Snow mixed with

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Snow mixed with

Snow mixed with ash, creating a beautiful wonderland of destruction. The fire created by the burning town created warmth and light in the darkness of night. Yes, the city was burning. At least, most of it. Someone had created WWII bomber plains, which had wreaked havoc on the once peacful civilization. The parts that weren't being devoured by the orange and red were a select few CB homes. One of these was the elaborate mansion belonging to Cho and Daiy, but even beside these were moving vans. Through the burning town walked a girl. She had wild brown hair and wore jeans and a t-shirt. In fact, one might assume she was perfectly normal. Except, there was one thing strange about her. The flames seemed to part at her feet, leaving her untouched by the fire. The heat didn't seem to be affecting her at all. And her eyes... They were the most beatiful brown, with specks of gold. 

Suddeny, she saw something in the distance. And she started to run. She ran towards the thing she saw, jumping over the bodies of fallen AEs, trying not to match names to faces. Soon, she reached the thing in the distance. Or rather, person. She had found an AE, still alive but definitely one who had been through battle. She wore a ratty Harvard sweatshirt and torn jeans, her red hair falling out of her loose bun. In her hands she held a crossbow.

"So," asked the AE to the girl, "What do we do now?"


Guys, what do we do now? CBers are leaving, AEs are being slaughtered, and the ones who aren't leaving are being caused a lot of stress. The CB is now being described as a postapocalyptic battle ground, and many posts like this are crowding the DtE. We need to solve this. It's no ones fault this is happening. But we do need to stop it. 

Thanks for reading.

submitted by Embers in the Ashes, post apocolyptic CB
(December 21, 2016 - 9:46 am)

Then let's stop!! For heaven's sake!

(This isn't directed at you, Embers. But I need to make this point.)

STOP! AUugh!

Here's the best thing I have that will prove what I'm trying to say:

In Warrior cats, Jayfeather asks Rock why he allowed the Dark Forest to return. Rock says, simply, that it wasn't ever his fault--the Clan cats brought the Dark Forest back to life because they couldn't forget those evil cats. They told their tales, held onto their memories, and brought them back through their own fear. 

This is what we are doing! The issue has been resolved. The Admins posted a thread about it fixing the issue. It is done. We are finished!!

So why aren't we letting it go already? Why won't we just say "Okay, let's stop bringing this back up. Let's move on." We're clogging DtE with post after post about this, even though we're all claiming we want to stop fighting. We're like the Clan cats--bringing back bad things through our own determination to stop them. It needs to cease! Please! This is the birth-month of Christ, of celebration, of holidays! Stop making RP entries about the CB as a burning village (which it's not! We are fine, people. We will survive. This website has not been demolished because people are leaving. Don't forget that around 70% of people are still here. Don't ignore the people who have chosen to stay and bawl over the ones who left.) Stop killing off AEs, or at least, fighting over killing them off. Are they that important that people's friendships have ceased and ended? Are they that important that arguments are made over these characters we created?

And finally, just--stop! Please, let's all just leave this war behind and stop dragging it back up. What do we need to do? NOTHING! The Admins have solved this problem! The posted a fair, kind, and understanding thread about it. People who have said they'd leave, have left (or at least I think they are? Half of the people who said they'd leave are still hanging around), we've apologized, we've done it all! The war is over, but we can't stop bringing up sour memories and trying to fix them. 

So I'll say this one more time--stop. 

*This is a lot more blow-up and annoyed than I usually am. I just see this problem keep happening, and no else seemed to be addressing it.* 

submitted by Clouded Leopard, age Pleeeeease, STOP
(December 21, 2016 - 11:32 am)

Agreed. I'm really sick of everyone not only refusing to let this go but also overdramatizing it to the extreme. No one has been 'killed,' the CB is not a burning wasteland, there's no huge war or bomber planes or flaming buildings or anything.

Yes, it was kind of chaotic and traumatic for those involved. Yes, some relationships have been cut off. Yes, it was sad to see Cho and Daisy and KG and everyone else leave, but seriously? Stop making mountains out of molehills. It's annoying and pointless and you're not helping at all by whipping people up and creating yet more drama. Sorry.

submitted by what, age still, using this pseudonym
(December 21, 2016 - 12:56 pm)
submitted by Stop top
(December 21, 2016 - 12:14 pm)

For goodness sake, I know some of you ma be feeling like the CB is in shambles, but you've got yourself stuck in soemthing that doesn't really exist anymore! Just stand back for a moment, look with a fresh eye. C@C has almost no war threads left, and DtE is beginning to blooming with activities. I'm glad you got your feelings our, Ashes, but trust me...

We are solving it! I don't know how else to say it. We are moving on, so we need to stop saying we aren't.

Let's let these threads sink to the second page. Come on guys, holiday spirit! 

submitted by Owlgirl
(December 21, 2016 - 1:51 pm)