Strengths and Flaws

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Strengths and Flaws

Strengths and Flaws

So, I was filling out character sheets a while ago, and I think one of the most important things about designing characters is knowing their strengths and flaws. It's also important as a person to know what your strengths and flaws are (physical or mental), so I thought, why not make a thread about it? It's like a short survey, and it'll help us know each other and ourselves better. (I'm too tired to write a better intro, sorry. And also, this idea was partly inspired by a Pewdiepie video, but I've had it for a whie, so shhhh (; ) 



I'll start with a few of mine.


1. Creativity- I'd like to say I'm a creative person- I've been drawing, painting, and writing stories for my whole life, it's something I love to do. This is probably the reason I love the CB so much!

2. Optimism- I wasn't always like this, but now, I am a very optimistic person and I try hard to see the good in all things. 

3. Memory- I am very lucky to have been blessed with a good memory and not have to study as much as some of my peers. 

4. Physical Strengths- I'm a fairly tall height for my age and about average in every other way, I have no health conditions or allergies that I know of.  


Flaws. It will be easier for me to go into depth about these.

1. Being opinionated and judgumental- I definitely inheirited or learned these traits from certain members of my family-for example,  my dad is very stubborn and opinionated when he makes up his mind, my mom and I were joking about that when he got put on jury duty. My grandma is SO judgumental and loves to disagree just for the sake of arguing (sometimes, she'll argue with someone who has the same beliefs as her, just to argue!) I definitely have caught myself being stubborn/opinionated multiple times, even though I'm really trying to stop thinking like this, and stop judging. (All of my self-doubt is because these qualities, I think! Argh!)

2. The need to always be doing something productive. I can barely even sit down to read anymore, although I trying so hard to fix it. I feel bad and lazy if I am not doing something with an outcome.

3. Panic!- It's super annoying, but I can get super super panicky if someone is running late, if I can't find someone I need to be with, if I hear weird noises home alone, etc... maybe everyone is like this. I don't know.

4. Physical flaws! My hip does this weird thing where it will sometimes, like, pop out. It's so weird! It happened once when I was climbing through a tunnel, and another time when we were stretching in P.E. I also have really bad vision.

5. Awkwardness and Communication- I'm really really bad at small talk, it's my fatal flaw! I also find myself being passive agressive too often, not saying what I'm really upset about, or just denying it completely. (I'm going to be horrible in a relationship... ugggg)


That's all for now! I hope this thread doesn't seem weird, it will probably seem like a dumb idea in the morning. Anyway, thanks for reading!


submitted by Bluebird
(August 25, 2017 - 9:22 pm)

Ohh, lovely idea, Blue! Uhh... strengths... I have a hard time finding these for myself xD


-  Oddly logical/creative mix - I call it the "Doctor's Logic" like in Doctor Who because it is wacky yet somehow makes sense in my head. It also mixes with a bit of creativity, but not in like art, just... in logical situations.

- Recreating things (drawings), writing, photography. I can recreate almost any drawing perfectly, including shaded ones, by simply looking at it. And I am talented in photography and writing. The sad thing is I draw like a 3 year old when not recreating. xD

- Unique. Nerdy. Sure.

- Extremely observative. Creeps peeps out, but I can figure out everything about them or my environment by just looking around. Also maybe why I have no friends.



- Pessimistic. Very, very pessimistic in almost all cases. This also means I am really dry and sarcastic in these moments, which can come off as rude.

- Short temper - I kinda get really upset and angry quick. Which means yelling and stuff like that. I also become way less productive in this.

- Distracted, easily. Enough said xD

- Very bad memory. It's only gotten worse, and now I forget literally even what I am holding or saying as I say it.

- A locked book. I don't let anyone really get to know me or my thoughts, so, therefore, people have a hard time talking to me. Which, in the long run, equals 0 friends. I don't mean to, but I am just not comfortable around most people. Like, at all.

- Lack of communication/too much. I don't typically talk, but when I do you cannot quiet me. Which is bad for most, considering my talk makes absolutely no sense.

- (I consider this good, but most hate it) I talk out loud. A LOT. Especially gaming, to the point everyone thinks I am using a mic. I like it though, this is how I strategize xD 


I'll do some more later, my laptop is about to die! 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(August 26, 2017 - 5:26 pm)
submitted by Top
(August 27, 2017 - 9:17 am)

Cool idea!


1) Logical and level-headed in most situations

2) Open-minded: I am constantly theorizing about all sorts of stuff and formulating ideas

3) Creative: when I set my mind to doing it, I can translate some of my nearly-infinite ideas into words or code and actually create something



1) Procrastination: Oh my gosh. Pretty self-explanatory, and if anyone has any tips on how to beat this...please let me know

2) Being extremely nitpicky about past mistakes, to the point where I'll literally review every social interaction in the past 24 hours and try to find any flaws in what I've said or done (this is a huge problem- I'm probably going to be wondering hours from now if even submitting this post was a good idea)

3) Trying to control all my emotions (this has to do, in part, with No. 4)

4) Somehow managing to develop crushes on the most INCONVIENIENT people possible: *sigh* I could go on a rant about this for hours because it's so stupid and hillarious at the same time XD. It's like Milos from Everlost (I doubt anyone will get the reference)  

submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(August 27, 2017 - 9:12 pm)

@Jarvis, I can totally relate to that! I was actually going to add a lot of those to my list prior to seeing this. Err... procrastination, eh? That's, yeah, not my forte. Although there is this Youtuber I absolutely love following (Boyinaband) who stated that he uses the... something contract. Anywho, it's where you choose something you absolutely hate (like donating $500 to a company/charity you despise), create a checklist of what you have to get done and when you are to get it done. Even do by hour per day if you want. I recommend mornings. Then give someone you trust who won't mind harming you (older sister, brother, uncle, etc.) access to that chart as well, like on Google Sheets. They will check your progress each day and mark it off. If they know you didn't comply, the instant you miss even one thing that threat is released. Like Dave (from Boyinaband) had a 10,000 pound threat to this weird company that basically lies and does nothing. He hated the company, so it worked, and as far as I am aware, no more procrastination.

Now what I wanted to say about that last one xD Yep, relatable. But wait, what person is inconvenient?! Typically (not much anymore though) it'd be a nerdy secondary character in a video game/book, or some random Youtuber gamer. Err... yeah. 

submitted by Ashlee@Jarvis, age 16, The Dreamer
(September 1, 2017 - 11:20 am)


1. Artistic ability. I've spent years developing it, honing it on Kyngdom portraits and class projects. And by now I'm pretty good for my age. My art is one of the first things I show people and one of the very few I can talk at length about. 

2. Finding inspiration. I can keep myself busy for a while with nothing to do. I do it every day I go to school, waiting for the train. I just look around, and every single object and place can be part of a story, and if I've gone over them a million times, that's a story, too. I actually might have too many ideas, too many things to draw and write. I have lists. They're getting pretty long.

3. Singing. Or maybe musical talent in general. I've played a variety of instruments in my years, although the only one I've stuck with is singing, because I can do it whenever I want and make a lot of sounds with my voice. And there's a lot to copy. I like it and I'm told I'm good at it, so... Yeah.

4. Weirdness. I'm really weird, so I know stuff not a lot of other people know. It's usually interesting, and sometimes useful. I also notice and remember stuff that most people don't seem to. That's also usually interesting or useful.


1. Vanity. I'm kind of puffed up about what I'm good at, and I don't like trying new things because I'm going to embarrass myself because I don't know how to do them. Making mistakes may be natural, but I tend to avoid it at all costs. I tell myself I'm smart and skilled and pretty and I'm probably not and I don't know how to test it and I don't want to know because that would require change and effort and involve a high chance of finding out I'm not everything I want to be. I try to stop, but that's scary and also starts what feels like an argument between two friends that can't be resolved. I usually end up doing my best to ignore both sides.

2. Rambling. I like to think I'm quiet, but I actually talk a lot. Not to people, not usually, and certainly not to people I don't know very well. But I write at length when I write, and I voice an endless monologue to myself whenever there's no one else in the room. I also ramble to my mom and sometimes to close friends, the few that I have, and once I enter a conversation, I don't know how to end it. So I end up trapped, talking until one party has to leave.

3. Social anything. I spent my entire summer at home, unless I was dragged out. I was nocturnal last summer. I go to a tiny school of about 45 members including staff. Nearly all of my friends are Internet friends. I prefer not to talk to or interact with anyone I don't already know. I have no idea what to say to them. I hide from my more distant family and any of my family's friends. I'm really awkward, so I avoid social interaction, which means I don't develop socially, so I'm more awkward, so I avoid social interaction more, and the cycle repeats and repeats and now I'm one of the weirdest people I know. I don't even like to go shopping because people I don't know will be existing in the same room as me. Only the courtesy of not talking to strangers has preserved me on my way to and from school.

4. Weirdness. I'm very weird. It's got a lot to do with my social flaws. I have clawlike nails. I like bones. I don't mind illustrated gore. I listen to Night Vale for hours on end, and it doesn't feel nearly as weird as it used to. Weirdness is interesting, and normalcy is boring, so I surround myself with weirdness, and now I could be described as creepy and weird. I don't have many normal people in my life. I don't even know what normal is. I think it has something to do with celebrities? I'm disconnected. This leads people to believe I'm creative and unique. Maybe I am. At least the latter. I don't have a lot of common ground with anyone. I don't see or think the same way as most people. I don't remember things like names or directions or places or times. My memory isn't chronological. I don't associate dates with events or people. I have to write those things down.

5. Physical ability. I used to have some, but I've let it deteriorate. I've never had a huge lung capacity or been a strong runner, but by now it's pathetic. I would do more to change that, but it's too much work. I have other things to do. Like draw. In fact, I should probably be drawing right now. I'm going to end this post here and go do that. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 28, 2017 - 10:45 am)


1. Very self judgemental, obsessive over past mistakes.

2. I sometimes have trouble putting my thoughts into words. I often stumble in my speech when I'm not talking about something I really find important. 

3. Shy around people I admire or want to impress 

4. I have trouble being productive with my own projects

5. Dreadful at anything athletic except for running 

6. I have many good friends, but am sure I'm viewed as awkward or weird by some of the people I know. But that's not really a flaw, I embrace my uniqueness.



1. Creative

2. Good at academic things

3. Honest and trustworthy. If I tell a lie I immediately regret it and apologize.

4. Compassionate. I care about people in crisis, though I don't really do anything about it.

5. I'm a good person to confide in (number 3) and people say I give good advice. 

submitted by Stella, age 14, The Laboratory
(August 29, 2017 - 9:49 am)