Religion. Just to

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Religion. Just to

Religion. Just to let you know, Christianity is a pathway to a relationship with God and Heaven. Read the Bible and think again about what you believe. I'll go in depth later, but please tell me about what your religions are and what you believe. :)

submitted by Cramer N., age 13, WA
(May 22, 2009 - 5:48 pm) just said that people choose to be I choose to be "controlled" by the Bible.  I also said that we can't convert - aka change people's minds - by telling them about the Gospel. We tell others about the Gospel because it glorifies God.

submitted by Lauren, age 13
(May 26, 2009 - 2:32 pm)

Heaven and hell are Christian ideas. At least hell is. And there are plenty of atheists at our synagogue.

submitted by Lena
(May 26, 2009 - 11:28 am)

Really? Wow. Well if you don't believe in God then duh, you don't believe in heaven etc. :) That's strange to me though, because now it seems that judism is more of a community religion than a God centered one. Is that true? I just really want to know.

submitted by Grace
(May 26, 2009 - 4:31 pm)

No, Judaism does have a fair amount of God-related stuff. My synagogue is just very open and welcoming to people who don't believe, and people who do believe. :)

submitted by Lena
(May 27, 2009 - 7:52 am)

Dear people that posted on this thread,

Even though we got into a heated debate against and for religions I hope we can still be friends. 


submitted by Adina, age 12, Mostly in fanta
(May 26, 2009 - 11:50 am)

I'm sure we can all be friends. You should be friends for how nice they are to you, not if they agree/disagree with you. I have some Christian friends, even more Jewish friends, and two Muslim friends. I also have athiest friends, and one friend who can't make up his mind no matter how aggravated I get. Religion/beliefs should be something you are sure about, until you get the evidence.


About the healings that took place wherever, the healer peoples COULD have invented medicine. Or are you talking about those healings Jesus did? He could have (a) faked it or (b) invented a cure. With Lazarus, there are diseases that make you look like you are gonna die, but then you recover fine. Jesus could have helped the process, as believing you will get better will actually help you get better. As for Jesus being seen, how do you know he was God? Because a book says it? There are books (The DaVinci Code, Angles and Demons) that say the Vatican is covering something up/ there are evil subversive groups on the loose, and they are incredibly inacurate, but some people take them as truth.

submitted by Pirocks/Enceladus
(May 26, 2009 - 6:08 pm)

The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons is a bunch of lies; the media is just trying to trash Catholics. It is sacrilegeous and way wrong. The Pope is the visible head of the Church on earth and a very holy man, might I add.

submitted by Mary Jo, age 13, Georgia
(May 27, 2009 - 12:38 pm)

Some people say stuff like: how do you even know he was God? How do you even know he was anyone special? The bible could have made it up! He could have been a regular guy.

But think about it this way:  The faith is not from the Bible. The Bible is from the faith.  People have been worshiping Jesus ever since he was alive. It's not like everyone forgot about him, then found the bible and started worshiping him again.

submitted by Grace♥
(May 27, 2009 - 1:31 pm)

Pirocks, you really don't have to do-over stuff people have written. If they don't use proper grammar or capitalize every single word that they should, who cares? Maybe (quote, you called yourself this)"lit. snobs" need to back off a little.

submitted by Julia, age 12, Oregon
(May 26, 2009 - 11:26 am)

When you're a lit snob (*points at self*), it's very difficult not to correct others. A bit obnoxious, perhaps, but instinctive. Sorry. :/

Christianity (or any other religion) does not manipulate people. What would be the point of that? No one makes money off of manipulating religion (or at least not usually). Being a part of a religion makes people feel as though they belong to something bigger than them and gives them hope and internal peace. That's why, as Catholics, we try to make disciples of all nations- we want to share the joy and faith that our religion gives us.

Only a truly narrow-minded person could deny evidence that is right in front of one's nose. Saint Cecelia, found incorrupt after, what, 5,000 years? The miracles at Gaudelope? The day the sun danced? The healings at Lourdes? (You can't possibly come up with anything against the healings at Lourdes, can you? That's real stuff.) And I KNOW that Pirocks isn't narrow-minded- hello, he's a lit snob! :D Lit snobs are too awesome to be narow-minded!

Hallucinations? Now, really, that's going a bit too far... Gaudelope, Lourdes, Fatima, Mount Carmel, Saint Catherine Laboure, La Salette, Knock, Beauring, Bannuex... and that's just apparitions of Mary I'm talking about; think of the scores of others miracles!

On a lighter note- of course we're still friends, Adina. We're just friends who talk very loudly and sometimes in slightly annoyed tones.

No, really. This is just creative discussion. Of course we're friends. :)

submitted by Mary W., age 11.35, NJ
(May 26, 2009 - 3:20 pm)


submitted by Adina , age 12, Mostly in fanta
(May 26, 2009 - 6:16 pm)

We're not "controlled." We chooose to be obedient to God.

submitted by Grace
(May 26, 2009 - 7:35 pm)

YES! Right on Grace!

submitted by Lauren, age 13
(May 26, 2009 - 8:55 pm)

Yeah, and when I saw chooose, I mean chooose! :D:D:DD Hee hee typo!

submitted by Grace♥
(May 27, 2009 - 1:18 pm)

NOO!!! Not SAW chooose!!! :D:D:D SAY chooose!!!! TOO MANY TYPOS!!! AHHH!!!! :D:D:D

submitted by Grace
(May 27, 2009 - 1:26 pm)