In a little

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

In a little

In a little more than 40 years, scientists have predicted that the U.S.'s population will be to great for there to be water for everyone living there. My science teacher just brought that to the class's attention today (even though I'm taking a physics course), and reminded us that a lot of the world already doesn't have access to clean drinking water. Then, he proceeded to tell us that a lot of our drinking water is polluted by fecal matter, phospourous, and some other thing that comes in fertilizer (nitrogen?). Obviously we aren't drinking all of that stuff because of, you know, filtration. But some countries are too desperate and/or too poor to properly filtrate their water before drinking it, and now I'm worried that in 40ish years, everyone will be too desperate to get their hands on drinking water to properly filter their water. I'm a germophobe, and I can't be scared to simply drink water! And now I have a sudden obsessive urge to start hoarding bottled water (wait, I just asked my dad, he said no hoarding water). I don't know why I'm sharing this, it's a pretty heavy topic for the CB, but I did just come from science class.


Clean water for all is a huge concern. There are clean water projects to help in needy areas. Some famous actor is very active in this cause. I think it's Matt Damon.



submitted by GreenMango
(April 4, 2017 - 3:49 pm)