Lemonade Recipe!! 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Lemonade Recipe!! 

Lemonade Recipe!! 

Okay, so, this is for everybody without a pool, someplace where it is very warm. Because when it's even 80 degrees here, it is unbearable for me. (Yeah, I know, kind of pathetic. I'm used to really cold winters though, so heat is not my strong point.) Back to the point, lemonade is always very helpful, and homemade lemonade is the best.

Recipe: 1 part lemon juice, 1 part sugar, and 5 parts water. Stir until mixed fully (It's okay if there is still a little bit of sugar at the bottom, and for stirring I would use a spoon, a butter knife or a chopstick), then pour into a glass with several ice cubes. 

Maybe that doesn't make sense. It's a ratio. So say you squeezed two lemons into a measuring cup and got 1/3 of cup of lemon juice. You would add 1 2/3 cups of water, and 1/3 of a cup of sugar, because 5 x 1/3 = 1 2/3, and 1/3 x 1 = 1/3.  

Notes: 1/3 of a cup of lemon juice equals two cups of lemonade. If you managed to squeeze 1 cup of lemon juice, you'd have 6 cups of lemonade, and you would need to make it in a pitcher. If you have anything smaller than or equal to 1/3 of a cup of lemonade, it can be made in a measuring cup. It takes about 5 minutes to make 2 cups, which creates enough for about two people.

Now go make lemonade!!!  

submitted by Pepper Star , NY
(June 27, 2017 - 3:17 pm)

Awesome, thanks for sharing! We don't get a ton of ingredients for things like that, but I will definitely keep it in mind, and hopefully, I can do it someday! I have to admit, I am awful with this kind of weather as well. I am super sensitive to cold and hot, so even 75 degrees I get kind of dizzy. Yet our summers often reach 100ish degrees. Last year hit 102 or 105! Then our winters are in the negatives often. So my ideal temperature is 65ish, often with a soft breeze or gentle rain. 50 is manageable, but I can't be in the cold due to a medical issue.

Anyways, besides that little tangent of mine, back to the point! I LOVE lemonade! And lemons. And naturally, lemon flavored iced tea. And lemon bars. And... well, you get the point - anything with lemons! I just plain out love all citrus fruits :D


submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 27, 2017 - 9:20 pm)

I hate heat too, which stinks in Florida. I've gotten used to it though. But I draw the line at spending lots of time outside in 110 degree weather. On the other hand, I also love citrus.

Still yet to be named captcha says oogx. Sounds like a pokemon.  

submitted by GreenMango
(June 28, 2017 - 10:44 am)

Yep, heat with humidity is not a good mix! I can't believe it, it really gets 110 out there?!

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 28, 2017 - 12:01 pm)
submitted by Top
(June 28, 2017 - 8:54 am)

Lemonade is awesome! I also live where it's not too hot, but I still don't like it to be too hot. It's usually in the 70s or 80s here. But lemonade is a great idea. In a raffle a couple years ago I won a lemonade juicer so I can make fresh hand sequeezed lemonade. It really tastes great.

Thanks for sharing the recipe! 

submitted by Dandelion
(June 28, 2017 - 10:03 am)

Have you guys ever heard of what I think is called Meyer lemons? They are so good in lemonade. They are a hybrid of mandarins and normal lemons (cross pollination I guess). They have the sweetness and twang of a mandarin at first, and then afterwards you get to the soury lemon bit. If you see any meyer lemons, buy some and make lemonade. Just put less water and less sugar (I think they are less sour and strong).

submitted by GreenMango
(June 28, 2017 - 10:42 am)