Hurricane Irma 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Hurricane Irma 

Hurricane Irma 

(Again, I guess.)

So..... I know EG already made a wonderful thread about this, but I feel the need to say something more. To share how scary and sad and heartbreaking this is.

This thread is sort of to talk about how this hurricane is directly affecting you and your life. And for more prayers. Because two threads filled with prayers is never too much.

This disaster makes me so, so sad. Like, my chest literally aches when I think about all of the people whose lives are going to devastated by this. And the scary thing is, it's so close. I have family in Florida who had to leave. Traffic down there is crazy. It feels more real when you're closer to it.

I myself don't live in Florida, or near the coast, but the state that I'm living in is still going to get hit by the storm. We're expecting to lose power for a while, and there are going to be crazy fast winds and some serious storms. We've been spending today and yesterday securing things down and getting ready for a power outage. The college that I'm taking a class at has even shut down for a few days.

I know that things like this affect people all around the world all the time but...... I don't know. It's never directly affected me. And even though things could be way, WAY worse, it just kind of reminds you how fragile things are. How, if we lived just a bit closer to the ocean, or farther south, those people losing their homes could be my family. My friends. 

Ok, sorry, that was kind of depressing. But..... then again, so is this hurricane.

Keep up the prayers. Love y'all. <3 


I'd like to pass on some words from Mr. Fred Rogers: Whenever you encounter a disaster, "look for the people who are helping." Seeing those helpers can be comforting. So far I've heard that people really helped each other with preparations and are doing the same now in the shelters.


submitted by Autumn Leaves, age 14, Floating on the breeze
(September 10, 2017 - 4:15 pm)

I had more of a comment, but the internet went down and I shut down my laptop afterwards ( on phone now). I'll post what I was going to say later, but I don't know if I will be able to tomorrow. With the new update, I am somewhere near or on the path of the eye.


Stay safe, GreenMango. We're thinking of you and all the others in the path.


submitted by GreenMango
(September 10, 2017 - 7:48 pm)

Stay safe. I'm going to be praying for you. 

I don't know what other to say except we'll all be here for you, and are really hoping that you get through this ok. 

Thank you for that quote by the way, admin. It is really comforting to know that there are people helping. (Also, I really hope it didn't sound like I was complaining about my own very mild in comparison situation. I'm really sorry if it came across that. Just sort of wanted to share how, if at all, Irma is affecting us here on the cb.)

Luna says "mgoe" She'll be thinking of you too, Green Mango :) 

submitted by Autumn Leaves , age 14, Floating on the breeze
(September 11, 2017 - 8:33 am)

This brings to mind the Eagle Creek fire... Stay safe, everyone. I've never been in a hurricane, but I believe the main dangers are wind, flooding and debris, so... watch out for those. Post when you can. We'll be here for you.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(September 11, 2017 - 2:15 pm)

Yeah, its really awful.

submitted by Gared
(September 11, 2017 - 2:18 pm)

Stay safe, everybody! You are all in our minds and hearts constantly.

Another thing -- there have some weird news articles telling residents of Florida and others in the path of the hurricane to shoot at the sky, or try to blow the storm away with household fans, and other strange "solutions." These things are not safe or smart, and I would advise all not to partake in them (shooting into a hurricane only increases the danger, and fans won't work). Just try to make it somewhere safe, and make your plan for what you will do when/if the hurricane hits. 

submitted by SopranoTwo
(September 11, 2017 - 9:53 pm)

Everyone please stay safe. I'm praying.

Could you guys do me a favor of praying for two things? One of my friends live close to where it's hitting , they might have to evacuate, and also could you pray for Clearwater Marine Aquarium? They are an aquarium that saves animals, kinda like a shelter for sea animals. If you have heard of the dolphin Winter, the one that has no trail, that's where she lives. 

submitted by Anony
(September 12, 2017 - 10:41 am)

Thanks so much for making this thread, Autumn Leaves! I hope everyone is staying safe.  

Update: So, this is the third (fourth?) day without power, but luckily the cell towers are back up again. We had a big cleanup day yesterday, because debris was all over our neighbourhood, and one of the neighbours trees crashed into our yard, luckily missing the roof by a couple feet. My friends that were closer to the hurricane are fine, and they have power. Our really close friends, who are basically our family, came to our house because their house was in the direct path of the hurricane. I'm sure we didn't get the bad end of it, but the houses on my street have fallen trees and debris and branches near our curbs. I hope everyone is alright and stays safe. I'm praying for you all. <3 

submitted by Doctor Who?, age The 13th , The Blue Giraffe
(September 12, 2017 - 11:00 am)

Aww, stay safe you all, thinking about you lot! There was someone I watch online who lives in Florida, so I really learned a lot from him and BBC. Turns out he's with his mum in another state because of the storm.

I hope you all stay safe, and don't worry! Everything will turn out okay in the end. 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(September 12, 2017 - 9:51 pm)

Update: Ok, so I was incredibly lucky. Apparently there were tornadoes all over my county and at least one sinkhole, but I avoided all of it. I slept through everything, and I know the worst for me was around 3AM. The next morning, I woke up first out of everyone in the family and looked through the windows. Half of one tree in my front yard was splintered into two pieces, but luckily it broke away from my house. The roofing had recently been replaced so none came off. A few houses down, two giant palm trees were face down, blocking the road, and across the street a giant tree had its roots ripped out and was on the side. Anyone who had any sort of fence basically got the fence destroyed and most of the old roofing came off. No-one got any major damage (besides to trees) in my neighborhood (though I heard there was a street flooded in one subdivision). We do have a problem with lift stations, so we can't take long showers or use the dishwasher or we will get sewage backup. Several of my friends have no WiFi or power, so I feel very lucky, especially when considering that other parts of Florida got hit a lot worse.

submitted by GreenMango
(September 13, 2017 - 7:59 pm)

Thank goodness you're okay, GreenMango! Looks like the Florida residents of Cricket are okay so far. I also find it funny that we live in the same state and have the same birth month. Sorry if that was irrelevant. XD

I'm glad you have power. We haven't had any for a few days, but it will either come on today or tomorrow. All the debris is cleaned up, but we still have something to do with our neighbour's tree that crashed in our yard. It's amazing what hurricanes do to trees. Trees can be awesome, but also so dangerous.  

submitted by Doctor Who?, age The 13th , The Blue Giraffe
(September 14, 2017 - 9:34 am)

Glad you're ok GreenMango :)

It's so strange, I live on the East Coast, but further north, and it's been so nice and warm out, while in the meantime people's lives are being wrecked by monster storms. My school just did something earlier today to raise money for hurricane relief, and last week my younger sister and her friends started a lemonade stand for hurricane Harvey. One guy donated a hundred dollars.

Also, my mom just saw this really funny news story about this old couple, whose names were Harvey and Irma. The guy was 104 years old, and the woman was 90-something XD 

submitted by The Riddler
(September 15, 2017 - 7:22 pm)