One year anniversary
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
One year anniversary
One year anniversary Chatterbox Quiz! Well almost. It atually started last August, but I was afraid I would forget the Questions by August! So, anyway, there are three levels. If you're new, take Easy. But If you've been on for a long time... take hard! People's answers will be below this, so don't look at them before you reply. :):):):):):)
What site are HPBs from?
Who is TNO(umlaut)'s favorite musician?
Who is Koffee's Counterpart?
Who started The Author Pairs Movement?
Who was Nathan C.'s Best friend?
What country is KitKat from?
What do you call those things where all the smiley faces are in a line saying stuff?
Who was Paige P.'s first Smiley Buddy?
Who was the FIRST one to post on Down To Earth?
What was the subject of the first Chatterbox Debate?
(June 23, 2009 - 8:28 pm)
1. The MuseBlog.
2. ???
3. Kake
4. GloWorm
1. ???
2. ???
3. Kimberly or Laura? I think it was Kimberly... I wasn't on here then.
4. You! Emily L., right?
5. Creation vs. evolution.
(June 24, 2009 - 10:59 am)
Scorpion 45
Stupid Senseless Smiley Stories, or SSSS
Emily L.
Global warming
How'd I do?
(June 24, 2009 - 11:02 am)
Pretty good. The last one is wrong though. All the others are correct.
(June 24, 2009 - 1:44 pm)
1. Museblog!
2. Well, obviously I know (be weird if I didn't) but I'm not about to tell! (hint:he's the king of Lyrical Dissonance...)
3. Kake! Right?
4. Gloworm
6. D'oh... I don't know. I want to say Canada but I'm not sure that's right.
7. Stupid Senseless Smiley Stories
8. Kimberly?
9. Someone named "Zoe", on August 2.
10. Creatonism vs. Evolutionism?
(June 24, 2009 - 11:50 am)
I WASN'T FIRST!!!! Or at least I;m pretty sure I wasn't...
(June 26, 2009 - 6:22 pm)
Oopsie! I ws going to make three levels, but I forgot to change it when I decided to make two.
(June 24, 2009 - 1:46 pm)
1. MuseBlog
2. Hmm, I'm thinking it starts with a "S",
but I'm not sure...
3. Not sure....
4. Umm, GloWorm?
5. I don't know that one either :\
(June 24, 2009 - 2:22 pm)
Ugh! I remembered one a minute too
late :\ Koffee's counterpart is Kake *mumbles
angrily at self*. Should've remembered that!
You don't have to count that if you don't want
to, though.
(June 24, 2009 - 2:26 pm)
Oh boy. I guess I better do hard...
Hey, where is Kit Kat anyway???
What country is Kit Kat from? = Ireland????? (it wasn't Scotland, was it??? No... I'm pretty sure it was Ireland...
What do you call those things where all the smiley faces are in a line saying stuff? = Could you repeat the question? I don't understand what you are saying... maybe I should have done easy. Are you talking about emoticons??
Who was Paige P.'s first Smiley Buddy? =EASY!! KIMMIE!!!!!
Who was the FIRST one to post on Down To Earth? = I have NOOOO IDEA!! ARe we aloud to research?? (I seriously should have done easy...)
What was the subject of the first Chatterbox Debate? = Global Warming???? I don't know!!! I'm doing easy instead... though I doubt I'll do much better there. *taps head* bad memory. Plus, I only started on x-mas eve!!!
I'm doing easy. So there.
What site are HPBs from? = Oh dear. I told you. I'm bad at this. I have nooooooooooooo idea. Oh! *smacks forehead* I'm so stupid!! Hot Pink Bunnies!!!!!! :P
Who is TNO(umlaut)'s favorite musician? = Stein- something or other. I would know it if I saw it, but I'm bad at remembering names...
Who is Koffee's Counterpart? = KAKE!!!! Koffee, you better tell her to come back on here!!! :)
Who started The Author Pairs Movement? = I stopped going on inkwell a while ago, because it was going to fast. Um... my guesses are Grace, TNÖ, or BellaTrix.
Who was Nathan C.'s Best friend? = SCORPION-45... 45... right??? *groan* That was awful.
Thanks!!!!! It was fun even though I was horrible at it! See ya!
(i didn't go over it, so sorry if parts of it don't make any sense, I'm just not it the mood to reread) :D :D :D
(June 24, 2009 - 4:12 pm)
My word I sound stupid.
(June 29, 2009 - 12:43 pm)
*giggle* that was funny. Especially because I almost always say that when I read back on my stuff....
(August 9, 2009 - 6:26 pm)
1. Umm, Ireland, right??
2. Smiley conversations! :D:D:D:D:D:D
3. Kimmie!!!
4. Ohhhh, I don't know!!! You?? I know the first person to make a thread in CaC was Timothy C., but I don't know about DtE...
5. Ahh, yes, the evolution/Creation debate, where the Christian people who believed in evolution roamed... Ahhh, yes....
VERY fun, Emily!!! I was actually going to do this, too!! :):):):):):):):) THANK YOU!!! :D:D:D And, if you want, you can be a smiley buddy, because you always helped make smileys, you've been GREAT friends to me and Kimmie from the beginning, and you seem to know all about smiley conversations! :):) If you want...! :) And, that is, if it's alright with Laura. :)
(June 24, 2009 - 4:12 pm)
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, sure! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
And yes, I was the first person to post on Down to Earth, and so you're tied with TNO. TNO did two sections and got two wrong, that being the high score so far.
(June 24, 2009 - 6:17 pm)
:):):) Yay!! :):) Oh, and wasn't funny to think of how few threads there were back then?? I mean, I remember how weird it was when CaC reached a full two pages! :):)
(June 26, 2009 - 6:21 pm)
Oh no, I don't mind at all!! I'm glad, only... isn't it kinda unfair to let her be one after we told everyone else they had to pair up with each other? Sorry, that probably sounds like I'm being mean again... seems about all I can do these days.
*shakes out gloominess*
I'm very happy you will be joining us. :)
(June 29, 2009 - 12:46 pm)