. Biology is so incredibly boring. I don’t understand half of the questions for history. Speech is horrible. Health is annoying. Consumer Math makes me feel like an idiot. I cant do simple math. My brain just can’t do it. I’ve always been good at math. Why is it different now?
I don’t care for things I used to. I go to a homeschool gym class every week. I used to love it so much, just waiting waiting for it to finally be Monday. Now, I find myself dreading it. Dreading the fake smiles and the “I’m fine”s. I have to act like I’m not anxious. I have to act like I don’t die a little on the inside when someone so much as touches me. I have to act like I’m not in pain, mental and physical.
But that’s ok. I’m ok. That’s how it works, right? You complain a bit and then it gets better? It just goes away? Apparently that’s what my family and friend think. The only people I feel like I can count on keep letting me down. I keep letting me down.
Sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make this about me again. I promise this isn’t for attention. Trust me, I don’t want the attention. I just need to get it out. I need to stop freaking crying. I hate crying.
I’m sorry.
(October 24, 2018 - 4:15 am)
Aw, don't apologize. You never need to be sorry for needing to talk to someone. *hugs* As far as advice goes, if you want any, I'd say if you're crying, don't try to hold it in. Find somewhere to be alone and try to calm down there, instead of trying not to cry, which usually makes everything worse. Then drink some water, focus on breathing, or listen to some calming music. If you have just a full blown panic attack, or it just seems particularly bad at any point, try focusing on something. I know you said trying to take your mind off it doesn't help, but I usually find that focusing on one thing, like breathing in for four beats, out for four beats, or even something like cycling through singing nursery rhymes in my head, helps. Hang in there. We're here for you.
(October 24, 2018 - 4:32 pm)
Thank you :) And thank you for the advice. It’s very appreciated, and I’ll certainly try some of those. :)
(October 25, 2018 - 3:00 pm)
Don't be sorry! It's far better to vent and get all of that out than to keep it bottled up inside you, believe me.
Oh man, I totally get the nervous energy thing. Happens to me all the time. Usually not at five in the morning though. I hate that feeling, like you absolutely have to move or you're going to explode. I find that it happens to me when I haven't gotten enough exercise, and sometimes it makes it hard for me to fall asleep. Try to keep track of how much exercise you're getting each day. Doctors reccomend about an hour for kids, thirty minutes minimum. But when life gets busy, even just fitting in a five minute workout or a short walk around the neighborhood is certainly something. I also feel much better after I exercise if I've been anxious or emotional, and even if I haven't, it releases endorphins that make me feel good.
I often don't want to eat either, although I'm not sure if it's the same thing you're talking about. Lately I just have a really hard time finding anything that I want to eat, that sounds good, and I just don't want to go to the trouble of finding something. I don't really have any advice for that one, except to try to find foods you love.
School can be absolutely awful, and I'm sorry you're so stressed by it. I homeschool, which is stressful enough, so I can't even imagine going to school. If it helps, math makes me feel like an idiot, too. It's like I just suddenly got bad at math a few years ago, and now I'm struggling with things that should come easily to me.
I'm sorry your friends and family are letting you down. I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. I wish I could fix it for you. But since I can't, I will continue to pray for you. Never give up. Never stop trying. Never stop talking to Jesus about everything. <3
(October 25, 2018 - 9:54 am)
Huh, I guess those doctors were right about needing to exercise. Sadly, at the moment, most exercise hurts. I have a lot of joint issues and scoliosis. But anyway, thank you, I’ll have to try.
Yeah, that sounds a bit different from what I’m feeling. Any kind of food makes me recoil in disgust sometimes. That’s really sucks that you’re dealing with that, though. I hope it gets better for you.
Thankfully, I’m homeschooled as well. I think if I wasn’t, I might’ve fallen back a year right now. Yeah, math is weird like that. It’s easy for a while, and then it’s like a switch is flipped and suddenly it’s like you’re trying to read a different language. If you don’t mind me asking, what homeschool curriculum do you use?
Thank you. Your prayers and message are definitely appreciated. :)
(October 25, 2018 - 3:11 pm)
Aw, I’m sorry. Perhaps there’s something low-impact that you could try that wouldn’t hurt too much.
Yeah, I’m not sure I’ve had that happen except for when I’m sick, but that stinks. :( Thank you.
As for curriculums, at the moment I have several different ones for different subjects. I use Life of Fred for math (if you haven’t heard of it, I don’t blame you, it’s not too well known), Apologia for science, still trying to find one for history/social studies, and then some online courses for stuff like writing/language arts, foreign language. What about you?
You’re very welcome. :)
(October 25, 2018 - 7:15 pm)
Sorry it took so long for me to reply. I quite honestly have been avoiding this thread, thinking it’d make things worse to look at the negative rants i had made. Thankfully, I came back to it, and was once again overwhelmed by the wonderful positivity i have been met with.
Oh, ok, I think I’ve heard of those. I use Abeka Books for all of my subjects, although I might go to a different curriculum for some subjects next year.
(October 27, 2018 - 11:46 pm)
Oh my gosh, the energy thing happens to me all the time. I'll just be sitting in class and all of a sudden feel really irritated and twitchy and like I need to run and scream and go HHHHUUuhuUUUHHH. I feel that way now just writing about it.
(October 25, 2018 - 7:59 pm)
Oh my goodness, right?? And then you feel like you need to rip something up and hit your head on something hard. Or maybe that’s just me, idk.
(October 26, 2018 - 9:22 am)
Wow, I didn’t know so many people experienced that. I’m sorry you have to deal with that as well, and i hope it gets better. I find that fidgeting with something small in my hands can help me, but obviously that may or may not work for you.
(October 27, 2018 - 11:48 pm)
Omk guys I'm so so sorry you all have to go through this. Anxiety is difficult, but it can be overcome. Not completely, no, but it can be controlled.
I typed a really long heart-felt paragraph and it all deleted cause my computer and wifi both hate me. Okay. Im going to do my best in recreating it.
All the words have left me.
Alright I got this.
No now I have to read through everything again. WIFI Y HAVE YOU HURT ME SO
Welp, I'm really tired and my brain isn't functioning at the moment, it might be in hawaii somewhere... *dreams about warmth* so I'll get back to you on details but here's a few little things. (um a lot of little things. I think my brain came back from Hawaii. WELCOME HOME WE'VE MISSED YOU)
1. I have scoliosis too, and I do a lot of sports. I know you might not have done sports before, and that's alright, but they aren't lying its reeeally good for your anxiety. Since you have these physical boundaries tho, what I suggest is going to the pool. It doesn't have to be often, maybe once a week, but you can start going more often once you feel more comfortable. You can swim laps or play games at the rec, but what I do to help my joints is 'cross fit' by doing stretches and exercises in the water. This way, you're still getting the benefits but it puts less strain on your back and other parts that might not be functioning right. If you start going often too, you can build up your back muscles enough that you might be able to do a sport. You could even try competitive swimming/dive or water polo cause its still in the water (mostly). Or if you don't feel like going to the rec, you could try yoga. No, not anything like cardio or hot yoga, maybe even just meditative yoga. It'll clear your mind and drain your whats-it-called acids that *gasp* relives pain in your back (and other injured parts)! You could even just do yoga stretches, with a friend or in a class, (I suggest the class part just cause they'll know what to do to help your back and stuff). But because you have anxiety, I suggest going to a nice old-lady class cause they're really friendly and *really* wise about this sorta stuff (especially if they're ex-sports players). It's not so bad if the situation is calm and the room isn't crowded. (do you get anxiety over crowded spaces? I get anxiety over big spaces just in general. Like, my new room gives me anxiety and that's why I throw my stuff all over it, to make it seem smaller)
2. Another helpful thing to get involved in is team activities. Maybe you're not ready for a sport, and that's totally fine, but I still recommend having a few people that are always around that you do stuff with. You could join a club, or even start one if you like. I suggest starting out with smaller numbered ones, and then slowly adding more people. It lessens the 'shock' and your more likely to feel comfortable. I know when I joined the Pom team, there were 10 of them, and I couldn't get myself to interact with any of them cause it was just so much all at once. 6 months later I couldn't be closer with them!
3. Have you tried coming off meds in general? Or if that's too much of a risk, why don't you switch to anti-depressants? You seem sorta depressed. (its not a bad thing, I was depressed *still am but don't tell no one*) Or at least talk to your doctor about it. Untreated depression can get really bad really fast, so just keep an eye on it?
4. Okay, so you mentioned issues with going to sleep. What I find helpful, is that instead of worrying about what went wrong during the day, I think about what went right (you know, the little thing). Maybe it was a laugh from someone I like, or a funny face, or a smile from someone who held the door for me. Or maybe it was a nice smell, a pretty leaf, or a cold chill in the air. I guarantee if you try and change your mindset before bed, it'll make things a lot easier. This all works when you're having an anxiety attack too. I mean, we all have our different ways of coping, I cross my little finger and ring finger, the feeling of the two against each other gives me comfort. I also tend to hold soft things, like my sleeves or a blanket, up to my lips because it was a sense of security when I was younger.
5. You are isolating yourself? It seems like you might. Isolation is about the worse thing you can do to yourself when things go bad (haha guilty). Reaching out to us is a start, but you need physical support to. Words don't mean anything to a hug, or someone leaning on you, or just being in their presence. Its very important to have a support system in real life, because we don't know you, we can't do anything if something goes really bad. The most important thing is that people care. I can't stress this enough. You might feel alone, but maybe one of your friends is going through a similar thing and feels like you don't like them cause of it. I know its really hard to be assertive sometimes, but if you dont have a support system nothings going to get better. Trust me. You might feel unloved at the moment, but somewhere, to someone, you mean something. Without you, someone's life wouldn't be the same. You might be the reason someone smiles at night, or why they have a passion for what they do. You matter. Please never tell yourself you don't.
We love you. You aren't going through this alone. Ranting is a good start, it helps me sort out my thoughts and emotions sometimes too, but remember that you also need physical support in your life.
(one last thing, have you always had your anxiety or is it post-trama caused? If its post-traumatic anxiety I have a few extra suggestions on coping with that in particular)
Heres some fun songs I listen too when I'm having a 'bad day'.
Brave covered by Savanah whats-her-face (no dont actually type that in if u just look up the bold part iitll probably come up)
Fight Song by Rachal? (its the small boat sending big waves song. Very inspirational/ relatable.)
Fall in Line featuring Demi (its sorta a #metoo movement thing dunno if it applies to u r not. I guess its still inspirational tho. ;p)
hmmm, Zero and Natural by Imagine dragons. And Demons.
Any more? Ah yes, Lovely by Billie Ellish (SHES MY AGE GUYS ITS CRAZY) its not really a 'you-go-kick some butt' type of song but its relatable.
(October 27, 2018 - 6:23 pm)
Whoa, thank you so much for the comment. I can't believe you wrote that much twice! Thank you :)
1-The pool thing would definitely help, especially for the joint issues, but I can’t deal with public pools. They make me extremely anxious. I have a pool, but it’s outdoor of course, so I can only use it in the summer when it’s too hot to go out. I have considered yoga; I’ve just never gotten into it for...reasons. I might consider it once again. [It kinda depends. As long as I can see all areas of the room, I’m mostly ok, but it stresses me out to have my workspace and painting area a mess. Overall, I definitely prefer to have things strewn across the room on the floor.]
2-There’s a gamer [as in traditional non-electric games] club that i’ve been thinking of joining. Problem is, I have no way to get there. I’ll try, though. I do go to a homeschool gym class every week that is a close and small group, and I’ve met some pretty cool people there.
3-Honestly, I don’t even know if the anxiety meds’ll help. I have to wait a month yet to see. As for the depression stuff, I’m not so sure that I’m not depressed either, but my parents blow me off and think that the anxiety is the worst of it. If it gets bad enough, I’ll say something, and hopefully someone’ listen.
4-That actually sounds like it could help. I’ll have to try that. Sadly, the sleep issues are mostly physical, but I definitely have bad mental nights as well. As for the anxiety attacks, I definitely do the same with the sleeves. I do that pretty much anytime I’m getting really anxious.
5-In a way, I definitely think I’m isolating myself, but in another way, I’m not. It’s hard to explain. I do agree with the need for a physical support system, though. I used to have someone, but I lost him last year. Thank you, though, it’s hard to feel like I’m not alone in this sometimes.
[honestly, I’m not sure. I doubt it, seeing as I don’t have a specific thing to point to.]
Those are definitely good songs, although I haven’t heard Fall in Line before.
Lovely is such a good song, oh my gosh.
Thank you again, and I hope and pray things get better for you as well.
(October 28, 2018 - 12:03 am)
While we're on the topic of motivational songs, I like "Brighter" by Ozomatli.
(October 27, 2018 - 7:28 pm)
Huh, I haven’t heard that one. I’ll have to look it up.
(October 28, 2018 - 12:04 am)