Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Sometimes I just want to know everyone who's on here, and also if someone wanted to make a list with a bunch of CBers on it this would be nice.
So, what that means is, this is a CB record book. I want it to be easy and I want EVERYONE TO FILL IT OUT. Sorry for being bossy, if it seems like that. Soooo, the sheet:
CB Name:
Real Name (OPTIONAL: First name and last initial only):
AEs and CAPTCHA's Names (personalities, appearances, and ages OPTIONAL):
Anything else that you want to say:
'Kay, here's mine, and FILL THIS OUT! 'Kay? Thanks!
CB Name: CNN Reporter
Real Name (OPTIONAL: First name and last initial only): Natalie
Age (OPTIONAL): 11
Gender: Female
AEs and CAPTCHA's Names (personalities, appearances, and ages OPTIONAL): Vera; AE, Pavlova; CAPTCHA.
Name: Vera
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Powers: Teleportation
Personality: Shy, sweet, but very talkative (like me in real life). Loves little kids, especially Pavlova.
Appearance: Very pretty. Thick, golden blonde hair to her waist; sparkly green eyes; pale, freckled skin.
Backstory/Other: She is my CB twin, so she pops up a lot. She calls me Natalie, my real name. She really likes to hang out with me. We're best friends. Since we are twins, we have the same powers.
Hobbies/Job Goals: Loves to read and write. Wants to be an English teacher for a middle school.
Anything else that you want to say: I <3 the CB, and Vera's new, so I hope you like her. :)
Reporter out!
(September 12, 2016 - 5:43 pm)
CB name: St.Owl
Real name: Sorry, that's one of the few things I'm not comfortable with revealing online.
Age: 12, 7th grade.
Gender: F
AE's and CAPTCHA's names: Devil Owl, Feather, and Clode. I am way too lazy to write anything more. Ye know who they are.
Anything else you'd like to say: A lot.
(September 12, 2016 - 6:52 pm)
CB Name: Clouded Leopard
Real Name: Ooh, it's a mystery. I think I posted a version of my real name on the first CB Record book, though.
Age: 13
Gender: Female
AE and CAPTCHA info: Hoho. Sit back and... read...
Sure. I always like reading charries, and creating them too.
(In order of appearance on CB)
Name: MewFour
Nickname: I've heard him referred to as Mewfour sometimes, or Mew Four.
Age: Ageless.
Gender: Male
Appearance: When in his Mewtwo form, MewFour is a pale lavender Mewtwo with cold, dark violet eyes. When he's in human form, however, he still has his cold, purple eyes, but his skin is pale lavender. He has a neat, small nose and a mouth that's almost always frowning. His hair is also lavender, just a little darker. It's impeccably combed an straightened, and not a hair is out of place. He's about 5'4'', thin, and slender.
Wears: In Mewtwo form he wears just a fedora. In human form he wears a black tuxedo with a purple tie (he thinks bow ties are 'undignified'), perfectly ironed, and black dress shoes. Also, a dark purple bracelet.
Personality: He is example of vanity. Vain, self-absorbed, and rude, he might com off as air-headed, but he's actually very intelligent and calculating, just that he cares more about his appearance than studying. He takes particular delight in teasing 8-Piece about Hemin. He's never liked him, as he was my only AE until 8-Piece appeared. Plus, he is infuriated by 8-Piece's more calm, relaxed personality as opposed to his clean, active, brainstorming one.
Preferred Weapon: His psychokinetic powers.
Backstory: MewFour is actually from the world of Pokemon, having originally been a Mewtwo there. However, since he refused to let Red, Blue, Green or anyone capture him and was kind of a annoying jerk in general, they gave him to a Trainer who treated him as a friend instead of a battler. Since then, he's been living in CB with that Trainer, Clouded Leopard.
Powers: MewFour is psychic, meaning he controls energy, mostly colored violet, and can make weapons out of it. He is also vaguely telepathic, though it's very weak and faint. He blames this on being away from Kanto for so long.
Name: 8-Piece (after a Spanish Piece-of-Eight)
Nicknames: Zeon & Quill accidentally called him 8-Bit once, and MewFour has not stopped calling him that since.
Age: I dunno... about 15 or 16, I suppose.
Gender: Male
Appearance: 8-Piece has tanned skin, from being in sun and by the beach for such a long time. He has wide, sapphire-blue eyes, sometimes half-closed. His hair a light brown and swept across his face. Also, he has dark gray dog ears, tail, and nose. He has broad, strong shoulders, and powerful legs. He's also got a relaxed, though Clouded often gets on his back about it being slouched. He's about 5'9'', significantly taller than MewFour.
Wears: 8-Piece, being a surfer and very casual, mostly just wears a white tank top with corresponding black shorts. If he wears shoes (which he often doesn't), they'll just be blue flip-flops or sandals. If he has to get dressed up, it's just a plain gray suit with a dark blue bow tie.
Personality: Almost the polar opposite of MewFour, 8-Piece is relaxed, not worried, and very messy. He enjoys being with people, and is jubilated that he now has a surfing partner in Zeon. With most of the AEs, he's friendly, open, and witty, because he takes a huge interest in marine biology and always has a new random fact to say at awkward silences. However, around one AE in particular *coughHemincough*, he gets incredibly flustered, shy, and awkward. He's trying...
Preferred Weapon: He's not really a 'fighter'. If it comes to it, he'll use whatever's handy and use it as a weapon.
Backstory: None
Powers: No powers, really, unless you count his extremely strong swimming, or his speed on land. No magical ones, though.
Name: Nougat
Nickname: None, so far
Age: Absolutely no idea.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Small, light, yet surprisingly strong, Nougat is someone who is described as 'excitable'. He's not hyper, mind, but he is bouncy and happy. He has crazy, messy, flaming red hair that sticks up in little points when it gets wet. He has a spattering of freckles across his nse and cheeks on his kind of pale skin (due to a lack of... not sitting inside reading). He has brilliant forest-green eyes and a very toothy and grinning smile. He's about 5'6''.
Wears: Usually, Nougat will wear anything colorful from the subtle to the mind-meltingly painfully bright. He has a whole collection of T-shirts, some with designs and some without, all in bright and beautiful colors. For his lower half, he wears denim shorts, with a few rips and tears here and there. On his feet are red tennis shoes and white socks. Also, he has holes cut in the back of his T-shirt, because he has red-green-blue macaw wings on his back. Sometimes he'll use them as a cape or blanket.
Personality: Nougat is carefree, happy, witty, and chock-full of puns. He never seems to run out of something groan-inducing to say in a conversation, though sometimes (thankfully not always) use an accidental different meaning. He often comes off as not too bright, but is someone who will always make you cheer up. He can seem ignorant and out of touch because some things go in one of his ears and out the other. He means well, though, so don't blame him for it.
Preferred Weapon: if he has to fight, he'll either use his own bare hands or a vicious onslaught of words designed to make the attacker either be confused to death or wear themselves out with groaning.
Anything else you want to say: My CBversary is in January.
(September 12, 2016 - 8:29 pm)
CB Name:September
Real Name (OPTIONAL: First name and last initial only): Try and find it. . . it wasn't too long ago
Age (OPTIONAL): 12
Gender: Female
AEs and CAPTCHA's Names (personalities, appearances, and ages OPTIONAL): Cortana, a talkative shapeshifter and Chester, a tiny orange and yellow cat
Anything else that you want to say: Nope!
(September 12, 2016 - 11:17 pm)
I remember your real first and last initial, but I won't say it because I guess that you don't want me to.
(September 13, 2016 - 6:28 pm)
Yeah. . . I think you joined before I changed my name to September
(September 20, 2016 - 9:36 am)
CB Name: Novel--no, you must all call me Lisatebth-arina-tine-magina-the-fopina. (no no don't do that I'm kidding.) (also I did not make that nickname up)
Real Name: Nah. Call me Rose.
Age: 13 and 11 months
Gender: Female
AE's and CAPTCHA's: I can't. Too many times.
Anything else: What have I done.
(September 12, 2016 - 11:46 pm)
CB Name: Blonde Heroines Rule
Age: 18
Gender: Female
AEs and CAPTCHA's Names: No AEs, don't care for 'em. I always just called my CAPTCHA "Cappie" back when it was just a funny thing to say at the end of your post.
So yup, I'm still here.
(September 13, 2016 - 1:41 am)
CB Name: Daisy (have gone by Swummer and Elmodaisy)
Real Name (OPTIONAL: First name and last initial only): Daisy P.
Age (OPTIONAL): 14
Gender: F
AEs and CAPTCHA's Names (personalities, appearances, and ages OPTIONAL):
Name: Bolton (Bolt)
Gender: M
Appearance: black hair, green eyes, freckles
Personality: A gentleman, protective, kind and compassionate
Revised: flirty, unstable, cowardly.
Crushes: Beth/ currently Anna.
Talks in: BOLD
Insanity Level: 6/10
Made on July 3 2016
Name: Beth
Gender: F
Appearance: Long blond hair with light blue eyes, clear white skin
Personality: shy, sweet, gentle, insecure
Crushes: Bolton/ currently Bombett
Talks in: italics
Insanity Level: 2
Made on July 3 2016
Name: Burt
Gender: M
Appearance: Auburn curly hair, Hazel eyes.
Personality: professor-like, criticizes everything, know-it-all, offending
Crushes: Echosong
Talks in: BOLD italics
Insanity Level: 3
Name: Bombett (Bomb for short)
Gender: Male
Insanity level: 1
Personality: kind, quiet, wise, tender, gentle, cool, confident, assured.
Appearance: same as Burt's. Basically, I'm replacing Burt. Just with a different name and different personality. So brown hair, brown eyes.
Crushes: Beth
Made on August 16th, 2016.
Appearance: Pink Marshmellow.
Personality: always smiling, young, giggles a lot, is ticklish.
Name: Baby
Is a blue Marshmellow.
Anything else that you want to say: My CBversery is March 15, 2016.
(September 13, 2016 - 7:25 am)
CB Name: Shadow Dragon
Real Name: Jessica.
Age: Eh. l like to let people guess on that. It tends to get pretty amusing.
Gender: Female
AEs and CAPTCHA's Names: Cyclone the Captcha, and Silvery Ink the alter ego, both of which don't really show up a lot, but they exist.
Anything else that you want to say: Many things. Shazam is one of them. Why? l don't know. You were the one who asked.
(September 13, 2016 - 11:24 am)
CB Name: Alexandra
Real Name (OPTIONAL: First name and last initial only): Alexandra Y.
Age (OPTIONAL): 10, 11 in December
Gender: Female
AEs and CAPTCHA's Names (personalities, appearances, and ages OPTIONAL): Queenie, Anna (Æs), Rilla (CAPTCHA)
Anything else that you want to say: Uh, nothing.
My AEs:
Age: Just changed her to AGELESS
Appearance: Very very beautiful, golden hair and ocean blue eyes, rosy cheeks and looks like a storybook princess.
Personality: A tad childish and immature, though easily angered. When angry, she has a habit of throwing things and screaming. She has a really loud scream. But when she's in a good temper, she tries to act haughty and cold like P.I., but she ends up being more likable than P.I. Likes to hold her chin up high like royalty, and is very romantic.
Powers: She has fire powers
Other: She and Princess Icicle absolutely HATE each other.
Crushes: Jarnen, he volunteered first , though he's not really around that much, a little bit Burt, and Frosty (Cuz' P.I. likes him). Maybe Fire, if Shadowcat answers my post on the Ballroom thread.
Other: When she's mad, only Anna or me (sometimes/rarely) can calm her down unless she calms down herself naturally.
Age: Looks about 12
Appearance: Brown hair in two braids, chocolate brown eyes, shy, sweet, smile. Small for her age. Big eyes.
Personality: Shy, sweet, quiet. Likes to stay in the background more, but her kindness makes people notice her more than she feels comfortable with. A comforting source to have around.
Powers: None, really, but kind of calming powers, because she's really calming to have around.
Crushes: Bolton
Other: Nothing
A baby with chubby cheeks and curly red hair.
Oh, and she said eban just now. Bean? You want to eat some beans?
(September 13, 2016 - 3:28 pm)
*raises hand* Present! Oops. Too used to taking roll in school.
CB Name: Abigail S
Real Name: No thanks.
Age: 12
Gender: I'm female!
AEs and CAPTCHA's Names: Mandy, a sweet, cheerful, muffin-loving girl (bold); Critic, a smart, sarcastic, grammar enthusiast (italics); Hobbes, a darkly witty tiger anthro (boldtalics). Also, Ookz, my underused CAPTCHA who is a tan puffball with puppy ears and bright green eyes.
Anything else that you want to say: Can't really think of anything. Ookz, the CAPTCHA!
Like an ape? With a y stuck randomly in the middle of the word?
Quite obviously, you are not familiar with CAPCTCHese. He is saying, Amazing potatoes yeast elephants.
That's not proper grammar, Critic. Have you lost your touch? Are you becoming one of the "idiots" you so daily ridicule?
I am directly translating from Ookz. It is not my fault that his grammar is particularly. . . interesting.
I think we should end this post before the readers explode from my severe levels of awesomeness, and—
But I haven't mentioned muffins once yet!
—And it's better to go before Mandy mentions muffins.
Uh oh. Allow me to skedaddle. (Now there is an interesting word.)
Enough with the vocabulary! Submit! Submit!
*clicks submit*
(September 13, 2016 - 8:25 pm)
CB Name: Matriarch Somebody the Zergling, Primary Koala, Volcano Flame the Ignited of the Fire Realm, Shifting Sands the Returned of the Continuity, and Her Highness Fruit Basket III of the Noble Food Named CAPTCHA Empire
Real name: Somebody the Zergling. It's what Google calls me!
Age: 12 and 7th grade for everyone except Fruity, who is ageless
Gender: Female for everyone
Powers: Electric whips and mild feature-changing powers, pyro- and terrakinetic powers, interdimensional summoning, being Fruity
Personalities: In short, I'm moderator, Volcano is hyper, Shifting is cold and somewhat mean, and Fruity is Fruity.
Appearances: Brown eyes and hair in ponytail, casual clothes, bright red hair and golden eyes, flowing lava-colored jumper/dress, translucent ghost with glowing eyes and short hair and lacy dress, fuzzy purple thing with huge green eyes
Backstory: All way too long and I'm lazy :/
Hobbies: Shipping, blowing things up, traversing dimensions, being cute
Anything else: This is for all four of us on this profile.
Shifting: Imbecile.
Fruity: rknn!
(September 13, 2016 - 8:48 pm)
I only have 7 minutes and I'm a slow typer, so we'll see how this goes.
CB Name- Savvy44x
Real Name- Leila, pronounced Layla
Age- 12... mentally 4... basically 10...
Gender- What do you think?
AEs and Capatchas- I have 2 AEs, Potato and BeckyTheAustrailianTourGuideWhomEveryoneKnowsIsSecretlyBritish but they don't participate in CB. Maybe someday! Becky is about 17, and she has red hair in braids. She cn teleport sometimes, but its completeky random, and never when she actually needs to... Potato is really cool and athletic and a bit hyper. Her power is that she can run really really fast. But not abnormally fast. Just fast.
And my capatcha's name is Bubbles, and he's really cute. He's just kinda bubbly, and that's all anyone really knows about his appearance. He can make bubbles appear ou of nowhere, so that's kind of cool. Bubbles say hi! hoke. uh... close enough!
Other- I love music too much and I love Halsey too much and I love reading to much and I love sugar too much and I'm going to go read my book now ok BYEEEEEE!!!! :)
(September 14, 2016 - 8:33 am)
CB name: BunnyLoves
Real name: Katie G.
Age: 11
Gender: Female
AE's and CAPTCHA's names: Glow: AE Violet: AE Joanna: AE Andrew: AE Scooter: CAPTCHA
Name: Glow
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: is an Elf (NOT a Christmas one!)
Personality: mean, (to Andrew) Preppy,
Appearance: see picture
Any thing else you want to say: I will post the rest of my AE's forms in a different comment.
(September 14, 2016 - 6:01 pm)
(September 15, 2016 - 11:57 am)