Chicks, Take 2:
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Chicks, Take 2:
Chicks, Take 2:
I have bad news (I've been meaning to tell you for a while, but I felt like now that I've started a new clutch it's a good time): The chicks didn't hatch. Actually, I don't think they even grew. That's because the instructions were wrong for the incubator I got, and I think we set the temperature wrong, and, on top of that, our thermometer was off, resulting in a temp that was too high. So I started a new batch today, with glass stones for temperature regulation, and a more reliable thermometer! They're bound to hatch this time. *Crosses fingers*
Also, in my last chick thread, remember when I mentioned that something mysterious had taken away a few chickens? We'd hoped it would go away. But problems--or predators--like that don't just 'go away'. So it wasn't a hungry hawk. It wasn't a greedy owl. Can you guess what it was--or should I say, still is? You guessed it. Mr. Fox is back. We're almost 100% sure it's the fox. It's figured out how to get in through the electric fence, and IT HAS TAKEN MY FAVORITE CHICKENS BACK OUT.
For one, Prince Seth, the last remaining heir to the throne of chickens, and his sister Madeline, have disappeared. The thing is, we didn't notice until Sandy, my favorite turken chicken, Sweet Pea, Mr. Peabody's mate, Ruby, Reuben's mate, Millie, the cutest quail antwerp belgian bantam you've ever seen, and a few brown leghorns disappeared. And last night, it took Reuben, too. So I have one bantam left now. His name is Mr. Peabody, and he's super sad about his favorite chicken in the world (Sweet Pea) getting stolen. I'd show you pics of the ones who got killed (from before they got killed), but unfortunately I didn't even have the chance to take pictures of them.
Ugh. It's like loosing children. I'm serious; I raised them from chicks and they came when I called them. They perched on my arm like hawks.
I've locked Mr. Peabody and the remaining brown leghorns into their coop for now. So they're safe, at least for the time being.
I'm desperate: Does anybody have ANY tips at all that might help in the...extermination...of this fox? Any tips at all would be welcome. I might actually have to do a stakeout.
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P.S. I'm going to (most likely) be on AJ tonight. Meet me at the Best Guess game that will happen in 1 hr and 8 mins from when I posted this.
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(July 26, 2016 - 5:52 pm)
Hey! We have a chicken named Ruby too! I'm sorry to hear about the chicks. We haven't tried breeding yet—especially since we can't yet tell which are roosters and which are hens! Assumably, the hens will start laying this September, and the roosters are already beginning to crow a bit.
(July 28, 2016 - 9:39 am)