Computer Virus.
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Computer Virus.
Computer Virus.
Hey. So, my computer got a virus. I won't go into details, but after lots of hassle, we finally took it to an expert. The virus was from Anime Creator we all use. When I play it, I upload the virus unknowingly to my computer. So I won't be able to make people anymore and I thought I'd just tell y'all.
Thanks for letting us all know!
submitted by ________
(August 17, 2016 - 8:23 pm)
(August 17, 2016 - 8:23 pm)
Well, there's one kind of virus which locks down your computer, so you can't use it. Then whoever put the virus on your computer will pop up a message on your computer, saying that if you give him/her an insane amount of money, s/he'll get rid of the virus for you.
If you agree and fork over the money, the virus will appear to be removed, but still run in the background, and will steal all your passwords.
(August 27, 2016 - 7:43 am)