Weird things that

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Weird things that

Weird things that you like to do!!!!  I like to act like a baby and say my sisters are my mommy's.  An hug people as hard as I can saying, "teddy beaw, teddy beaw teddy beaw, teddy beaw." again and again and again!  when my sister says i'm not weird, I cry and whine and hit her, (NOT hard though, I'm just being weird with her.)  when she says i am weird i hug her and give her slobbery kisses, saying "thank you, thank you, thank you."  Whats some weird things that you do? 

P.S.  All of that what I said was true, truthfully.

submitted by Meadow, age 11, 11
(May 8, 2009 - 9:43 am)

It seems like we all love doing the same weird things! I always read in the car (I don't think that's weird since I've been doing it since forever, but my friends think it's strange), I hate bookmarks, and can be reading several books at once (this usually happens when either a book isn't interesting so I start another, or I can't find the one I was last reading so I just read another one). I love randomly poking people, and waving at random people to see what their reaction is. One weird thing my friends and I do is whenever we go somewhere in public together, we act like we're twin sisters and have a loud conversation about "our brother" or "our dad" or "our room". Once me and my friend actually fooled a lady in the shoe store, and she called us sisters! Hee hee :). I do a lot of other weird things, too, but I don't have time to list them all...

submitted by Allison P., age 12, Florida
(May 14, 2009 - 3:33 pm)

I poke people sometimes. I used to more but now my "friends" are getting annoyed with me. Hehe, Allison, my friend, and I used to act like we were sisters! It was funny. I sometimes wave at cars as they go by, but today I said peace with my fingers. hehe! Sometimes I read more than one book. I used to get really mad, then cry and then laugh. 

submitted by Maggie S., age 13, St. Paul, MN :D
(May 14, 2009 - 8:37 pm)

I might do that! 

submitted by Meadow, age 11, IL
(May 16, 2009 - 8:25 am)