Survey Time!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Survey Time!

Survey Time!

1. What are you wearing right now?

2. What would you do first if you were invisible for one day?

3. Name your favourite candy. 

4. Do you have any pets?

6. If you could time travel, where would you go first?

7. Who are your AEs? Describe them in one word. 

8. Favourite icecream flavour!

9. What's the weather like where you are?

10. Did you notice I skipped 5? Be honest...

11.  What animal can you imitate the best?

12. When did you first join the CB? 

13. Thirteen is my lucky number. Anyone else?

15. Fourteen is my unlucky number. ;) Are you a dog or cat person?

16. What did you do today?

17. Are you reading any books currently?

18. What's your favourite school subject? 

And because I had to finish on 100 and not 19...

100. What's one thing you think other CBers should know about you?

submitted by Coroline
(October 18, 2018 - 12:45 am)

1. What are you wearing right now?

Black leggings and a pink shirt with a feather on it. 

2. What would you do first if you were invisible for one day?


3. Name your favourite candy. 


4. Do you have any pets?

No, but I want a fish. 

6. If you could time travel, where would you go first?

January 8th, 2019! I want to find out what play my summer camp is doing. xD

7. Who are your AEs? Describe them in one word. 

Jewel and Annabelle.

Jewel is probably Bright, and Annabelle would be Feisty. 

8. Favourite icecream flavour!

Chocolate Panda Paws, without a doubt. 

9. What's the weather like where you are?

Cold. It actually hailed yesterday, and I had to run a mile. 

10. Did you notice I skipped 5? Be honest...

Oh. Uh, nope. 

11.  What animal can you imitate the best?

Fish! *starts opening and closing mouth* 

12. When did you first join the CB? 

Almost a year ago! 

13. Thirteen is my lucky number. Anyone else?

My sister! 

15. Fourteen is my unlucky number. ;) Are you a dog or cat person?

An equal amount of both, they each have their pros and cons. 

16. What did you do today?

Well, my day's not over yet, and I haven't done much. 

17. Are you reading any books currently?

A hilarious Harry Potter fanfiction. 

18. What's your favourite school subject? 


100. What's one thing you think other CBers should know about you?

Uh... I started the CBer Confessions thread! 

submitted by Gracia
(October 18, 2018 - 12:19 pm)

@Gracia, huh. Do you like fish for any particular reason?

submitted by Coroline
(October 20, 2018 - 11:23 pm)

1. What are you wearing right now? Adidas Tiros, a Hollister turquiose-ish heather polo shirt, light grey sweatshirt. and Crocs.

2. What would you do first if you were invisible for one day? Freak out, skip school. But I don't need to be invisible to do that. I wouldn't want to be invisible. There are way too many disadvantages.

3. Name your favourite candy. Chocolate.That's pretty wide, but still.

4. Do you have any pets? No, sadly.

6. If you could time travel, where would you go first? The era of the First Temple (Jewish) to see what truth (or lack thereof) there is to the happenings recorded in the Bible and such.

7. Who are your AEs? Describe them in one word.  My CAPTCAHE is Onyx. She's... her.

8. Favourite icecream flavour! Probably either French Vanilla or coffee.

9. What's the weather like where you are? Chilly, windy, and sunny.

10. Did you notice I skipped 5? Be honest... Nope. I never do.

11.  What animal can you imitate the best? Human. I occasionally make a mistake, and I think some people may have figured it out, but I'm certainly decent at it.

12. When did you first join the CB? A bit before April 30, 2017. That's when I posted an introduction.

13. Thirteen is my lucky number. Anyone else? I dunno. I don't really do lucky. Just probability...

15. Fourteen is my unlucky number. ;) Are you a dog or cat person? Agh, I used to be a dog person, but I think I've morphed into a cat person.

16. What did you do today?
Woke up late, ate pizza, skateboarded to the library, logged onto a computer, went to YouTube and turned on some music, went to Cricket.

17. Are you reading any books currently? I'm in middle of reading To Kill A Mockingbird and Heretics Anonymous. 

18. What's your favourite school subject? Currently either science, litereature and English, or history.

And because I had to finish on 100 and not 19...

100. What's one thing you think other CBers should know about you? The CB me is not the same as IRL me.


submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Lost
(October 18, 2018 - 12:34 pm)

@coyotedomino, pizza for breakfast? Nice. How are you finding To Kill a Mockingbird?

submitted by Coroline
(October 20, 2018 - 11:25 pm)

I finished it, it was really good! And now I'm finally able to get why everyone loves Atticus Finch. 

submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Lost
(October 21, 2018 - 4:27 pm)

1. What are you wearing right now?

A purple hoodie, jeans, a shirt that says Warning I Break into Show Tunes and sneakers. 

2. What would you do first if you were invisible for one day?

Dunno. Probably explore a bit. 

3. Name your favourite candy. 


4. Do you have any pets?

Two dogs, two rabbits. 

6. If you could time travel, where would you go first?

No idea. Probably the future. 

7. Who are your AEs? Describe them in one word. 

Mariel: Complex

Beryl: Full out 

Coquelicot: Shy 

8. Favourite icecream flavour!


9. What's the weather like where you are?

Beautiful and sunny 

10. Did you notice I skipped 5? Be honest...

I wrote the survey. So... 

11.  What animal can you imitate the best?


12. When did you first join the CB? 

My birthday. 13th September.

13. Thirteen is my lucky number. Anyone else?

You can probably tell why. 

15. Fourteen is my unlucky number. ;) Are you a dog or cat person.

Dog person  

16. What did you do today?

Woke up. 

17. Are you reading any books currently?

I just finished my old book and I'm struggling to find a book to read aaaand, I'm panicking. 

18. What's your favourite school subject? 

Art or Japanese  

And because I had to finish on 100 and not 19...

100. What's one thing you think other CBers should know about you?

I think you're all awesome.

submitted by Coroline
(October 18, 2018 - 3:02 pm)

1. What are you wearing right now? Ballet slippers, purple capris leggings, and a long grey top because I have dance class in like 20 minutes. 

2. What would you do first if you were invisible for one day? Not a lot, I think. I would probably be lonely. 

3. Name your favourite candy. Meh, I don't really like candy. 

4. Do you have any pets? Yeppers! A cat and a bunny. 

6. If you could time travel, where would you go first? Hmm.... probably to the post-civil war era in the U.S. 

7. Who are your AEs? Describe them in one word. I have three AEs; Trevor, Blaiyre, and Hugh. One word? Um... crazy

8. Favourite ice cream flavour! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha I don't like ice cream either. ^-^

9. What's the weather like where you are? Sunny and warm, surprisingly! It's been cold and dreary here for the past couple of weeks. 

10. Did you notice I skipped 5? Be honest... I didn't, actually. 

11.  What animal can you imitate the best? Cats. 

12. When did you first join the CB? September 11, 2017. 

13. Thirteen is my lucky number. Anyone else? I don't really know. 

15. Fourteen is my unlucky number. ;) Are you a dog or cat person? Cats all da way! 

16. What did you do today? School. Yup, fun times... 

17. Are you reading any books currently? A somewhat funny book called "Save the Date". 

18. What's your favourite school subject? English. 

100. What's one thing you think other CBers should know about you? I can get a bit... enthusiastic about certain things sometimes, haha. XD

submitted by Vyolette
(October 18, 2018 - 3:51 pm)

@Vyo, cute! What's your bunnies name?

submitted by Coroline
(October 20, 2018 - 11:25 pm)

1. What are you wearing right now?

A polka dot vest with any marvel pins, a WAAAAAYYYYY oversized critical role shirt, shorts, striped monochrome socks, and Nike sneakers. (GLASSES TOO) 

2. What would you do first if you were invisible for one day?

I would see if I had a shadow, then I would sneak onto a flight to see one of Y'ALL 

3. Name your favorite candy.

C H O C O L A T E 

4. Do you have any pets?

Dog named Juno, Cat who acts like a dog (Harper), Pebble's Ghost (RIP) and Copper (Cornsnake)

6. If you could time travel, where would you go first?

Back to the day I was invisible, then there would be two invisible mes and I could see another CBER/ETTE! 

7. Who are your AEs? Describe them in one word. 

Raven (AE) is... Introvert. Velix (Captcha) is... SMOL!

8. Favorite ice cream flavor!

Mint Chocolate chip mixed with oreo! 

9. What's the weather like where you are?

Sunny in the afternoon, cold in the morning 

10. Did you notice I skipped 5? Be honest...


11.  What animal can you imitate the best?

...a cow or a Dying/scared pig 

12. When did you first join the CB? 

2016 around January... February? 

13. Thirteen is my lucky number. Anyone else?


15. Fourteen is my unlucky number. ;) Are you a dog or cat person?


16. What did you do today?

School :l 

17. Are you reading any books currently?

Chains, The Blackthorn key 

18. What's your favorite school subject? 

B A N D 

100. What's one thing you think other CBers should know about you?

Yes, Darkking is my sibling, and my birth gender is Girl, I'm Genderfluid.

Velix says 'goop' 

submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(October 18, 2018 - 7:01 pm)

@Ty, we have a lot in common. Why is 13 your lucky number?

submitted by Coroline
(October 20, 2018 - 11:26 pm)

1. What are you wearing right now? My school uniform: navy blue pants, light blue polo, fleece.

2. What would you do first if you were invisible for one day? Celebrate. Being invisible would be awesome. Then I could prank my friends.

3. Name your favourite candy. Midnight Milky way.

4. Do you have any pets? Yes, a very unruly dog named Leo.

6. If you could time travel, where would you go first? Probably about 100 years in the future. I really want to see how we'll evolve.

7. Who are your AEs? Describe them in one word. Dewy- bubbly, Midnight- loving, Lev- quiet, Sage- weird.

8. Favourite icecream flavour! My initial answer is mint chocolate chip, but I once had one that was one third vanilla with fudge ripples, one third chocolate, and one third mint chocolate chip. So that.

9. What's the weather like where you are?Far too cold. A week ago it was 70 degrees. 

10. Did you notice I skipped 5? Be honest... No. I just copied and pasted then went down the list methodically.

11.  What animal can you imitate the best? No idea, though I can do a mean yeeting ferretgoat.

12. When did you first join the CB? May 6th.

13. Thirteen is my lucky number. Anyone else? No. My favorites are 53, 27, and 3.14159265.

15. Fourteen is my unlucky number. ;) Are you a dog or cat person? I like both, but I prefer dogs.

16. What did you do today? Go to school. Stay after for chorus. Hang out at my sister's basketball practice, then went to voice.

17. Are you reading any books currently? Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, for the millionth time.

18. What's your favourite school subject? Considering my current teachers, science.

And because I had to finish on 100 and not 19...

100. What's one thing you think other CBers should know about you? I... have a boring life... and I go on here so often you could call it unhealthy.

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(October 18, 2018 - 7:36 pm)

@Soren is 3.14159265 pi? And, um, what does a yeeting ferretgoat sound like?

submitted by Coroline
(October 20, 2018 - 11:27 pm)

1. What are you wearing right now?

A D.A.R.E. T-shirt, and navy-blue pants. D.A.R.E. is a thing for 6th graders in my city. 

2. What would you do first if you were invisible for one day?

Turn back to visible T-T 

3. Name your favourite candy. 


4. Do you have any pets?

Nope. Well . . . I have a crayfish that I fished up from a nearby creek, and I'm not sure if it's healthy because that creek is very polluted. 

6. If you could time travel, where would you go first?

The future! I wan't to . . . prepare. 

7. Who are your AEs? Describe them in one word. 

Vivian. One word? I'd say . . . Rebel. 

8. Favourite ice cream flavour!


9. What's the weather like where you are?

Hot. Always. 

10. Did you notice I skipped 5? Be honest...


11.  What animal can you imitate the best?

A dog. 

12. When did you first join the CB? 

Three years ago, about. 

13. Thirteen is my lucky number. Anyone else?


15. Fourteen is my unlucky number. ;) Are you a dog or cat person?


16. What did you do today?

School. School. . . . School. 

17. Are you reading any books currently?

No . . . :( 

18. What's your favourite school subject? 


19. What's one thing you think other CBers should know about you?

? Idk 

submitted by Insomniactic
(October 18, 2018 - 7:58 pm)

@Insomniactic, what genres do you like? I can recommend some books.

submitted by Coroline
(October 20, 2018 - 11:28 pm)

1. What are you wearing right now?

A plain black long sheeved shirt, 3 pins (one of an artsy Maleficent, one of Scar from the Lion King saying "I'm surrounded by idiots", and one that's a joke between my friends and I-- it says "this shade of black really brings out the colour of my soul".), ripped jeans rolled up, black high heeled ankle boots (because my combat boots broke, unfortunately). 

2. What would you do first if you were invisible for one day?

Probably do something that I've always wanted to do but never had the courage to do-- leave notes in people's lockers, hug people who look like they need it, stop bullies, etc. But the first thing? Probably scream, cause like, my body's gone.

3. Name your favourite candy. 

Ahhhh can I really choose just one??? I love chocolate! 

4. Do you have any pets?

Yep! One pupper, a mutt named Buddy. :) 

6. If you could time travel, where would you go first?

I would go to either Ancient Rome (ah the architecture there is gorgeous), or to visit the Medieval Ages (specifically Eleanor of Aquitaine's time)

7. Who are your AEs? Describe them in one word. 

Confused. That is all. XD 

8. Favourite ice cream flavour!

Vanilla! (I know I said I love chocolate, but... I don't like chocolate ice cream. *flees from approaching mob*) 

9. What's the weather like where you are?

Right now? It's nighttime, about 9:45, and a little cloudy, and 56 degrees. 

10. Did you notice I skipped 5? Be honest...

Nah cause I was thinking about my pupper 

11.  What animal can you imitate the best?

A human (*gasp* now they know I'm not human... I'm secretly a reclusive animal called a writer, rarely seen outside in the daylight) 

12. When did you first join the CB? 

First? Oh, about 3 or 4 years ago now. But then I took a year-long hiatus, to return for about 2 years now. 

13. Thirteen is my lucky number. Anyone else?

Meh, I've always favoured 288. But 13 is lovely! 

15. Fourteen is my unlucky number. ;) Are you a dog or cat person?

So you skipped it? And I'm a cat person, though I love both. 

16. What did you do today?

Went to school, took 3 tests, got laughed at by my English class (but in a good way-- if anyone's interested I'll post the story below), did some homework, procrastinated (mostly procrastinated)

17. Are you reading any books currently?

Yep! Ah, let's see... I just finished All Rights Reserved by Gregory Scott Katsoulis. It brought up some interesting points about the power of silence. And I also read The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell, highly recommended! It was really slow at first, but it got a lot better and the plot twists are pretty cool. Oh, and Carnaval by Stephanie Garber! Absolutely fabulous book-- maybe wouldn't recommend for anyone under the age of, say, 13? But absolutely amazing. I struggle with finding books exciting but this one kept me active and engaged all the way through-- it was extraordinary.

18. What's your favourite school subject? 

Eh... does band count? No, wait, Latin. Yeah, Latin. 

100. What's one thing you think other CBers should know about you?

(I approve of the number change!) I'm actually a lot younger than you all think I am? 


submitted by Starseeker, age 168 moons, Enterprise
(October 18, 2018 - 9:48 pm)