It breaks my

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

It breaks my

It breaks my heart that we have to fight over  this. Many of you are saying that your religion is why you disagree with same-sex couples, and I understand that. 

I agree, but here's the thing:

We are NOT supposed to persecute and hate people because they do something against our beliefs. Jesus didn't spend every moment with other perfect people because they don't exist. He spoke and spent time with the sinners, the sick, the poor, the prostitutes, the tax collectors.

We are told not to judge others and to love them.

Instead of arguing this fact, we need to instead open our arms to everyone here. I know, not everyone here is a Christian, and if so than I'm not directing this post at you. But please, please, please hear me out.

Jesus NEVER turned away those who needed Him, He never hesitated to help anyone.

Yes, I agree that it is wrong but I believe that it shouldn't matter. All sins turn us away from God. Not talking to someone because they are cool with people being in same-sex relationships is the same as being in a same-sex relationship.

We have been corrupted and ruined by sin in this world and we need to acknowledge that. Homosexuality is NOT a choice. Have compassion towards those who are homosexual. They have most likely had a really hard time just because of other people who don't want to share God's message  and good news and would rather say that the other is condemned because of their sexuality.

It isn't that, it's never not.

Please, please do not judge a religion by some of its practicers. Christians make mistakes. That's literally why a lot of Christains found God.

As a final note, since y'all probably want me to shut up, please pray for Christians who persecute others. I do not believe that homosexulity is okay, but I believe that we are in no place to persecute people for it.

That sums it up pretty well.

And to anyone struggling with this on here, or just wanting to talk about it, I will ALWAYS be here for you.   

submitted by S.E.
(December 19, 2016 - 7:56 am)

I am a Christian, I beleive that Homosexuality is wrong, but I am still kind to people who support it or live their life that way. Ok, Lets say this, I try my best to be kind. I really do. Sometimes I get over-passionate about things and am a bit harsher than I mean to be (coughcoughnotefromadminthreadcoughcough).  But thank you for saying this, S.E. It's good. 

submitted by Leeli
(December 22, 2016 - 7:29 am)

Stay Positive! :)

submitted by S.E.
(December 23, 2016 - 11:27 am)