Ummm, hi?I d

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Ummm, hi?I d

Ummm, hi?

I don't know what to say...

Once upon a time there was a little girl who was searching for a roleplay site for kids. She had just quit her last roleplay site, so she needed a new one. She would look up site after site, but there was nothing. One fateful day, a certain magazine came in the mail, sent to her as a present from her grandparents. This magazine said that you could create a character that could be featured in a story that would be published in the magazine. This little girl, who loved writing and creating characters, was so excited. She immeadiately hopped online and starting planning out characters.

But while she was on the magazine's site, she noticed something. 


On it were tons of roleplays. This was what she had been looking for!

So she asked her parents, and they said that she could join them. For a while, the girl just joined roleplays and enjoyed making characters and using them in stories. But one day, the girl became curious. She had looked at all the different places to chat before, but it had never really interested her. But this time, it did. She started becoming active in threads outside the inkwell, and she discovered fellow theatre lovers in Pudding's Place. She found out about Ski Lodges and SIs and AEs and, well, she was hooked. 

Over the next few years, Chatterbox became a place where she could hang out with her friends, have fun, talk about random stuff, and she just never felt lonely while she was there. She even got the beginning of one of her threads published in Cricket once!

But one day, the girl grew up.

She sat down at her computor desk and sighed.

Even though the sun was clearly shining, the sky seemed dark to her. 

With a heavy heart, she started to write.


My name is Jocelyn, but my nickname is Joss. I'm 14 years old and I live in Maine. I love acting and theatre. I'm a Christian with a passion for God. I really love to laugh, and I can be a bit immature, loud, and crazy around my friends. The only sport I'm good at is tetherball, and I think cats are the best animals in the world. I love to draw, even though I'm not that good at it. I have a doll-themed Youtube channel, and I get really embarassed to tell people about it. I'm the weakest in my class at arm wrestling, but I'm the best in my class at writing and english. My favorite thing to do in writing is to create new characters. I have these blue eyes that kind of look a bit greenish, so they remind me of the sea. I have long blonde hair and tannish skin, and I have a natural blush and an annoyingly poofy bottom lip. My glasses annoy me a lot, but people say I look better with them than without them. I listen to literally all kind of music, from showtunes to 80s to heavy metal. I'm really salty to a bunch of people, and having roast sessions is actually a hobbie of mine (all kidding, though, nothing mean for real). 

But I have to leave.

I kind of already left, but I thought I'd make this thread to say goodbye. Not for pity or for having CBers try to get me to come back, but just to say goodbye to you guys. I'm not really going to give an excuse for why I'm leaving, because honestly? I don't know why.

But I might come back! Actually, I'll probably come crawling back to you someday, begging for forgiveness.

I might just be one of those CBers that occasionally posts something like once in a blue moon. 

I just want to say I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! All of you are so amazinginly incredible and I know that each and every one of you has a big part to play in God's plan. 

I honestly would not be suprised if one, heck more than one of you become like president of the world someday. Even though that't not a thing, if one of you guys want to do it, you could. 

You guys are so brilliant and talented and amazing and kind and uplifiting and supportive and I could go on and on. 

Gwen wants to say bye to Hobbes No I don't!! and Ida wants to say bye to Grace. Heh, I didn't get to be here that long, but I thought of you as a really close friend.

I don't want this to be depressing. I want it to be like a goodbye party!!

HAVE SOME CAKEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bye, guys. I love you so much and I really appreciate you. You guys have helped me through some really tough times and I don' t know where I'd be without you. 

I have to go get ready, I'm having my birthday party at a trampoline park today!


submitted by Joss, age 14, ME
(August 29, 2016 - 8:41 am)

Hi! My name is Icy!

I'm 12 years old. I turned twelve August 20, the day after my audition for Oliver. We went to a Buffet and I discovered I have a brave streak--I tried Oyster, Shrimp (okay, not as brave. I've had that before.), and even Sushi, and enjoyed it all!

I've seen you on a few threads, but never really talked to you, and I'm really sorry that you have to leave....

Dead CBer count, as of the last two months: 5.

Jeesh, Frosty. But goodbye! :D 

submitted by Icy , age 12!!!, The Forest
(August 29, 2016 - 11:34 am)

Hi Icy!! I wish I could have gotten to know you better, you seem like a really awesome person!! You're braver than I am, I would have never tried oyster or sushi XD!

submitted by Joss
(August 30, 2016 - 10:34 am)

Okay, Joss. *Smiles through tears.* Let's have a party then. Ummm... we can put on a skit and all wear Joss's favorite color. And...guess how many jelly beans can fit into a jar 24 inches wide and three miles high. Wow...I want to own something like that. *Starts crying* it's no use! Distracting myself won't work! 

submitted by Rose bud, age 14
(August 29, 2016 - 4:19 pm)

I'm going to miss you so much!

*Bursts in to tears and hugs Rose Bud tightly*

Rosebud, you're one of the sweetest CBers ever and I'm so glad that I got to be friends with you! You've always been so kind and supportive and I've always looked up to you!

*Wipes away tears* Bye...


*Pulls Rosebud in for one last hug*

submitted by Joss
(August 30, 2016 - 10:39 am)

To the tippity top!

submitted by Topper!
(August 29, 2016 - 7:31 pm)

Oh no! ANOTHER person is leaving! WHY?

Goodbye, Joss.  

submitted by Daisy
(August 29, 2016 - 7:36 pm)

Bye, Daisy!!

*Hugs* I wish I could have gotten to know you better, you seem like a really sweet person!

submitted by Joss
(August 30, 2016 - 10:40 am)

Jossiejossjossalossietossiepossiepassiepattiepattacake! I hate to see you go, but if it must be so, at least you let us know that we'll hear from you now and then. **sigh**

I'll miss you. When you were more active, you were one of my CBbesties. I'm usually bad at goodbyes...I hope you don't mind. Happy trampolining, good luck with your YouTube channel (I want to see the day when you have a million subscribers), and see you soon.

**gives Joss a giant hug and won't let go until she is shoved off** 

submitted by OtR
(August 30, 2016 - 6:13 am)

Yeah, I promise this isn't the last you'll hear from me on CB!

I thought of you as one of my CBbesties too, and whenever you were on a thread I'd get so excited to see you!!

*gives OTR an equally giant hug and also won't let go until she's shoved off*

submitted by Joss
(August 30, 2016 - 10:43 am)

Ow, no. JOSS TOO?! Seriously, people!

Joss, do you solemnly promise to come back for November 2017? November 2nd is my birthday, and I promised that I would tell everyone my name and age then.

And are you able to tell me what town or county you live in? I live in Portland. For some reason, I always imagine you living in Westbrook. XD. If you aren't allowed to or if you don't feel comfortable with that, it's fine. *smiles while one single tear runs down her face* We'll miss you, Joss.

Mei did exactly what she hoped not to do... a chain reaction. Thankfully Scylla is not leaving, but Joan and you are.

submitted by Leafpool
(August 30, 2016 - 6:29 am)

I solemly promise I'll come back to CB on November 2nd, 2017!



I live in Portland too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ohmygosh, maybe we've seen each other! Maybe we've talked to each other!


*Runs of squealing and making up fantasies about meeting Leafpool in real life*

But in all seriousness, Leafpool, you're awesome!! I considered you one of my CB friends and I'll miss you!


submitted by Joss
(August 30, 2016 - 10:48 am)



You can't leave..... no......

You're an artifact from an older CB... you must stay in our private collection. Don't go to a muesum. Now I'm sadd............. 

submitted by S.E.
(August 30, 2016 - 7:14 am)



Oh my gosh, I'll miss you!! 

*More hugs*

Thank youuuuuu for being awesome!

submitted by Joss
(August 30, 2016 - 10:50 am)

This is like the week for leaving people. Me (My last day is tomorrow) maybe Scylla, Joan, Joss . . . No we did not come together and plan this.

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(August 30, 2016 - 7:43 am)

*smiles through tears* G'bye, Joss. Good luck with the real world. And no matter what happens: Be you. Even if your true name changes, stick with it. *brushes tear away* Farewell.

submitted by Cho Chang
(August 30, 2016 - 1:31 pm)