Dreams! Hey

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Dreams! Hey


Hey, so who has dreams? I do! The question is though, what do these dreams mean?

They can be from stress, emotional suspense, heartbreak, grief, guilt, sadness...really anything.

So, let's hear what you think about your dreams!

Ill go first.

To being with, Im a very protective person. So...most of my dream are about my friends or my brother getting hurt and me either causing it for some reason or being unable to help. I usually get really freaked out, and check on them several times, and then stalk them for an hour or two just to make sure theyre fine. XD

These are the only dreams I can remember. But, I have dejavu alot. And, whats strange, is through the years Ive noticed that Ive really actually seen those moments before. Cause I dreamed it. I know, its weird, dreams telling the future, but I dont remeber it untill it actually happnes, or I get an instinct before it telling me to do this because somethings gonna happen. Its weird. I know. And you can imagin this stresses me out even more because I think something bads gonna happen to someone....do you guys get these? What do you think? Can dreams really fortell the future? Or is it maybe just the most likley casinario your brain plays in your head while you sleep?

Repetitive dreams! Does anyone have repetitive dreams? Or dreams that continue over time? I had them when I was little. I remeber I would dream about blue dinosuars in the bathroom that connected my room to my brothers. I was a strange kid. Ha! Still am! 

When was the first dream youve ever had? I remeber mine, I remeber it was from before i was born, weird enough. It was about my dad holding me as a baby, with balloons in the sky and something to do with a clown or joker. And i remeber thinking 'how did I know what my dad looks like if Ive never seen him before?' And then Bam! The balloon poped and I was awake. Maybe it symbolized my fears, cause I was deathly afraid of balloons for a while (to be honest I sorta still am) and am still deathy afraid of jokers. Like, yikes. 

Anyway, its your turn! What do you think about dreams? What do they mean to you? 

submitted by Claaws, age Class 2020
(February 10, 2018 - 12:39 am)

I have a lot of weird dreams. 

I have this one recurring dream that I haven't had in awhile, but I hate when I have it. So, here's the story:

A few years ago, there was this little dog that came to live at my grandparents' house. His name was Coco, and he had another home, but where we live, a lot of people have outside dogs that just wander wherever they please, and so Coco ended up probably spending more time with us than with his real owners. Sometimes he would disappear for a few days, then come back and spend awhile. But one day he disappeared, and he didn't come back that day, or the next day, or the next. I haven't seen him since, and we never knew what happened to him. So I have these dreams sometimes that he comes back, and every single time, I think the dream is real, am dead I get super excited, and then I wake up, and realize it was just a dream, and it's disappointing. I don't even know how many times I've had that dream, but it's a lot. 

So yeah. I've had many, many, many crazy dreams before, and it would take forever to list them all, but I will tell this one, since it's funny:

So first you have to know that I hate sleeping in late with the passion of a thousand burning suns. I really like getting up early, or at least at a regular time, and I do not like sleeping in very late. So of course, if I woke up at 10:00 I'd be bummed. If I woke up at 11:00, I would completely freak out. And this one time, I dreamt that it was 11:00, and I was asleep, and my friend emailed me, and he was like, 'Why are you asleep at 11:00?' Now, pause a moment to realize that it would make no sense how, 1. he would know that I was asleep, and 2. how I would read the email while asleep...but that's why it's a dream. XD So I sat up and I was like, NOOOOOOOOOOO! And then when I woke up for real, I was so relieved that it was only 8:00 or 9:00. XD



submitted by Leeli
(February 10, 2018 - 11:42 am)
submitted by Toip
(February 10, 2018 - 5:26 pm)

I get a lot of dreams where I’m completely paralysed, and those are awful. However, I sometimes have other dreams, and they are plain weird. XD

submitted by Kyoto
(February 10, 2018 - 7:51 pm)

Oh my goodness you get those too? Anyone I would tell about that would think I'm crazy. Do your limbs ever feel like stone during the dream too? that's what usually happens to me. 

submitted by Night @Kyoto, age -14, Sleep Deprivation Land
(February 10, 2018 - 9:09 pm)

Hey, Claaws! Good to see ya round!

I don't normally have/remember dreams, but I do get deja vu a LOT. About...1-2 times a month, so...12-13 ish times a year?

It's the weirdest feeling in the world and I hate it. 

submitted by Inktail
(February 10, 2018 - 9:52 pm)

Oh gosh, I hate sleep paralysis. It happens to me occasionally, and it sucks.

One of my most common dreams is one where I'm in a huge city, and it's completely dark out, except for bursts of light in windows and down on a street, where a bunch of dark figures move about silently. I'm sitting by a window, and I can't move or talk, so I'm just stuck there, looking out of a window. Then, suddenly, the people down below just vanish into thin air, and all of the lights go out, and then the dream ends.

A dream I had a few weeks ago that stuck in my mind was one where I'm in front of a enormous house, painted bright pink. I enter the house, where there's a kitchen table with a birthday cake on it, with the candles still burning, but the house is completely empty. It's pretty weird.

submitted by Quirker, age 14
(February 10, 2018 - 9:56 pm)

Yeah! Those are pretty awful. The reason you get paralysis dreams like that, though, are so you don’t actually physically move outside the dream. It’s your brain’s way of preventing you from hurting yourself. So even though it’s terrible in the moment, your brain’s actually protecting you. Cool, right? 

submitted by Kyoto@Night&Quirker
(February 11, 2018 - 7:40 am)

I am so jealous of people who get cool, complex dreams. I barely ever remember my dreams and when I do, they're usually about stuff that happens in real life or things that are stressing me out -_- But a few dreams I did remember-

1. Had a dream that my boyfriend and I were at the Hoover Dam, I have no clue why? And he was kind of showing off, leaning backwards over the side and fell off into what looked like a waterfall of rushing water like Niagara. ???

2. My class went on a field trip to Chicago and for some reason left me, my friend Lani, and this other boy in my class Carter. So we just decided to live there- we bought an apartment across the street from a chocolate shop, where a cute blond guy worked. That's all I remember ????? 

3. My sister and I were riding the bus home and got dropped off at a random church where we played a giant game of flashlight tag. Then we were somehow in the auditorium of the high school where my dad teaches, and the orchestra was there and they were roasting each other. ???????? 


submitted by Bluebird
(February 11, 2018 - 9:56 am)

I almost always have dreams where I'm with a group of people (their faces are often indistinct, and they're almost never the same people) and I have to do something. Occasionally I'll have one that feels like watching a story, a movie in real life. I can never tell that it's a dream, although I sometimes have a feeling that what I'm seeing and doing isn't all there is, but that feeling usually just leads to more dream. My dream last night felt like a video game. I could have kept playing for hours. I barely remember what I was doing, though. Probably adventuring my way through a dungeon--I recall stone walls, a fighter character from a webcomic and a shower of gold where a monster had just been.

Recently I dreamed that I was in a parking lot, and there were zombies. It was daytime for once (it's usually night or twilight), although cloudy and not very bright. It must have been late fall or early spring, given that, the temperature and the absence of leaves or snow. I was moving quickly, maybe running, and there was someone with me. He felt familiar. We were headed towards a car, I think a minivan, and there was someone else outside, jumping clumsily into the back of a white pickup truck next to it. He might've killed the zombie on the left, maybe with my help, and I was annoyed at him, but for some other reason. I knew his name, and spoke irritably to him as we all piled into the minivan. We drove out of the parking lot, mowing down a zombie or two along the way, and wound up in a golden autumn forest. The trees were old and hid me and my extended group, of which I was not the leader; Aragon from LotR was, and Legolas and Gimli were there in some form, too. Aragon was annoyed at me for doing something I shouldn't have, and he was chewing me out as we ran, pursued by rather slow orc/troll/beasts, who we kept popping out from behind the trees to kill. We stopped in a cluster of trunks to hide and rest, and while I was rather distracted from Aragorn's lecture by having to take down occasional enemies, I felt really awful about letting the group down and wanted to prove myself worth something to them.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(February 11, 2018 - 1:40 pm)

Wow. That's quite interesting. 

I once dreamed that Legolas recruited me to help him with something, and we brought Aragorn along too. It was a pretty short dream and I don't remember much else about it, but it was pretty awesome. 

submitted by Leeli
(February 15, 2018 - 12:00 pm)

I have a lot of weird dreams too, but they don't really seem to mean anything.  They don't really make sense, and don't seem to take place in our world.  They might exist in alternate universes, but not here.

1: So I had a dream that I was at a fancy restraunt with my parents (Which happens like, NEVER) and we were waiting for service.  My mom gave me a book, saying that she thought that I would like it.  I started reading it and the first five pages were literally a list of things that I would need to fend off monsters.  I looked up from my book, and before my eyes, a bunch of people -- waiters, customers, random people walking around -- morphed into toy-like creatures, the most noticable being a stuffed rabbit made of corduroy resembling Bonnie from Five Nights at Freddy's without a mouth and a man wearing all black with near white skin and black hair and solid black eyes.  I stared at the latter for a bit, until our eyes met for a split second, and I looked away so he wouldn't notice.  I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, as he walked out of my veiw.  A few minutes later, he came back with a woman who I shouldn't have considered human.  She looked like a ragdoll, with yarn hair and button eyes.  They made "friendly" conversation, focusing on my book and how it was very interesting.  As they walked away, I woke up.

2: Three times, I had a dream that I was in an airport alone where all the employees were yetis.  They locked me into a room and tried to kill me, but I jumped out of a window and woke up.  I'm so confused why I had this dream 3 times.

3: I had a plastic Dora backpack (I had a plastic backpack when I was little but it was orange and wasn't a bit like this one) that was haunted.  There was a ghost in it, and there was a scene where this guy who looked like Soos from Gravity Falls (What the heck man what is this dream even) took it  out of my room.  I went out to watch TV with my mom, and she was watching a documentary about school buses.  Then we were in the front row of an auditorium watching the same documentary happening in real life.  The voice-over guy told all the kids to come out and walk into a bus for a demonstration, and we all did.  (by the way, I was like 8 in this dream even though I was like 12 when I had it) we had to walk through this gate to go into the bus, and every kid who walked through it kind of became a zombie, like they didn't do anything besides get into the bus and sit down.  When I walked through it, I didn't become a zombie.  I was still aware, and I could see a ghost (I'll assume it's the one that was posseseing the one in my plastic backpack) flying around.  Then another guy, someone who looked like they were wearing a mask, took me out of the bus right before it took off into a wall.  Also, this dream was really weird.  Some scenes were in third-person, watching me doing things, and others I saw through my own eyes.

4: I was at my old school (which I was attending at the time) with like 10 other people, some of which I didn't know, but I knew as my friends in the dream.  Some of them were my friends in real life.  We were at my school to disspell a ghost, and the way to do this was to have two people walk around the school grounds, one possessed by the ghost and the other to make sure that the ghost wouldn't hurt anyone.  In a twist of fate, I was chosen to be possessed by the ghost, and my IRL friend Miriam would be walking with me.  So we were walking around the school grounds, but it felt like I was still in control of my body.  I looked at this woman and her daughter who were walking into the school even though it was the dead of night, and they both turned to stone.  When we got back to where we started, the ghost died, but it felt like I was the ghost.  It came out of my body, but it felt the other way around.  I was there to see myself (Well, the ghost) turn to stone in a position of pain.  I felt uncomfortable in my own body, and that's the last thing I remember before waking up.


Yeah.  Sometimes, I have dreams that I'm not myself.  Like, I'm seeing through someone's eyes, but I'm not Lucy B.  It's so weird. 

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, Emmilvien
(February 11, 2018 - 7:53 pm)

I love talking about dreams!!!

So, typically, my dreams are 'roleplaying dreams', where there's some sort of plot and I'm the main character. I'm usually myself, but sometimes I'll play as other people. My dreams can be anything from normal and fun to a reflection of my worries/fears to wishes to stressful things in my life. I classify my dreams on a ranging scale from 'nightmare' all the way to 'epic'. Epic dreams are the apex of excitement, really vivid, and typically have a lot of dramatic parts. But they're very rare! All the other dreams are simply enjoyable. And nightmares...well, they're nightmares.

I also have dreams where flashes and snippets of random things go through my head. I usually can't remember those. And even if I do, it's just the colors or feelings.

Ooh, I get sleep paralysis too. Except I'm partially awake when it happens. In fact, it happened to me this morning when I was trying to roll over. I was smushed against my pillow and couldn't really breathe--but I couldn't move either. I was able to jerk my legs back, and then my body finally unlocked. Sleep paralysis used to scare me (still does, when it's happening), but now I find it kind of interesting.

@Claaws - The dream deja vu thing happens to me too!!!!!! From my random flashes of dreams! Sometimes I'll be doing something in real life, and suddenly I'll get deja vu and feel as though I've seen it in a dream. Like this one time when I called one of my chickens up onto my arm--I leaned over and felt this overwhelming sense of deja vu. I knew I'd dreamed it before--I could even vaguely remember having that dream. Then the chicken hopped off my arm and I walked the other way, and the feeling got stronger, because in my dream I had also walked away. But after it happens, I can't remember the dream anymore. However, I can't remember the dream before it happens, either.

I think maybe these dreams sometimes do glimpse/predict the future. At least partially. I mean, it happens too often to be coincidence...but then again, the experiences are so vague it's hard to really say for sure.

I also have dreams about the Chatterbox! Last night I had a five-second dream where I was directing Kyngdom characters for a movie. Catastrophe was pretending to strangle Aya and I said, "Now Aya, what are your objectives again?"--to which she replied, "I want revenge on Catastrophe, right?"

And in another dream from last week, the Chatterbox was a real, secret place that only Chatterboxers could access. (It was really cool--threads were conversations that got hung on the wall like tapestries, and CBers could go over and add to the words by partaking in the conversation. I remember a thread that Danie made, which had sound effects from a video game attatched.) I was trying to find Claaws amid the crowd so that I could talk with her about Kyngdom, but I couldn't find her and I was worried she'd left the Chatterbox for good.

So, last but not least, I don't usually have repetitive dreams, but some of my dreams have the same plotline. Also, I don't remember my first dream, but wow, it's really cool that you do, Claaws!!!

Have any of you ever had a lucid dream--or do you always know when you're dreaming?

submitted by Micearenice
(February 11, 2018 - 9:16 pm)

I am not going to describe my dreams because I would just end up taking up more space than I need, since I can't ever seem to stop talking once I start, but I would like to say that I have had several recurring dreams, and in two of them (both sort of adventure dreams) I distinctly remember someone having said something along the lines of "Wow, it seems like you know what you're doing" or "Do you know what we have to do?" and me boasting and saying "Yeah, I've done this before." XD 

Also, in my recurring dreams I am usually kind of aware that I'm in a recurring dream, because most of them are fairly similar to the previous versions of them that I have had, but I don't always realize "Hey, I'm dreaming." But sometimes I do, and then I realize "Hey, I've done this before! Woohoo, I'm awesome" and I go off on my dream adventure. Anyway.... 

submitted by Leafpool, age Finite, This side of reality
(February 12, 2018 - 10:03 am)

Iiiiiiiiiin myyyyyyyyyy dreaaaaaaaams shadows caaaaaall there's a light at the end of the haaaaaaaallllll. 


submitted by Anastasia fan, the world of musicals
(February 12, 2018 - 2:54 pm)

Pretty much my best story ideas come from dreams. Remember the Robots Vs. Magicians RP which then became just the Magician's RP? Airi and her powers came from a dream. She was in my head, clear as day, standing on some dark rooftop with the moon behind her. And I bet no one remembers Combat Cliff, but that whole idea of two teams "recreationally" fighting each other was from a dream. The fact that it was called Combat Cliff was from a dream, and the team colors, and where the teams were camped. I have so many crazy adventure dreams y'all. 

submitted by Rose bud
(February 12, 2018 - 3:04 pm)