Cuts. Has a

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Cuts. Has a


Has anybuggy gotten a REALLY BAD cut once? Or broke of bone or something? Tell your stories!

I haven't gotten a bad cut, but my dad told a story that when he was jumping over a fence once, he cut open his finger and you could see some bone and tissues and stuff. He had to get stitches! He's also really lucky, the doctor had said, because he could have had to have the finger cut off if it was any worse! He, he! And the funniest part is that my grandpa was in the other room, and he fainted! HEhe! XDXDXD  

submitted by Maggie S., age 13, St. Paul, MN :D
(May 11, 2009 - 8:04 pm)

I made my brother read that. He was totally cracked up by the time he was through. And it takes a lot to make him laugh that hard. He liked the Elvis nurse part. :)



submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(May 13, 2009 - 3:48 pm)

Cool! Give him this scoop, too. It's a story from my dad that, unfortunately, I was knocked out by pain-killers and sleep-drugs and couldn't see for myself. So, it's from my dad's point of view.


So he's talking to the nurses in the waiting area outside the surgery room that I'm in, and so finally when I get out and we're walking out the door, he says to the nurses (two of them, both female, btw) and says "Thank you very much" like Elvis does, and one of the nurses goes, "You're welcome, it was my pleasure." And then as the door is closing, he hears her shriek with laughter and she goes, "Did you hear that!" because all of a sudden she got the joke with him saying "Thank you very much" as he walks out the door, followed by an Elvis impersonator paramedic! 


haha! hope your brother likes this, too! How old is he? How cracked up? Sometimes I laugh so hard I turn completely red in the face and fall over! (V)(*o*)(V)

submitted by Jenni T, age 12.5, Nowhere
(May 13, 2009 - 7:17 pm)

Wow.  Crazy stories.  Poor you, but that's really funny.  :)

submitted by Laura
(May 15, 2009 - 11:55 pm)

Don't worry, I laugh whenever I think of it, too! And, when I show people the pins that were stuck in my elbow, the boys always just about throw up because it still has the dried-up blood on it! But I didn't think it was funny when I broke it, no, but now it is sooo funny!

submitted by Jenni T, age 12.5, Nowhere
(May 16, 2009 - 11:48 am)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

submitted by Laura
(May 16, 2009 - 11:44 pm)

I've never broken any bones (knock on wood), but I am ALWAYS hurting myself.

One time I hit just next to the bone on my elbow, on the corner of the breakfast nook, and I couldn't lift my arm without it hurting for days.


Oh, and just after my last birthday, I got a tetanus shot, and it still hurts where they did it sometimes.  ( my birthday's in december)


Usually my worst injury were when I'd fall and scrape my knees.  *shiver* just thinking about it makes my knees hurt.

Oh, and not to long ago, we had some broken glass in our yard, and I (of course) stepped on some.  Well, I thought it was a splinter, and I pulled out what I thought was causing the pain in my big toe.  So, I put a band-aid on it, and went about my daily life.

So, and couple of days later, I decided to take off the band-aid, because it hadn't stopped hurting.  The bottom of my toe was really swollen, and a little purple.

I had my dad take a look at it, because he is an expert splinter remover.  So I laid down on my stomach so my feet would be face up, and he went and got his little magnifying glass.

Every time he touched my toe, it hurt like crazy, and he couldn't figure out where the splinter was, because nothing was showing, and you know how when you have a splinter, sometimes you just can't figure out where it is?  Well, anyway, after about two and a half hours of my biting my cheeks so I wouldn't scream, he realized it was glass, and because it was clear, it took him all that time to find it, and every time he stuck the tweezers in what he thought was a cut, the piece of glass pushed on my nerves.

Finally another half hour went by, and he got it out.

I got up slowly, and tested it.  It still hurt, but I could tell it was out.

So I went down stairs and sat on my mom's lap, and started shaking and crying really hard, and my ribs were hurting because when I lay on my stomach for too long they do that, and I was just so relieved it was out, but so upset form it, that I couldn't stop shaking until after I fell asleep.


So, ever since then, my stomach flip-flops when I hear about splinters, and I panic if I get one.


Oh yah, One time I had a splinter in my finger, and it got infected.  Boy did I scream when he pulled that one out.


I know I've gotten hurt a million times, but I can't think of anything else at the moment.  :) 


Oh, one more!!

I was in the garage one time, standing on the carpet (we lived in there for four years), when I stepped on a rusty nail.  It went strait up into my heel, but for some reason, I didn't ever cry, (which is very unlike me in times of pain) and I pulled it out.


My mom had a needle go right through her toe and stick out the top.  EEEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh, man, I have so many stories.  Oh well, gotta move on.  :) 

submitted by Laura
(May 12, 2009 - 1:25 pm)

Has anyone ever fainted or passed out? I did two weeks ago. Since my sister was on a retreat with her youth group, I got to sleep in the guest room downstairs next to my parents' room instead of sharing a room with her. I had just jumped out of bed on Saturday morning to hug my dad who came to get me for breakfast. When I've been lying down and I get up really quickly, I get super dizzy. So I was hugging my dad when blackness started closing in on me. My mom was standing behind him in the laundry room. I heard my dad say something to my mom and that's the last thing I remember. A couple seconds later, I faintly heard my mom say ' Oh my gosh!' It sounded like she had said it in a normal voice, but my brother told me later that she had exclaimed very loudly. When I opened my eyes, my dad was kneeling beside me, my mom was standing over me, and some of my siblings (I forget who) were in the room too. My dad put pillows under my feet and wouldn't let me get up. Apparently, I fell out of my dad's arms, but I think he caught me 'cause I didn't feel myself hit the floor. Oh well.

submitted by Mary Jo, age 13, Georgia
(May 12, 2009 - 5:07 pm)

When I was in fourth grade, we were all standing up practicing singing for our school's Christmas program. You know how when you stand up very suddenly from lying or sitting down sometimes you see sparkles around the edges of your vision? Well, I started getting like that, only I couldn't see at all through it, like someone was pouring a massive tube of multicolored glitter in front of me. I got really hot and had to hold onto my chair to stay standing up and I couldn't hear the other kids very well. Then everything went black. They said I was out for just a couple of seconds, enough for the teacher to get worried. I apparently crumpled straight down. I was OK, but they said to go to the ER. They never figured out what really was the problem. And we have a friend from Mathcounts who faints whenever he has to get shots. He has half a dozen stories from that, but I can't remember any of them. :P



submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(May 12, 2009 - 7:23 pm)

Yeah!  The dizzy/blackness!  I always do that . . . and then I have to lean against a doorframe for a bit until it's over.  It's weird. :S

submitted by BellaTrix ✌ ♡
(May 13, 2009 - 7:22 pm)

Yes!!!! That's exactly what happens to me! Except I have to quickly sit down or else I'll fall.

submitted by Mary Jo, age 13, Georgia
(May 14, 2009 - 1:50 pm)

Gee. I've never fainted, but I almost have.

I know what you mean, about sitting up too fast; it's that way for most people I know (including myself).  It's not fun.  :) 

submitted by Laura
(May 15, 2009 - 11:59 pm)

I have never fainted, but once I had bronchitis and strep throat at the same time and every time I got up I would have to stand there for at least a few minutes until I could walk. But even then I had to walk slow and I couldn't bend over or I would fall !

submitted by Anna T.
(May 19, 2009 - 10:46 pm)

Well at one point I managed to cut myself with a nail file. Then I went to Mexico and it got infected and now I have a scar! wee!

Two years ago I was biking up our dirt road and skidded and blew out my knee and then my sister made me walk my bike up the rest of the way (we live on a hill). My knee was three times it's normal size. No exaggeration. It hurt like heck.

When I was six, my mother took me skiing for the first time. Y'know those rubber things you get on between your ski tips, to keep you from, like, doing the splits (and in a snowplow, gur...)? Anyway I managed to run over that and flipped up and around... my right ski got caught in the snow and the bindings were too tight so they didn't release, and my leg got twisted completely around (I heard this long, cruuuuuuuuunch and went "ARGH!"). Spiral fractures are not fun. :( 

My dad has a long, zigzaggy scar down his palm from a tendon surgery he had a few years ago (the tendons in his hand were sticking to the skin, and he could barely open his fingers, so they cut the tendons loose.) 

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(May 12, 2009 - 5:17 pm)

I've never broken a bone, but I've come pretty close. Last October (I think the first of October, actually) I was running an X-C (cross-country) race, and I was on the very last hill--I just had to go halfway around a field, and I'd be done. I was speeding up (I have really long legs, and the X-C coach is always telling me to use them) and, lo and behold, I trip over a root three quarters of the way down the hill. I heard this nasty pop in my right ankle, and I fell down. Ironically, I saw the root, and had sort of jumped a little bit to clear it (unsuccesfully). There was a girl cheering for her team right there, who walked with me as I limped along, back to my team. Not in any die-hard's wildest dreams was I going to try to run on my ankle. I could barely put any weight on it. I got back to the place our team was camped out at, and suddenly, the foreboding clouds above let out this literally blinding flash of lightning, and (I swear to anything you ask me to, I'm not exaggerating) there was one of those deafening cracks of thunder before the lightning even stopped, the wind picks up and it begins to rain. There's more blinding lightning and crashing thunder, and everyone is running top speed to the school for shelter. It's one of those thunder storms that makes everyone panic immediately. Naturally, I'm not exactly going that fast. I make it into the building just about dead last, except for the people still out cheering for runners who, I'm sure, are suddenly going a lot faster, and manage to sit down. My coach gets some ice, and there are cracks about my being "the cripple who is whole." My race had been the second one, with middle school boys first. After over an hour of sitting around with no more races, there was talk of cancelling (it was still a horrendous storm out) and eventually our team decided it wasn't worth the wait and left. Luckily, the race was less than half an hour from our school, so it wasn't a problem, but I feel sorry for all the schools that didn't get a chance to race because they were high school, and had to drive back to schools several hours away. At this point I could barely get my shoe back on. My foot was all swollen. When I got home and told my parents the details, (and the fact that one of my ankle bones, when pressed farther up the leg, still hurt terribly) they decided that I'd better get an X-ray. So I go around on crutches without putting weight on my foot in case it's broken. (I'd never been on crutches before in my life, and that didn't help). The X-ray proved that I didn't have a broken ankle, just a very bad sprain, but I was out of X-C running for the rest of the season. :(

Wow, this is REALLY long. But I just wanted to warn everyone: if you hear a little bird rustling in bushes, especially if the bird is brown, watch out! I've heard it four times, and something bad has happened each time. The first time, I tried to walk across an empty pond (there wasn't any water in it, just mud) and sank up to my hips halfway across. I don't quite remember how I got out, except that I ditched my boots. The second time I heard the bird, I ran and told my sister about it, and sat down on a swing. Halfway through the telling, I fell off the swing backwards. Those were both a while ago, but just a couple weeks ago, I heard it again, and the next day, riding my bike, I fell on pure gravel and scraped my knees up something pretty. I heard another bird in the bushes yesterday, and I'm getting a little nervous. ;)
submitted by Aliza, age 13, Vermont
(May 13, 2009 - 10:52 am)

This didn't happen to me, so I can't take credit for it. *sigh* But I'm glad it wasn't me, cause it sure would've been painful. Ok:


I was at my neighbor's house a little ways down the street from my house. I was sitting outside with them when I heard blood curdling screams followed by wailing. I left to go home right after that and just as I left the neighbor's driveway, my sister approached me on her bicycle. She told me that my brother George was bleeding badly. I saw him walking up the street with his bicycle, which he had been riding as well, and he was still crying really hard. So I run back home and tell my mom that George is hurt. Well, she was talking with some interior decorator who had stopped by our house, and (strangely) his name happened to be George. So George the brother had reached our driveway with his bike with blood flowing from his chin. Then George the decorator got a cloth (btw, this guy was dressed in nice clothes and I wouldn't be suprised if he got blood all over them. ew.) and pressed it against the hurt George's chin. George was taken to the hospital, so my siblings and I had to eat dinner at a different neighbor's house. It turns out George fractured his jaw while turning really fast on his bike. He had to get stitches, but it wasn't that bad, I don't think.


Ugh, I'm a bad story teller.

submitted by Mary Jo, age 13, Georgia
(May 13, 2009 - 2:09 pm)