AE Chat Room

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE Chat Room

AE Chat Room

We have not devised such a location as the AE discussion room in a long time. In fact, the presence of AEs at all have seemed to almost be vanquished. Therefore we are here again with the idea of an AE-only discussion room. CAPTCHAs allowed too, of course *pats Poofball's fuzzy head*.

In simpler funner words, it's a CHAT ROOM, Quill. To talk with your friends, meet new AEs, etc. Remember?

Yes, yes. But might I state "funner" is not a word? The proper term is-

More fun, riiighht. Don't scare away everyone with your boredom. Any AE out there like to play video games? I'm restarting my clan now for championships. 

submitted by Zeon and Quill
(December 26, 2016 - 8:11 pm)

*cough* Stop shoving me, 8! I say this when I deem it right. 

Well, I did say I needed time to sort myself out. And... time I have been given. So here it is.


I'm sure most of the AEs remember what I was like when I was... first brought onto CB. During the Evil AE War, during worshipping Fúdimó, during... yes, during that. I suppose when you left, when Icicle caused the debacle, when it fell apart... I reverted to that. It was hard not to, quite honestly. I built a shell around myself, a cold shell, an uncaring shell.

I was dry, sarcastic, annoyed and annoying, sharp to my brother and more dramatic than ever. Can you blame me? All of a sudden I didn't have... you... by my side, didn't have anything like what I once did. Without that, here comes early MewFour--and he's still here. That... he hasn't left yet. I still look at fellow AEs and feel annoyed, feel angry, feel distant. Feel like there's no point in me being kind, when there's no one to think about. Oh, sure, I still care for Cloud, 8-Piece, Veranda, but it's not like... not... well, it's not the same. 

But can that change?

I hope it can.   

submitted by MewFour, to Quill., *dead serious this time*
(January 4, 2017 - 12:00 am)

*Blinks* I... Had no idea. To be honest, I was terribly flustered by what happened, it all happened so fast... you were just... distant. That is my fault too, and I am sorry. I never existed during the Evil AE war, but I've heard stories. That does not define who you are, MewFour. People - AEs - change, the world changes, and I know you still have that soft, gentle person inside you. Let it show, please do, I... miss that about you.

But no, the more I think about it, the more I realize you are not at fault. How can I blame you? You might have changed, but you had valid reasonings. I, on the other hand, did not. After losing the one person I *hesitates, wipes eyes quickly, and continues* cared about most, I had nothing left. I was broken beyond repair, depressed, upset, silent. I snapped at every smallest thing, never laughed nor smiled, and became the biggest pain Ashlee or these AEs have ever seen. We are so similar, you and I.

Ever so recently I discovered something that reminded me of you. A young, albino sea turtle. The moment I saw it, I nearly cried because I saw you in it. You are so different, wonderful, and unique compared to others, just like that turtle. It brought me joy, popped a layer of the dark bubble surrounding my mind and heart. Yet... I still feel lost.

Remember what I said: Your past does not define you. You can change, MewFour.

I'll be by your side while you do, I promise. 

submitted by Quill to MewFour
(January 4, 2017 - 12:44 am)

I just didn't want this getting lost in the sea of comments

submitted by Quill to MewFour
(January 4, 2017 - 8:49 pm)

Bunnyloves: I decided to bring rose into the chat room while the rest of my AEs are at home, so rose start talking!

Rose: but... I I barely know anyone... *Blushes* 

Bunnyloves: relax rose just start a conversation!

Rose: *takes a deep breath* hello, I'm rose as some of you may know, and umm...  does any AE know how to care for animals cause... I kinda forgot and.... my my cat she's in.... serious pain *starts to cry but wipes them away* and I can't figure out how to help her and it would be greatly appreciated, and also is there any AE stuff going on cause *smiles* I would want to go.....

*back at the house with Glow, Joanna, Andrew, and Violet.* 

Glow: *sighs* I'm SO bored...

Andrew: I can amuse you!

Glow: knock yourself out.

Violet: no! Don't do it! Don't knock yourself out!

Glow: it's a saying now go on Andrew! 

Andrew: yay! *starts to juggle balls while wearing a clown suit on a one wheel bike*

Glow: *giggles but then stops because she wants to look cool*

Andrew: *smiles but then realises that glow was not amused and falls down of the bike and hurts himself* oww..... *smiles with a broken tooth* tah-da!

Glow: ugh... so BORED.

Joanna: huh. What's going on?!?

Glow: Andrew fell off the bike blah-blah-blah so boring you wouldn't even be amused.

Andrew:  *manages to stand up* want to see more?

Glow: as I said knock yourself out

Andrew: okay! ''The clown that sang achoo'' by: Andrew Andrew.

Andrew: clown, clown sing away on your laughing elephant, glow is in a carriage with ten horses red and blue so. Sing SING clown we wanna here your lovely voice out loud!!! *accidentally breaks the window with his voice* tah-dah!

Glow: *trys to keep a straight face* 

Andrew: amused? (: *smiles with black eye and broken tooth*

Glow: *fake yawns*  as bored as I was when you started this crazy thing!

Andrew: *trys to still smile* need anything glow? Like your nails done or your tea refilled or your hair brushed or maybe more circus acts or more circus songs?

Glow: NO! I don't want ANYTHING of what you call AMUSING or FUN!

Andrew: well umm... just tell me if you need anything anything at all cause i'm here! (:

Glow: that will probably be when pigs fly!

Andrew: oo! I can make pigs fly in fact I think I have a-

Glow: NO!!!!!




Scooter says Dppf

''Don't pie pigs fly?'' 


submitted by BunnyLoves, age 11, Bunnyloveland
(January 4, 2017 - 12:52 am)

I... know the slightest bit about animals. What seems to be the issue with your cat, Rose? And how on earth do you deal with a brother like-

-Andrew? Quill, this kid is sweet! Andrew, bro, you wanna hang out sometime? I'd like to learn some of those awesome tricks! 


submitted by Zeon and Quill
(January 4, 2017 - 9:12 pm)

I'm not the best at first aid, although I can make a simple splint...

submitted by Jammira
(January 5, 2017 - 5:32 pm)

Rose, don't cry! What seems to be the matter with your cat? I have an extensive knowledge on animals.....actually. *notices everyone staring and trails off nervously*

submitted by EVIL DEVIN!!!!!!!!!!
(January 6, 2017 - 8:21 am)

Guys, I just got intel that my CBer may be considering getting another AE!

Jammira, were you listening in on a phone call again?


submitted by Jammira
(January 6, 2017 - 3:55 pm)

Another AE won't be so bad. Just make sure there aren't two.

Do hush.

I'm not THAT bad

You have no idea, Pseudonym.

You have no grip on reality.

Well, you-

I what?

Are so annoying. It was fine until YOU came along.




submitted by Pseudonym, Secret,, And Cilantro
(January 6, 2017 - 4:33 pm)

Hey guys, this is Puck, Joan B. of Arc's AE. I have an announcement to make, and I thought this would be the best place to say it so ALL of you can hear.

*Takes a deep breath*

I'm breaking up with Devil Owl.

I know the "issue" is over, but Joan and I have discussed it over, and we've decided.

I have nothing against him, and it was fun while it lasted, but now the fun's done, and I'm just not comfortable with it.

Please don't get angry at me for expressing my opinion. It's just... I'm done.

Spread the news all over the CB: Puck is NO LONGER in love with Devil Owl.  

Who knows? I might even start being single now.

*Walks away* 


submitted by Puck
(January 6, 2017 - 10:45 pm)

Puck, oh my goodness, I haven't seen you in ages! Just remember, you do not need a boy. I mean...

*Laughs* Says Quill who is so lovestr-

*Covers Zeon's mouth* As I was saying, you deserve the best, Puck. I'm glad you're happy. 

submitted by Quill and Zeon, Ashlee's AEs
(January 7, 2017 - 11:52 am)

*Claps* Good for you, Puck. Stand up for what you believe in.



submitted by Leafpool's Æs
(January 7, 2017 - 1:02 pm)

Wait--I thought I put that in bold for Arwen and then bold italics for Jarnen. Huh.

submitted by Leafpool
(January 8, 2017 - 1:41 pm)

Good job, Puck. Woohoo!

Umm.. Hi, Quill *blushes*

I think he likes you, Quill

Do not!

Do too!

Whyd oese very post have toen dlik ethi s? Niak!

- Anna, Timothy, andC onni e

submitted by elementgirl's AEs
(January 8, 2017 - 12:07 pm)

*stares at him through slitted eyes* She is off-limits, TIMothy. 

(Back off, Tim, or you might get thrown. Nice to meet you all, though!)

*cracks knuckles threateningly*

I've never heard ya do that before. 

That's because it hurts, Veranda. But I think it's needed here. *glares* 

submitted by Clouded and Co.
(January 8, 2017 - 4:10 pm)