Animal Fears!
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Animal Fears!
Animal Fears!
Who here is scared of any type of animal?
I know I'm definitely scared of spiders... I know most of them are harmless, its just the way they move...And bats, Im scared of them, too! I really don't have anything againts animals, of any shapes or sizes but those to freak me out!
Sorry for the short thread, I gotta go! What about you, though? Remember, this is a matter of opinion!
submitted by LilyPad
(March 29, 2017 - 4:34 pm)
(March 29, 2017 - 4:34 pm)
I'm terrifed of wasps and bees, because they, y'know, sting people. Sometimes I can be a tad apprehensive around large dogs. I'm not sure why.
(March 29, 2017 - 11:18 pm)
Yes, same here!
(March 30, 2017 - 4:31 pm)
Its understandible Abigail, that big dogs make you a little on the nervous side. However, I love big dogs! The bigger the better! (not necessarily) Exept Dobermans and Doberman pinschers. My dad's friend has a doberman pinscher. Bad experience.
(March 30, 2017 - 5:33 pm)
Uggh! I hate mosquitos. It's not exactly fear, but instead sort of a hatred that goes so deep that I will do anything to get the infernal buzzing to go away. This comes from visiting my grandparents in Brazil, where the mosquitos would haunt me at night. They would be constantly buzzing in my ear, taunting me, and in the morning I would be covered with bites. They bite you in the daytime too, whenever you stand still they bite your ankles or arms. And mosquito nets don't work for the tinier bugs, nor if the mosquito is already inside of it. And because the air conditioning is so bad, you can't just keep the windows closed either. One of my family members caught a disease from the mosquitos (fine now), but because of these horrible memories, if I hear anything that sounds remolty like a mosquito, I freak out and start randomly swatting at the air (or I just cover my ears and curl up into a ball). To make matters worse, I live in Florida, where the mosquito is practically the state bird.
(April 1, 2017 - 9:02 am)
Let me see... Spiders, snakes, sharks-- pretty much the usual things. I find bats to be pretty cute, though, depending on the bat-- have you ever seen a photo of a fruit bat?
(April 1, 2017 - 11:30 am)
I'm not really scared of any type of animal. The animal kingdom and I are pretty chill with each other. I value everything on the tree of life.
(April 1, 2017 - 12:36 pm)
Ants. I CANT STAND ANTS. Even the little tiny ones.
Noon says yaaw. You agree with me! Or did you just get stung by a bee?
(April 1, 2017 - 2:59 pm)
I'm terrified of spiders, and chickens freak me out. When I was younger, I was extremely scared of dogs, (most of them were bigger than me) and I would make my dad let me sit on his shoulders whenever we were out walking and a dog was coming by. But go figure--now I love them!
(April 1, 2017 - 3:02 pm)
Insects of any kind are really not my thing, arachnids especially. Honestly, spiders wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so... furry... (shudders)... ladybugs and caterpillars are alright and kind of cute in a weird, ugly way, and praying mantiseseses have always fascinated me. But anything else, even if it's harmless, can stay outside my house and well away from me!
(April 2, 2017 - 6:22 am)
Ever since I told people this, they teased me about it. I'm just going to admit to it... I have a giant fear of caterpillars. *shivers* I am scared of basically all bugs (flies aren't scary: just gross, and as long as I don't see a close up of butterflies-because then you see the caterpillar-I'm fine with them), but caterpillars the most. Whenever I find a spider I have to try to find a family member who will squash and remove it for me. For some reason, people that are scared of bugs always think caterpillars are cute-except me.
I know you guys are nice, so I hope that you don't tease me about my fear of caterpillars.
(April 2, 2017 - 10:14 am)
The only animals I'm really afraid of are venomous snakes...particularly rattlesnakes. Other than that? There's not much else (other than box jellyfish, Sydney funnel web spiders, and the other venomous and deadly creatures of the world), although there are a few zoonotic diseases I'd rather not get, such as rat bite fever or the plague. :D But I don't think anybody would want a zooonotic disease!
(April 2, 2017 - 6:10 pm)
Oh, and also sharks. I am terrified of sharks!
(April 3, 2017 - 2:00 am)
I'm not particuarly scared of any animal but one. Most animals just aren't my best friends but I'm not scared of them either. That one animal is...
Black. Beetles.
I don't know why. They just do.
One time, I was at a summer camp, and my friend MysticLion (she's new, say hi if you have the chance) was walking with me. Then I feel a little tickle and I hear someone say "That was on her BACK??" I turn around and MysticLion is holding a plastic fairy wand (long story) with THE HUGEST BLACK BEETLE I'VE EVER SEEN SITTING ON IT. IM NOT KIDDING IT WAS THE SIZE OF MY RING FINGER. I screamed so loud (and I never scream) and ran away as fast as I could. I was so mad at MysticLion because I thought she had put it on my back, but then turns out it had been on her wand and flew onto my back. But then she had been getting it off when I turned around. So yeah. It's funny now, not so much then.
(April 4, 2017 - 8:16 pm)
I hate flies and will stop at nothing to kill them. My weapon of choice is a book — usually I knock or chase them into the curtains or blinds and then while they're buzzing and trapped slam the book over them.
If you ever need spiders removed call me! I used to be scared of em but by now it's more of a mild "eugh," and that's only if one of them runs across my hand while I try to save it. (Mostly by coaxing it into a piece of paper, then putting a glass over it and taking it outside to release it.)
(April 7, 2017 - 9:27 pm)