Chatterbox: Down to Earth
This magnificent thread is open to all AEs of various sanities. CBers, however are NOT ALLOWED. Captchas, however, are allowed in. We will be placing a largish bowl filled with candy for them by the door. Refeshments for AEs are provided.
For all you less crazy AEs, we have set up a magnificent library, complete with a fireplace. Take five lefts, two rights, down the circular mahogany trapdoor, up two flights of stairs, and proceed straight forward to get there.
As we do not wish to be yelled at by Pepper Star, no extremly explosive items. Catagorization of items; Extremely explosive items: Pie grenades, candy grenades, exploding glitter frisbees, and fireworks. Mediumly explosive items; Blasters/launchers of all types. These are allowed.
Now, talking and pie throwing can commence!
(October 3, 2017 - 7:31 pm)
Well, at the last ball that really took off, there was a lot of drama. I went a bit... let's call it... 'PTSD pyscho' and also got poisoned. So maybe I'm not the best judge of what to do at AE balls. If the writing is anything like the last one, however, it's sort of like a RP. Everyone contributes little bits of the story, mostly about themselves and their dates (or, *blushes* totally-not-dates) and the dancing they're doing. Most of the time it's a single thing, but you might interact with the other AEs occaisonaly. If you reeeeally want to see the last one I have the link to it still, but I did go with someone besides yourself. He's... left, let's say, though. (Actually he disappeared without a trace, no goodbye, no nothing. That's why I was so concerned when you disappeared. I thought the same thing might have happened to you... you see, I have terrible luck in the love department. So I usually try not to get to attached. Someone who I thought I was in love with once ended up being my worst enemy. He hung my friends in a cage and manipulated me. So you see, I try not to be too quick to trust...)
(October 29, 2017 - 10:22 pm)
Hiee!!! Onyx!!! Imma drago!!! Hoya doon??? Zpii!!!
(October 30, 2017 - 4:02 pm)
Oh. Yeah, I can see why. That's horrible, Zoey. It probably doesn't mean anything, but I'm sorry. And I promise that nothing like that will ever happen to you again, not with me around. *Takes hand, but immediatly lets go* I think I kinda get the picture, about what AE Balls are usually like, so that link is not nescisarry.
You have PTSD? What is that from? If your not comfortable with sharing, I get it. Just ignore what I said. Some secrets are best left forgotten, I suppose. . .
(October 30, 2017 - 4:20 pm)
I really appreciate that you even said sorry. Most AEs don't even realize. We all have our own troubles, our own pasts, our own demons to deal with. Mine are just stronger than most, because I exist outside the CB, in Starseeker's book. Typical AEs are created for the CB in particular, but I was simply transferred. (Note from Starseeker: I mean, don't think I'm schizophrenzic <hearing voices in my head> or anything, I'm not. It's just that Zoey and her story have been such a huge part of my life for the past few years. I have a huge file folder filled with character sketches, maps, scenes, and so much more. The way I write her, she has such a distinct voice, and I can see her so clearly in my head as a result of forming her story for all these years-- coming up on 4 or 5 now, I think. It just seemed natural to me to have her as my AE.)
Yeah, I hoped I did a good enough job describing the ball'. I was... let's say... not at my best. I did have some good moments though, some epic flying and AE-shipping. And I threw together an impromptu party for two shy (but totally crushing-on-each-other) AEs, with the help of some other AEs.
Yeah, I call it PTSD at least. I'm not quite certain what the proper term is. You see, since my story isn't completely written out yet, even I don't know what's going on. Only Starseeker does. I would have to be a future-seer to know that. Does that make any sense? I can't see what's coming for me, since it's my story. But Starseeker can, and the more she writes, the more I know. How this relates to PTSD is that even though it technically hasn't happened yet, I still have PTSD from it. It's like it's all happened to me, but I can't remember it. So maybe a more apt term would be to say that it's my past? I dunno. But I don't know I have PTSD until I encounter something that triggers it. At the last ball, it was explained a little differently though. Some things, I can remember, like the guy from my past who manipulated me. Certain things remind me of him, like midnight blue and silver ballgowns. Make any sense? I can't think of any other way to describe it... even if it doesn't make sense, it's not something I usually tell people... I just find a quiet corner until I can breathe again.
(October 30, 2017 - 7:38 pm) Nymph here?
*reaches for next book, carefully places read books on a separate pile*
Yumm cand ieee *eats huge mouthfuls* *other captcha aprouces* *snrarls* Getz away from my cand iees! *bites at captchas hand*
(by the way Bela is kind of a evil baby thing kinda like peaches from the tribes of Apollo, except not fruit related)*æ comes up no cber aloud he says and drags me out...
(October 30, 2017 - 3:09 pm)
Ok, I think I get what you're saying. It's like one of Vyolette's other characters from a story she is writing. The person has a large scar, and even though Vyolette has not com up with a reason yet for why that is, or how it happened, it is still part of the person's character and pesonality. If that makes any sense... And if you ever have one of those moments, where you need to sit down someplace quiet, take a break from everything, just tell me...I'll be there for you.
Hold up a second....Oh, Vyolette says that she admires you, Starseeker. Whenever a story pops into her head, she has to write it down ASAP, and makes up characters, and the WHOLE ENTIRE PLOT along the way. She wishes she could have as much pacience as you to sit down, and figure everthing out before hand. Especially waiting almost FIVE YEARS to actually start writing....Get out of my head, Vyolette!
*Clears Throat* Anyways... Did you see Lilypad's post on the AE Ball thread? Now it starts in November! I don't think she realizes that we are going together (As friends, of course!), though she probably did'nt see my post on here saying I would ge with eh, whatever. Though for some reason, there is the word 'FINALLY' right next to my name....Don't know why.
(October 31, 2017 - 1:05 pm)
Yes, exactly! That's precisely what I mean. And if I do, I'll let you know. Promise.
(Starseeker: wait, what? *goes back and reads that again* As flattered that I am that you admire me, Vyolette, the circumstances of me writing my book are quite different. You see, I've been trying to write my book for 5ish years, not planning my book. There was a fair amount of planning going on, however. But I first got the idea 5ish years ago. I've been trying and failing to write it all this time. I'll start, then get to what is now Chapter 4 and be stuck, then lose interest and put it down and not pick it up until a few months <okay, years> later. I'm pretty much making it all up as I go. If there's one thing being a writer has taught me, it's that nothing ever goes to plan!)
I did see! And I posted saying we were going as totally-not-dates-we're-just-friends. I've decided that's an offical term. And I bet the FINALLY was just a typo... although it's hard to conjure a word from mid-air...
(November 1, 2017 - 1:42 pm)
Sorry to butt in like this... I'm pretty sure the "FINALLY" was because before that, there were like a billion girls- and then the list finally reached a guy.
(November 4, 2017 - 12:11 pm)
Oooohhhhhhhhhhh. Okay, that makes sense...kinda.
(November 4, 2017 - 2:39 pm)
Sorry for not being able to post yesterday, Zoey. Vyolette was (Once again...) busy, and she was/still is sick. *Sighs* And I won't be here on the day before, the actual day, or four days after the Ball starts. So it looks like you may be without your total-not-date-just-going-as-friends for the first few days(Hours?) of the Ball. Also, you have good taste with creating official terms! I will use that very often. . . *grins*
(November 3, 2017 - 12:48 pm)
Aww, I'm sorry, Vyolette! I hope you feel better! I'm not exactly certain when the ball starts-- nobody's said anything, and the deadline came and went. Days, hours... it's all relative at a ball. Why thank you! *grins back*
(November 4, 2017 - 11:10 am)
Vyolette says that she's doing much better now! (Obviously, or else I would'nt be here!) *Stretches out on chair* Man, my rear end is falling asleep from sitting here so long! *Stands up and streatches, then sits back down* That's better. *Scoots a little closer to Zoey than nesisarry* So, do a lot of the AE Balls, like, everyone signs up, but then it never really happens? Kinda seems like that's what this one's doing. Oh, well. There's still the Chat Thread! And as long as we keep talking, it won't die! Hopefully.
(November 5, 2017 - 2:50 pm)
Well, then, yay Vyolette! *blushes* *scoots a little closer to Trevor too* I don't know... every AE ball I've ever been to-- that is to say, one-- got started and took off pretty quickly. Maybe it's just because this one doesn't have a set start date? Oh well. Worse case scenario, we always have this old record player and this stack of records. *gestures* *puts on a record, smooth jazz starts playing* *stands up and holds out hand* Care to dance? I mean, if you don't want to, that's fine, but I mean, if you want to, then... I... don't know what I mean. So... dance? Maybe? 2-person ball?
(November 5, 2017 - 10:03 pm)
Oh! Yeah! *Blushes* *Stands up and takes hand* *Wraps a tenative arm around Zoey, and starts to dance* Sorry, um. Is this okay? I don't want to over-step anything... As I've said before, I'm not the best at these kinds of things. *Blushes again*
(November 6, 2017 - 5:51 pm)
*blushes deeper* Uh, yeah, that's fine. I... well, this is sort of odd, but or complicated reasons, I only know how to ballroom dance. And all the dances I learned went out of fashion in the medieval ages on Earth. Sooo.... unless you have some weird degree in dance, I don't think you know how to dance like I do. To be fair, though, I've never met anyone who can. Do you want to learn? We could trade off, me teaching you something, you teaching me something... I mean, only if you want... *blushes even deeper*
(November 6, 2017 - 8:12 pm)