Please meet .

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Please meet .

Please meet . . .

Drumroll please . . . 

My third AE.

*blows party horn*

Recently, while writing Feather and Dev, I felt like there was a gap in the conversation, and unconsciously found myself adapting their speech to fit my needs - so they weren't really Feather and Dev at all. My trip to Ireland gave me the perfect final piece for this idea.

I'd like to introduce . . . 

Cú Chulainn!

That's pronounced Coo Cuhl-ehn, by the way.

Cú (or Cu, if you don't have accents) is a female who specializes in most things Irish. She's a hurling champ, master fiddler, and educated in Irish step dancing. 

I taught her the language!

Actually, you pointed me towards the nearest library and said "go read."

That's the best form of teaching!

Feather, would you like to educate us on the history of Cú Chulainn?

There's a library two blocks down and to the right. Go read.

I can do it!

Excuse me, I was just about to begin . . . 

Cú Chulainn was originally called Setanta. He was an astoundingly talented boy, especially in the sport of hurling. He was taught many essential skills by his father, who was a great warrior and the king of Dundalk; but he was also told stories. Cú Chulainn was facinated by tales of the Red Branch Knights, the best warriors in all of Ireland. He was told that he could join the Machrad (though another tale says Macra) - basically a training camp - in a year, but he was impatient. Cú Chulainn traveled to Amhan Macha (or Armagh), where the tryouts for the Red Branch Knights were taking place, with only his hurley (the stick used for hurling), a spear, a shield, and a silver hurling ball -

A sliotar.

I was about to say that. When he arrived at Amhan Macha, absolutely exhausted, he immediately took part in a hurling match - and won spactacularly!

One man against both teams, may I say. He broke their hurleys.

I must add here, though, that the details are unclear. Sources say different things; one says he wanted to join the Red Branch Knights and was too young, and the other says he wanted to join the Macra. In the latter story, he was welcomed into the Macra; in the former, he was denied entrance to the Red Branch Knights.

In either story, it is clear that Cú Chulainn was making his way to the house of a man called Culann. In one, he was invited, in the other not so. But it is certain he was attacked by the hound that guarded the house. In self-defense, Cú Chulainn killed the hound with his sliotar. 

They're baseball-sized. I like the story where he shoves the ball down the hound's throat better. It would take a lot of force to kill someone by throwing a sliotar at them. Even if it was silver.

In compensation for his crime, Cú Chulainn agreed to take the place of the hound while they trained a new one. That is how he got his name - it means the Hound of Culann.

Cú Chulainn is still one of the most famous Red Branch Knights in Irish folklore.

It's not folklore, darlin'. It's real.

Of course you would say that.

You transform into a barn owl and yet you don't believe in a boy with a sliotar?

Anyway, yes, that's the story.

A bit more on Cú:

She's a flirt. A huge one, and she'll flirt with literally anyone - doesn't mean she likes them though. In fact, she rarely develops crushes.

Generally, she speaks formally. She has a faint Irish accent, though she uses all the slang.

Cú is incredibly opinionated and is fierce about her opinions. Tell her hurling sucks, and she'll -

Beat you to death with a hurley.

- Challenge you to a match and show you how difficult it is. Tell her her fiddling sucks, and she'll -

Beat you to death with a violin.

- play annoying music until you say she's good.

Her appearance is still being developed as of now, but red hair is a definite.

She gets along well with both Feather and Dev. Feather likes her because she's intelligent, speaks Irish, and knows a ton of Celtic folklore. Dev likes her because she plays a game where people whack each other with sticks.

Which is not what the game is about!

If it keeps him occupied . . . 

Other AEs, please feel free to introduce yourselves in this thread and get to know Cú better!

Ask me any question about hurling, but DO NOT call me Setanta.

I tried. It's not her name. Don't follow my example.


submitted by The Owls, age Click us!
(March 18, 2017 - 6:01 pm)

Wow, there are a lot of you! Hello Arwen, Jarnen -


What an intelligent observation.

Serene, Rosalyn, and Hzel!

It's a CAPTCHA. She meant Hazel. Didn't you read the age?

Why would I read the age when they introduced themselves right there?

Oh, poor Jarnen! What you need is a break. A nice, secluded spot, with no interruptions or interventions, where you can just let it all out . . .

 Serene, I do like reading! Don't be afraid of my hurley, I only whack Dev with it. . . and anyone playing against me, but considering there's not a match going on at the moment, you have nothing to be afraid of!

Hiii Hzel! Aamm Iiii tlkn CPTA rite?

*Yoou don't need tooo - wwee undr stnd yoou fine nywy.*

Clode! There you are! I've been looking for you every - why are you wearing a helmet?

Clode is my first recruit! He's been a brilliant teammate so far. A bit small, and no real hands, but we can work on it!

submitted by The Owls
(March 19, 2017 - 1:43 pm)

Hola! Nice to meet you! Hi! Ciao! Want a muffin???

...Oooo-kay, Mandy, tone it down there.

Ignore them— Welcome, Cú! Celtic folklore is very interesting, actually. It's quite an enriching experience to learn about other cultures, in my not-so humble opinion.

Ugh, Critic's being BORING again.

Humph. I'll hit you with a dictionary.

Yeah, well, I'll smack you with a muffin! 

Can I pretend I don't know these people? Feather, hide me!

submitted by Abi and Co
(March 19, 2017 - 12:56 pm)

Go, Critic! Dictionaries are weapons too!

Or, um, we could back away and hide Hobbes and pretend we don't know them.



Wrong cheer!

Well, if muffins are weapons, I certainly do not want one! No offense, Mandy darlin', but from what I've heard if I say yes you're more likely to throw it in my face!

And rub it about too.

Critic, Celtic folklore is incredibly interesting! Perhaps we should take a day trip to Ireland and I'll show you the sights. We could walk on the Giant's Causeway and maybe catch a fairy lying about!

Hobbes, don't worry, you're off-limits. But come by one day and I'll teach you how to hurl!

I think his day would be better spent doing other activities.

You're right . . . perhaps we could make a fiddler out of him instead!


submitted by The Owls
(March 19, 2017 - 1:55 pm)


Quick question. Why did you edit my description of Cú?

We did decide to allow a variety of characters, but we're not supporting discussion or romantic comments of any kind. We try to post comments in a timely manner, then upon further thought and consideration we may edit them later.


submitted by St.Owl
(March 19, 2017 - 2:03 pm)

I'm sorry, I'm still confused. Admins, you said a small amount of romance was okay, like hand-holding and such. Isn't the "we're not supporting romantic comments of any kind" going against that? After all, the flirting wouldn't be explicit or anything - actually, I get really uncomfortable writing really romantic characters. I was thinking more along the lines of using pet names and winking a lot. Is that appropriate for the CB?

Yes, what you describe is OK.


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(March 19, 2017 - 3:02 pm)


Quite pleased to meet you, Cü. Irish culture is cool!



submitted by Malachite
(March 20, 2017 - 5:38 pm)

Um, hey Cu! I'm Counter. Um. Yeah. Welcome to the CB! Um... what sports- sorry. Hurling. Right. *blushes* I-I forgot. Uh, I play basketball! Have-have you ever tried it? Is hurling tough? Uh...right. Bye. 

Sorry, Counter's... a bit shy at first. Don't worry, I'm sure he'll warm up soon! Heh. He's locked himself in the closet... again... I'd better go fix that.

submitted by Burr & Counter
(March 20, 2017 - 9:18 pm)

Welcome, Cu, that's an awesome name! I'm Zeon, and this is my twin sister, Quill.

Ah, welcome, Cu, to the CB! I feel we might get along very well - after all, I get along just wonderfully with Feather. She might have told you about me, I'm Quill. And you say you are Irish? How fascinating! My CBer, Ashlee, is part Irish. Her hair even shines faintly red in summer light.  

It's so cool! Ashlee's the best.

Well I wouldn't go say-

The best CBer for us, Zeon means to say. All the CBers are fantastic people. Enough about us - what do you enjoy doing, Cu?

Are you much of a gamer?

I do assume not. Do you enjoy reading by chance? Maybe you can educate me on the folklore of Ireland sometime.

Wait! You went to Ireland? *Eyes wide* how was it?! I would LOVE to go to Ireland! I mean, part of my roots are there... it would be stunning. The landscape, culture, people, history, everything. Ahhh *fangirls over Ireland* 

submitted by Zeon and Quill, And Ashlee
(March 20, 2017 - 10:02 pm)