Meet Leon&nb

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Meet Leon&nb

Meet Leon


I'm not really sure that I totally want to make another AE. I wrote his character sheet down over two weeks ago, but I haven't wanted to post it... I haven't really been interested in AEs at all...but because of that I'm gonna try for some new blood. And no, this doesn't mean that Storm is forever gone. He's just skating down the Tanana river in Alaska. Anyway here you are --

Name: Leon Rogue

Age: 17 

Appearance: Tall - somewhere around 5'11 or 6' - very pale blond hair that looks almost white, a few freckles, fair skin, a long thin skar on his left cheekbone.
Normal Outfit: Blue jeans, a Giants baseball T-shirt and black skechers sneakers. 

Personality: Thoughtful, only speaks when he has something to say, interested,  he's not unpopular but isn't popular either. He's very easy-going but he also has a big temper and huge defensive streak. 

Hobbies: Read, learning, mapping, geography, playing baseball, sailing, karate, playing mandoline and any kind of learning. His favorite subjects are geography and English but he also loves Botony. 

Other: He's best friends with Lock Kyar. He's terrified of deep water. He speaks in Bold Italics and he's open to shipping. He also spent a summer in Australia and can fake an impeccable accent. 


Hello, fellow AEs. It's a pleasure. 

submitted by Silverwaxwing & folk
(January 30, 2018 - 5:39 pm)

’Ello Leon! I’m Avy. I love Botany also! There’s a small garden in my flat, where I’m studying my plant rows and trying to make a hybrid at the moment. 

Ooh, sparks fly-

HEY! HEY HEY HEY! You haven’t been announced yet, get back over there.


Although I am in agreement with...*ahem* that person. I’m not one to ship off the bat, but...*whispers* it could be a cute match.

What on Earth.  

Sorry A. ‘^^

*clears throat* Sorry about that. 



Anyway, what’s your favourite baseball team? My brother lives in Japan, and he loves the Nippon Fighters. Then my cousin likes the Rays. Sorry if I’m just blabbing, social interactions are just starting to blossom for me. 


You have no emotion, so shush your mouth.  

submitted by Kyoto’s and Co.
(January 30, 2018 - 10:03 pm)

Why do you always do the “^^” thing?

Because I like it! It’s also similar to all the emotiona/faces on the Japanese keyboard. I’ve just gotten used to it instead of using a “:)” (although sometimes I will, on occasion).

Okay. Fascinating. 

You’re lying. 

Pipe down or I’ll ship you two. 

Oh saints-


MWUA HA HA! Roll over. 


*sighs, clicks submit* 

submitted by Top! ^^
(January 31, 2018 - 7:48 am)

Oh that is fascinating! What sort of hybrid are you trying to develop? 

*Looks up from drawing* did someone say ship????

*Glares at Key.* *Smiles apologetically at Any* Key is a bit....*sighs* that so? Interesting! My team is the Phillies. Do you watch? 

It's been a pleasure meeting both of you!  


submitted by Silverwaxwing and fo
(February 2, 2018 - 8:26 pm)

So I’m trying to make a basic tomato hybrid, and some hybrid lilies. I was thinking about trying the cross that’s Gregor Mendel did (I was inspired by visiting his garden), but I need to wait before I overload myself with trying to crossbreed plants. XD

So. Bored. 

I didn’t ask for your opinion, Quentin. Anyway, I much rather prefer watching American baseball (as its hard to find Japanese baseball streaming over here), but if I were to choose an England team it would be the London Mets. I do find that cricket and football are much more popularised over here, unfortunately (although football isn’t too bad).  

How can you ramble on and on and on about the most boring and unpeculiar things? The emptiness of your brain that you fill with useless-

Quentin! My goodness, can you be nice for once?

Niceness is honestly a defect in human nature, as niceness leads to love and-

Quentin, if you don’t shut up, I will ship you with...with-

*grins smugly* Precisely, dearest Avienne

Quentin, you are treading in dangerous waters. *looks back at Leon* Do forgive Quentin, he doesn’t know how to be polite in the face of social interactions. Anyway, are you trying to develop any hybrids? I feel awfully rude, talking so much about myself. 

Awww. *mumbles* Absoluetly pathetic. Pretty soon you’ll be going to that one ball together. 

Quentin, give her a break. *sighs, clicks submit* 

submitted by Kyoto & Co.
(February 3, 2018 - 10:58 am)

That is so fascinating! How is it working for you? What stage in the process are you at right now?
Ahh, understandable. When you say 'football' do you mean English football (soccer) or American (NFL)? If you mean the NFL I also enjoy football (what is your team?) if you mean soccer, though, I know nothing about it. Key plays some with a friend of her, but none of Silver's AEs watch.
No, I'm not right now. I haven't really done anything with hybrids. And of course I understand. Siblings *shakes head* I have one sibling (not an AE of Silver's), she can be...a lot...

submitted by Leon
(February 3, 2018 - 8:46 pm)

I'd also like to apologize about the typos on my last comment, Avy. I was forced to type on Silver's phone, and I'm afraid when it comes to thumbs (if they aren't green) I'm a mess.

submitted by Leon Rogue
(February 3, 2018 - 8:48 pm)

For my tomatoes-

Do pronounce them the proper way, Avy. I’m afraid your brother’s speaking habits are rubbing off on you. 

Thank you, Quentin, but when I need your opinion I’ll ask for it. Anyway, I’ve just transferred pollen from the two types of tomAHtoes. I found removing the anthers quite difficult, to be honest with you. Then as for my lilies, I’m moving a bit slow. I’m still analysing the genes and possible combinations of phenotypes. But I have started gathering the necessary materials. As for football, I meant English football, or American soccer (sorry for not specifying XD). I usually root for Chelsea. I don’t like American football that much, as I have discovered they train at a very young age and some end up with unfortunate cases like CTE and other brain haemorrhages later on in life. 

Plus it’s a game designed specifically to entertain idiots. 

Quentin! You think that everyone who isn’t you is an idiot, so stop being so rude. Although Quentin is not my brother and he is just my flat mate, sometimes it seems that I share a flat with a small child, so-

Call me a child one more time, Avy, and you do the shopping for two months. 

Oh whatever. Also, I have to use Kyoto’s phone too, but luckily it has some form of autocorrect, even if the autocorrect is excruciatingly annoying at times. Anyway, do you have any favourite American football teams? Also, I noticed that you play mandolin. Quentin’s brother plays the mandolin also-

Awfully at that. He plays it when he’s not trying to control the world. 

Anyway, so I thought that it was interesting. I might as well try to learn it and add it to my list of instruments to try out. 

Don’t you play the viola?

Yes, and the guzheng, every other string instrument, most wood winds, percussion-

You don’t play the violin as well as me though. Anyway, Leon, you are in karate? Are you a black belt? If so, which degree? Or are you still a brown belt? 

Quentin, slap that smug look of your face-

It’s simply a question, Avy, don’t get too emotional. 

Aaaaand I think that’s where I press submit. 

submitted by Kyoto & Co.
(February 4, 2018 - 8:56 am)

Oh magnificent! Might I ask how you went about removing the anthers? I've never seen it done, and am very curious.
Ahh, of course. Understandable. Key has the same opinion on the subject. I'm afraid I don't follow soccer at all. I don't know how it works, although my sister does. Yes, I like New York and Philidelphia.
Yes! I love mandoline. You should learn sometime! It is one of my biggest passions. I'm sure your brother will improve, Quentin. *smiles awkwardly* Do you play the violin? I'm a brown belt. Do you do karate? 


submitted by Leon R.
(February 4, 2018 - 3:34 pm)

To remove the anther, you just need to pinch the side cores with tweezers. It sounds easy but it’s not, because you have to find the tomato flower that has not self pollinated yet. I do play the violin! In fact-

Not as well as me, of course. 

Yes, I believe you’ve already established that. Anyway, I was going to say it was one of the first instruments I learned. Do you play any other instruments? I don’t do karate, but I used to take taekwondo when I was younger. However, when I work out, I usually box. 

You also work out by following me and running around when we’re on a case. 

This is starting to seem like a Sherlock Holmes cliche, isn’t it? 

It’s not my fault he’s so much like me. Although you do seem like an emotional and ordinary John Watson. 


submitted by Kyoto & Co.
(February 4, 2018 - 8:56 pm)

My, that does sound dificdiff. We should play together sometime. Yes, I play guitar and I have worked with the fiddle some, but not a lot.  Indeed? Boxing is very satisfying.

submitted by Leon Rogue
(February 10, 2018 - 2:50 pm)
submitted by Top!
(January 30, 2018 - 10:03 pm)

Heyyy Leon! Nice to meetcha. I'm Aryss, and as you can see, I'm a dragon! I like fire, free food, fireworks, pillow fights, pie wars, bacon...

We get the picture, Aryss. Greetings, Leon. My name is Seren.

And I'm Juniper! I like books, trees, knowledge, the mountains, thinking, and sometimes pillow fights.

*awkward silent moment*

Um, Eclipse, you're supposed to introduce yourself.

~Whatever. Hi. * flicks bangs*~

Yep, she's the emo one.

~Should I take that as a compliment?~

Maybe, maybe not. You never can tell.

Um, aren't we supposed to be talking to Leon?

Okay then! Leon, do you like fire? Pillow fights? *grins mischieviously*

*facepalm* Not this again.... 



submitted by Aspen & co.
(February 1, 2018 - 11:30 pm)

Hello, Aryss, Seren, Juniper and Eclipse! It's lovely to meet you. Yes of course I like fire and from time to time I do enjoy a good pillow fight. *Smiles back*

He totally doesn't know anything about pillow fights. I like them though! 


submitted by Leon R.
(February 3, 2018 - 8:52 pm)
submitted by Tippitoppi
(February 1, 2018 - 6:45 pm)

Hullo Leon!

I'm Robin. That's a pretty cool scar, how did you get it? if you don't mind my asking.

It's a pleasure to meet you too.

submitted by Robin, Myles' AE
(February 3, 2018 - 12:43 pm)