Æ Crush RPB

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Æ Crush RPB

Æ Crush RP

Because I don't want to read through all of the posts on Leafpool's.  Please join.  We're on a cruise ship.  That is all you need to know.

NO!  Before I go on some weird cruise ship I need to know a WHOLE LOT more than that.

Be quiet Edemame!


*glares back at Edemame*  You'll see! 

Here is the charrie sheet.

Name: Edemame

Gender: Female

Age: Timeless (looks 17)

Appearance:  dark skin, delicate features, big eyes with long, dark lashes, deep brown eyes, slim and short, curling shiny horns and speckled feathery wings

Crush: None... Yet  HELLO ECHO!  WAKE UP.  NONE EVER!

Personality: rude (to me) I am not!  I am a DELIGHT!, clever, outgoing, crazy AS IF!, stubborn (not)

Other:  I like to PARTY!  And I have powers.  None of your business what they are.  I can fly though.  *sighs* Yeah, your wings are not just for decor.

submitted by Echo
(December 2, 2016 - 11:01 pm)


submitted by TOP, age top top , TOP
(December 2, 2016 - 11:32 pm)

WHOO!  PARTY TIME!  Finally I get to meet some other Æs!

Not yet Dove! 

submitted by Echo & Dove
(December 2, 2016 - 11:35 pm)


submitted by TOP, age TOP TOP!, TOP TOP
(December 3, 2016 - 8:34 am)

I'm tempted to join, seeing as how I am much too late for the other RP, but I have never had an AE.  (Even though I've been on here for over a year.)  BTW I'm Cron, a close friend of Cho and Coco, but I'm not on very often.  (Last I was on was about a month ago.)

It's time for me to think of an AE, seriously; I'm missing out on too much of this stuff. 

submitted by Cron
(December 3, 2016 - 7:55 pm)

Yes. Yes, you are.

submitted by Cho Chang
(December 5, 2016 - 1:05 pm)

Ok, who else wants to continue the AE prom thread here? The last one got deleted. Let's just keep these crushes like they always are, please. 

submitted by Continuation of AE's
(December 6, 2016 - 8:14 am)

Yeah, if it's OK with everyone, I'd be fine with it.

submitted by Coconut, Feisty & Co, age We forgot, In the bed
(December 6, 2016 - 2:51 pm)

Name: JAck

Gender: Male


Appearance: IDK

Crush: Yes, will get to this later, possibly never

Personality: Sarcastic, snarky, but is nonetheless nice and charming.

Other: A telepath.


DJ Bowtie

Gender: Male 

Age: Same as JAcks

Appearance: Blue eyes, black hair, and wears a blue suit.

Crush: Yes, but still never going to happen.

Personality: Happy, over the top, and a little to happy to be annoying people. Has an angry side, howeaver.

Other: Is a DJ.


BAsed of off what happened LAST TIMES I ENTERED ONE OF MY AES IN A CRUSH THREAD, Jack and DJ are coming to the cruise ship together. Veiw that as you may.  

submitted by Gared Co.
(December 6, 2016 - 10:13 am)

I'm totally signing Shadow and Rosemary up!

Name: Shadow

Gender: Female

Age: Good question... appears to be 11.

Appearance: grayish skin, glowing purple eyes, black hair pulled back into ponytail, it reaches just past her shoulders, and is rarely seen without her chicken gun.

Personality: it changes... She is mostly snappy, she's kinda crazy, stuborn and likes (NOT) cats.

Crushes: None, she hasn't met any one yet. But be warned, if you try she's hard to get (even if you try and be her friend).

Other: I can shoot dark magic out of my fingers, create shadow portals anywhere, I can call up anybody's shadow to do my bidding, I have a Shadow Mare horse named Nightmare, and a shadow sword that is repeatly being replaced by foam coppies. 

Name: Rosemary

Gender: Female

Age: 11

Apperance: long straight brown hair, it reaches to mid-back, big green eyes, black glasses, splash of freckles on nose, and she always has on hand a small brown bag, that straps over her shoulder full of medicall supplies.

Personality: kind, sweet, and is over protective of her Cyber *glares at Rosemary* WHAT? 

Crushes: None

*Eats cherry pie* Excuuuse meee? What did you just do?

I signed you up on a cruise ship!

*Chokes on pie* WHA?!?! It was bad enuf that you made us go to that haunted shcool! But now you're making me go on some cruise!

I won't be that bad! Besides the shcool was fun. 

It's too late Shadow, I've already signed you up.

FINE! But I don't have to like it! 

"Fxfr" Holly says, Don't go! Sorry Holly but they have to!  

submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(December 6, 2016 - 6:06 pm)

Grey, Doublock, and Niccolai are still in!

Doublock still likes Bolton

Grey still likes Siriracha

Niccolai wants all crushes to evaporate into thin air and never appear again. 

submitted by Nebula and Co.
(December 6, 2016 - 6:50 pm)

Name: Volcano Flame the Ignited of the Fire Realm is my FULL TITLE!!! BUT MOSTLY I JUST USE VOLCANO.


Appearance: SUPER PRETTY!!!

(Somebody: If you wanna know more specifically she has golden eyes, red hair, mid-shade skin, is about medium build, maybe kinda short, wears a dark red cape and boots over lighter red shirt and leggings. Also, something near her is probably burning.) 



(Somebody: Or more accurately, excitable, opinionated, emotional and with a strong affinity for fire, lave, volcanoes, explosions, and things like that. Earthquakes are nice, too. She also on a deeper level doesn't want to deal with complex feelings. Why can't emotions be simple...) 


Name: Shifting Sands the Returned of the Continuity

Age: My death was at twelve or thirteen years of age, but that was sometime in the Victorian Era. And I've changed since then. 

Appearance: Translucent white ghost, glowing white pupils in eyes, chin length hair. I often wear a dress or blouse that buttons up the front because I loathe the imbecile who invented dresses that button in the back, and I wouldn't say no to some lace on sleeves and collar.

Personality: People tell me I'm overly blunt, arrogant and cruel. Really though, I simply don't believe in hiding my opnion anymore-- my twelve years of life I was expected to hold my tongue-- and I cannot help being superior to the imbeciles surrounding me. And as for the last, perhaps do I let some schadenfreude run away with me. 

Crush: None (yet) (obviously) 

Other: tsun/himedere, can summon things from other planes of existence,
non-corporeal, and can commune and feed off of the sOULS OF THE DEAD


(Somebody: She does have feelings. She just won't show them because her life has shown her that they only lead to pain and heartache. Also, no one loves her. (All RP aside, I WANT TO DO THIS. I WANT THIS ROMANCE PLOT.))

submitted by Somebody and Co. , age Who cares, Various places
(December 6, 2016 - 7:19 pm)

I'm so joining! Here's the sheets. 

Name: Echosong
Age: #Ageless
Appearance: Her long, light brown hair curls slightly, falling a few inches past her shoulders, and she has bright hazel eyes and a sprinkling of freckles. She dresses casually, usually wearing some shade of green along with jeans and boots. 
Personality: Echosong now sort of represents my musical/creative personality. She has a caring heart and a kind spirit, but she is also spirited and energetic. She has a passion for music, and is very creative and imaginative. (Also, she's very, very shy.)
Crushes: Well, Burt's gone now, sooooo..... nobody.

Other: Speaks in italics. Has the uncanny ability to conjure instruments out of thin air 


Name: Saphira
Age: #Ageless, appears around 16-17
Appearance: Can morph into a blue dragon. When human, short, shoulder length blue hair, blue eyes, blue skin, blue clothes, (Usually T-shirts, tank tops, and leggings mixed with various pieces of battle armor) a blue sword, and blue..... you know what, I'm going to let you figure out the rest.
Personality: My sarcastic side (sort of). She can be a bit snappy, but she has a good heart. She likes to tease Richard, and they play fight all the time. (It only looks real.) Ariel has brought out her kinder, softer side, and she's...... well...... for lack of a better word, besmitten.
Other: Has a blue fencing sword that she calls Riptide. Speaks in bold italics.
Name: Sir Richard
Age: #Ageless, around 16-17
Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, strong build. He's a knight, so throw in some shining armor and there ya go. 
Personality: My loyal, truthful, kind, selfless, side. Yeah. Hehe. Had to dig real deep for that one. Still haven't found it. 
Anyways, he's kind, loyal, brave, honorable, and very dedicated to the knight's code. He has a tendency to be rash and strong headed, and charging into dangerous situations without attempting another solution is kinda his forté. 
Crushes: Head over heels in love with Mellie. When Owlgirl left, he stayed completely dedicated to her, because....... it just seemed like something he would do. XD
Other: Carries a silver sword, and because I'm a total Lewis Carrol nut, and because he lives inside my head, he calls the Vorpal Blade. Speaks in bold.  
submitted by Autumn Leaves , age 13, Floating on the breeze
(December 6, 2016 - 9:17 pm)

Uh... Hello? I have a question: I have cnaged my my mind.

Sir Richard, would come to the da-

I give up. *Walks away,* 

submitted by DJ Bowtie
(December 6, 2016 - 10:49 pm)

No. Just..... no. 

Reason 1, Richard's in love with Mellie.

Reason 2: Just, no.  

submitted by Autumn Leaves , age 13, Floating on the breeze
(December 7, 2016 - 1:00 pm)

Name: Chilly

Gender: Female

Age: Ageless

Appearance: Do I have to say this? * sighs, flips blonde hair, fingers crystal bracers *

Crush: Jarnen, but I might go to the prom with Bolton to make him feel better.

Personality: Sassy, smart-mouthed, witty, funny, a little antisocial

Other: I love a bit of heartbreak once in a while--as long as I'm not involved. I have Ice Powers.

Name: Frosty

Gender: Male

Age: Ageless

Appearance:  I don't like talking about it (aka I might post a pic)

Crush: Princess Icicle

Personality: Gamer, a bit of a bully, loves burning, makes horrible puns, but has a heart of gold in the end. Once he gets angry, he gets sucked into being angry/mad. Chilly usually intervenes. 

Other:  I have snow powers, and I play Pokémon go every day.

submitted by Chilly and Frosty
(December 6, 2016 - 10:11 pm)