
Chatterbox: Down to Earth




Okay, this is weird, but have you ever had

any really weird dreams? Like, once I had

this dream that a white monster behind our

couch was eatting our cat..... I'm not making

that up, really. Alot of the ones I remember

are the creepier ones, and I've had many of

them ;D Anyway, I wanted to know what some

of your weirdest dreams are....And no, this is

not a randomness thread :D

submitted by Megan M., age 13, Ohio
(June 13, 2009 - 11:26 am)

I'll try!!  Here's my dream...

My dog was in my yard just playing around, and my neighbors and their dog were out, too.  Suddenly my dog runs over to their yard and starts playing with their dog.  Then the dogs dash to the hills which in real life my neighborhood doesn't really have!  Next some random neighbor screams TISSUE! Which apparently is code for fire in the hills.? My dog comes dashing back and my neighbor yells to me, "At least your dog came back!!" 

How was that?!?

submitted by Sydsyd, age 11, PA
(August 13, 2009 - 8:25 pm)

Ever since I was six I've had these recurring nightmares involving the Man in the White Car, who is the scariest man alive, only we never actually find out what he did to be so scary. Anyhoo, usually we're at a gas station in an abnormally wide car, myself and two other kids (not my sister, just two strangers) in the backseat, with a father (not mine) out putting in gas and a mother (again, not mine) sitting in the passenger side, listening to a tape recording of a police report about "The Man in the White Car". Before it can get to the part about why he's so bad, the father jumps into the car and says that the Man in the White Car is coming, and we drive away speedy quick while the tape stops playing. And then I wake up.

One time the Man in the White Car drove up our driveway, and Quinn and I were home alone, so we called dad and he drove up in his Volvo, picked us up, and then we had a car chase down our dirt road with the Man in the White Car following us. I think we ended up in a ditch and then I woke up.

It doesn't sound scary, but it is.

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(June 13, 2009 - 8:33 pm)

No no!!  It sounds really scary!!  I hate that sort of dream!! I was going to say (before I read the second one) that maybe those people kidnapped you and they made the recording to trick you and the guy in the white car was your real dad, but now I see I'm wrong.  :)


But it reminds me, for some reason, of when we were driving south to visit my cousins, (this wasn't a dream) and we stopped at this gas station.  Well, first, it was basically in the middle of nowhere, there was a vast corn field to one side, and a few very distant buildings on the other.  The place was practically deserted, and there was an empty what looked like an In and Out Burger in front of it about fifty feet away.  When we went inside, the woman at the counter said something like "weren't you just in here?"  We said no (for obvious reasons) and she said "I could have sworn you were!" (all four of us.  Not just one but four!!!) Well, we said no again, bought our stuff and went out to the car.  As we were driving away, a really strange looking man pulled up in his car.  I know it doesn't sound that weird, but believe me, if you were there, you'd have seen what I meant!!


Oh and then when we we're driving home a few days later, a plane did really freaky stuff like in North By Northwest...  eek!!  It was so creepy!!!!! 

submitted by Laura
(June 16, 2009 - 12:49 pm)

This isn't a dream, but one time, we were waiting in front of a tiny strip mall. Actually it was just like three stores next to each other. Anyway, my mom went inside to get some Chinese food for dinner and the kids stayed in the car. (I was twelve, and I babysit, and it wasn't very hot.) A few minutes later a car drove up. Two guys got out. One was bald with tatoos, the other had sunglasses and brown hair. He looked creepy, no offence to him. They started walking into the barber shop that was there, when the brown-haired guy stopped in front of our minivan and pressed his face to the window of the driver's seat looking in. He has his hands shading his eyes and kind of reminded me of a raccoon. I was in the back. He stared for a second, not seeing us, then slid his face down to the next window. When he saw my baby brother sleeping in his carseat, he left. IT WAS SO SCARY AND FREEKY!!!!!! :( I told my mom when she got out, and I never stay alone in the car at that shopping center anymore! As we were driving away, (They had come back to their car, even she said they looked creepy) it looked like they were following us for a minute. Our camera case was lying by the driver's seat, so we think maybe he thought it was a purse.

submitted by Grace♥, age 13, SC
(July 11, 2009 - 11:41 am)

That's exactly what my scary dreams are like! Kind of strange, and it's normally just fear of someone. Nothing really scary like having someone break into our house or kidnap me or shoot me or anything normally happens.

submitted by Grace♥, age 13, sc
(July 11, 2009 - 11:27 am)

Yah, people tend to remember the dreams that had an affect on them.  I, unfortunately, usually have really bazar dreams, and sometimes wake up panting.  

Like one time, a couple of weeks ago, I dreamed there was this huge scary guy chasing me, because I was taking something he stole to protect my friend...  I don't get it either... anyway, it was scary.

I also once had a dream inside of a dream inside of a dream... actually, that happened twice.  See, I kept thinking I had woken up, but really I was still dreaming.  Odd.


I'll get into detail about some of my dreams later.  :) 

submitted by Laura
(June 13, 2009 - 11:51 pm)

I once dreamed that I was in an air plane, and it was HUGE! There was this one part where you could slide down or something...like a GIANT SLIDE! teehee! :) My grandpa said not to forget my dreams, because you could write stories about them or something! :) they'd sure be original, all of yours!

submitted by Maggie S., age 13, St. Paul, MN
(June 14, 2009 - 11:31 am)

I have had some of the weirdest dreams ever! One time, a friend asked if I come to her house in a day. My parents said yes, because they'd met my friend's parents and we lived right next to each other, even though I'd never been to this friend's house before. Well, that night, I dreamed that it was the next day and I came over to her house. Then I dreamed she was an evil witch in disguse and turned me into a rabbit and was going to cook me in stew! She was about to thow me into the pot when I suddenly woke up! It's extremely embarrasing, but it was my actual dream!

submitted by Ima
(June 14, 2009 - 1:01 pm)

Sorry to laugh, but *giggles* that was really funny.  Yah, when I think about something too much I dream about it crazily.  That often happens with a book I'm reading.  If I start to think about it as I'm laying in bed trying to fall asleep, I have to force myself to think of something else, or I'll come up with a crazy ending that completely ruins the book cause I do it half asleep.  :)

submitted by Laura
(June 16, 2009 - 12:54 pm)

I had this dream not too long ago that our... odd neighbors were moving and, for some reason, we were selling their house. Anyway, it was at night and there were no lights on in the house, plus it was completely empty, and we were showing it to some people who wanted to buy it. So then we came to this room with the door shut and locked, and it turned out that someone was inside the room...

The strange person wouldn't unlock the door, so my dad was shoving tables and things at it to try to get it open. And right before he got the door unlocked me and my brother went running out of the house...

And then I woke up. I had another dream, too, where someone was in our house and me and my brother were home alone, so then we started running as fast as we could outside at night with the person chasing us...

It doesn't sound as creepy as it is when you're dreaming it.

submitted by Megan M., age 13, Ohio
(June 14, 2009 - 1:03 pm)

ee!  *shudders* no fun.  :)


That's funny, because my 'odd' neighbor moved away, and we were selling his house for him.  He paid my mom to show the place to people and keep the garden looking nice.  :) 

submitted by Laura
(June 16, 2009 - 12:57 pm)

ee!  *shudders* no fun.  :)


That's funny, because my 'odd' neighbor moved away, and we were selling his house for him.  He paid my mom to show the place to people and keep the garden looking nice.  :) 

submitted by Laura
(June 16, 2009 - 12:57 pm)


submitted by Megan M., age 13, Ohio
(June 16, 2009 - 7:45 pm)

Oops  *looks sheepish*

submitted by Laura
(June 16, 2009 - 10:56 pm)

Ok, here we go with one of my weird dreams. And this happened long ago, but I still remember it.


My mom, my brother, my cousin, and I are all hiking on a trail along a mountainside. There are no plants on the mountain, because the mountain's a volcano. And it's erupting. There's all this lava flowing down the mountain toward us, but it's coming very slowly, so we're not worried. Then we come to this gate in the road (and suddenly we're not on a mountain, volcano or no, anymore) and on the other side of the gate is this big green puddle of poison. (Don't ask me how I knew it was poison. It just was.) So, since we can't touch the poison (obviously) we climb around the gate. On the other side of the puddle is.... well..... a thing. Think a cubic foot of iron. On two wheels. There's a handle like on one of those red wagons coming out the front - also iron - (again, don't ask me how I know it's iron - it just was) and there's a bar coming out the back attatched to a rectangle of iron about a foot by a foot by three feet. It has four wheels. So I sit on the front block of iron (what else would you do? :P) and my brother and cousin sit on the back block, and my mom pulls us down the dirt road. Pretty soon we come to a schoolyard (think colonial type) with a ton of kids playing because it's recess. So my brother and cousin and I start playing with them. There was one of those merry-go-rounds that you spin by yourself that are, like, illegal to install now. And so we're all playing and shouting at the top of our lungs when four or five tyranical looking teachers come out of the building. All the other kids shut up right away and get in line, and then the teachers make my brother and my cousin and me get in line too, even though we try to explain that we don't go to that school.

The girl in line ahead of me turns around and whispers, "So what are you going to do for your report on monkeys?"

And I say, "Report on monkeys? I don't go here!"

And she says, "Of course you do. And everyone has to do a report on monkeys, remember?"

So we're marched into this auditorium with a stage and spotlights and all and the lights go out and one by one the kids start getting up on stage with the spotlight on them and giving their reports on monkeys. So I review everything I know about what monkeys eat, and when I'm called I do well enough except that one kid starts jumping around and yelling. The lights go on and the teachers drag him out, then the lights go back off and I finish and sit down. Then I woke up. For some reason, it was pretty scary....


Anyway, that's actually one of my not as weird dreams, but I tend to forget the better ones. :P 




I've read that school anxiety dreams are quite common!


submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(June 14, 2009 - 5:45 pm)