Chicks, Take 2:

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Chicks, Take 2:

Chicks, Take 2:

I have bad news (I've been meaning to tell you for a while, but I felt like now that I've started a new clutch it's a good time): The chicks didn't hatch. Actually, I don't think they even grew. That's because the instructions were wrong for the incubator I got, and I think we set the temperature wrong, and, on top of that, our thermometer was off, resulting in a temp that was too high. So I started a new batch today, with glass stones for temperature regulation, and a more reliable thermometer! They're bound to hatch this time. *Crosses fingers*

Also, in my last chick thread, remember when I mentioned that something mysterious had taken away a few chickens? We'd hoped it would go away. But problems--or predators--like that don't just 'go away'. So it wasn't a hungry hawk. It wasn't a greedy owl. Can you guess what it was--or should I say, still is? You guessed it. Mr. Fox is back. We're almost 100% sure it's the fox. It's figured out how to get in through the electric fence, and IT HAS TAKEN MY FAVORITE CHICKENS BACK OUT. 

For one, Prince Seth, the last remaining heir to the throne of chickens, and his sister Madeline, have disappeared. The thing is, we didn't notice until Sandy, my favorite turken chicken, Sweet Pea, Mr. Peabody's mate, Ruby, Reuben's mate, Millie, the cutest quail antwerp belgian bantam you've ever seen, and a few brown leghorns disappeared. And last night, it took Reuben, too. So I have one bantam left now.  His name is Mr. Peabody, and he's super sad about his favorite chicken in the world (Sweet Pea) getting stolen. I'd show you pics of the ones who got killed (from before they got killed), but unfortunately I didn't even have the chance to take pictures of them.

Ugh. It's like loosing children. I'm serious; I raised them from chicks and they came when I called them. They perched on my arm like hawks.

I've locked Mr. Peabody and the remaining brown leghorns into their coop for now. So they're safe, at least for the time being.

I'm desperate: Does anybody have ANY tips at all that might help in the...extermination...of this fox? Any tips at all would be welcome. I might actually have to do a stakeout.

~ ~ ~

P.S. I'm going to (most likely) be on AJ tonight. Meet me at the Best Guess game that will happen in 1 hr and 8 mins from when I posted this. 

~ ~ ~ 

submitted by Micearenice, Trying Again
(July 26, 2016 - 5:52 pm)

Dang, I could've seen you on AJ! Oh and the fox reminds me of the gentleman with sandy whiskers (Beatrice Potter reference, anyone??). I pity your eggs, chicks, and chickens. Good luck and best of wishes with the new clutch!

submitted by Scylla
(July 26, 2016 - 10:45 pm)

Thanks, Scylla!

P.S. TOP! 

P.P.S. I didn't make it to the best guess game last night, unfortunately. :(

submitted by Micearenice, Topping
(July 27, 2016 - 7:57 am)


Ok, sorry. Mice, I'm SO SORRY that happened again. Maybe break out the bear trap again??????  And he took the prince????? There's no more royal chickens!!! *sobs*

But seriously, I'm really sorry that happened.  

submitted by Shadowmoon
(July 27, 2016 - 8:16 am)

Awww man! I know exactly how you feel. I have eight chickens, Peep, Maple, Letty, Louise, Nancy, Chicken Little The Second (yes, Chicken Little The First got hit by a car.), Seeds, And Burrito. Maple and Peep are really tame, and they love me. I raised them in a group of six chicks, and three were roosters (we had to get rid if them) and another disappeared mysteriously, (maybe the sane problem you have, only for me it was only one hen, Sunshine.) and one was given to us. (Chicken Little The First.) Peep and Maple are the only ones left. I raised the new batch if six chicks myself too, and their almost grown now, and will start laying eggs for me soon. They're still getting used to me. But Peep and Maple, they're like sisters to me. Or children. So I know how it feels to lose chickens. I really hope your new batch of eggs hatch! Someday I want to hatch my own chicks in an incubator. I'm sorry about your last batch. Well, I know you can hang old CDs up to scare off birds of prey, but I'm not sure if it'll work for foxes.  Maybe worth a shot, though. 

submitted by Leeli
(July 27, 2016 - 8:58 am)

Oh no! Poor Mr. Peabody. WHY SWEET PEA?!

But it's funny (no, not this. This is tragic.) because I was going to make a chickens thread! Because  ... *drumroll* We got new chickens! Rhode Island Reds!! We've only had Buff Orpingtons before, but these chickies are GORGEOUS!


We got two, Hermione II and Rose. Which, as I am not a fan of those names (due to already having a Hermione I and a Rosie) so I call them Ruineth and Evanlyn in my head. I know, I'm crazy. 

Our friends (who are moving to Virgina) gave them to us, and even though we've only had the chickens for three days, one already started laying. (They won't let me touch them, though. :( I like petting chickens.) 

submitted by Cho Chang
(July 27, 2016 - 9:18 am)

Stupid fox.

I am very sorry for the loss of your chickens! It sounds dreadful, and all due to that fox. Here's some stuff I found online that can help:

- Don't let the chickens out too early in the morning, foxes are usually out at this time.

- Check for short circuits in the electric fence. Foxes are extremely smart and will be able to get past through this way. Also if the fence is shortened to the ground by a plant touching the wires, it won't work. They may also expand rabbit holes and crawl under the fence. 

- Check on the flock at irregular times of day. Having a pattern on checking them is no better than a weak fence, and the foxes will know when to expect you. 

- Also, if you use electric wire, that will prevent them from digging under the fence or using rabbit holes.

Hope this helps, good luck little chicks and hens! 


submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(July 27, 2016 - 10:29 am)

Awww. I'm so sorry about your chickens, Micearenice. I have pet chickens too, and I know how I'd feel if any of them got eaten. I'd be so sad. My chickens are my babies. Maybe you should try a stake out, or set a trap for the fox. (Preferably a live trap. I don't want to tell you to kill anything, even if it is eating your poor, sweet, chickens.) If you can figure out how the fox is getting to the chickens you can block off that area. If I think of anything else I'll tell you. Good luck getting the fox.

submitted by Cockleburr
(July 27, 2016 - 12:00 pm)

I feel so sorry for you! *Hugs*

Also, what's AJ? 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(July 27, 2016 - 12:13 pm)

Animal Jam. It's a video game made by Nat Geo Kids, Smartbomb Interactive, and WildWorks.

submitted by Scylla
(July 28, 2016 - 4:23 pm)

I am so sorry! I am having the same problem with my ducks... Two have gotten eaten by a fox... We have caught the fox stalking them, too! Here are some tips:

Clear the brush around the area as best as you can.

There are special lights you can buy which mimic a predators eyes, which keeps foxes away.

Walk a dog around the coop.

There Are high pitched things which wail if there is movement in the area-but humans can't hear it and it doesn't bother poultry. It hurts the foxes ears and scares them away.

I hate to say this, but everyone says this works; I've never tried. Here it is: kill a chicken, put LOTS of hot sauce on it, and leave it for the fox to find and eat. Store bought chickens will NOT work. Anyway, the fox will eat some of it and never touch a chicken, at least your chickens, again. I am not sure if this works, it's supposed too. 


I am am really sorry about your chickens! I know how you feel. I hope this helps and good luck!  

submitted by Elmodaisy
(July 27, 2016 - 12:34 pm)

Thanks for the comments, guys! I think the hot sauce is a good idea, Elmodaisy. (The only problem is the chicken...AJ stands for Animal Jam, a National Geographic game. (Scylla, you literally JUST missed me on AJ.)

submitted by Micearenice
(July 27, 2016 - 7:49 pm)

ASHLEE, YOU'RE LEAVING???? D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: *Cries* Goodbye...

Thank you for all of your tips on getting rid of the fox...You've been a great friend.

submitted by Micearenice
(July 27, 2016 - 7:55 pm)

I'm... Ahh... yes, I'm leaving. But not by choice. And thank you! You have been an amazing friend as well, and I wish you success on with this second batch of eggs and the... cruel... little... fox.

Sorry, it just makes me really angry hearing about the death of lovely little hens. 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(July 27, 2016 - 8:58 pm)

Oh, I just remembered something: If you have a dog, try to get the dog to pee around the chicken coop, to mark it's territory. The fox will smell the dog urine and will stay away from the chicken coop because dogs are usually much larger preditors. I've heard not to use human urine because foxes don't think of humans as preditors and the smell will just make the fox more curious. Good luck!

submitted by Cockleburr
(July 27, 2016 - 7:56 pm)

Yeah, we do have two guard dogs who are supposed to be guarding all of our livestock...But usually they can't get into the pastures, because they'd have to jump right through the electric fence. We used to have one of those plastic little-kid slides that are only three feet tall over the fence so the dogs could get in and out of the sheep/goat/chicken field, but we moved it when we moved the sheep and goats so our baby goat Amber could play on it.

Last night we moved it back to the fence in the chicken pasture and showed Artemis, one of the dogs, how to get over it and into the pasture. I'm not sure if he went in there last night or not, but this way, if he ever sees the fox stealing a chicken, he can do something about it. I think the fox has assumed that the dogs can't get into the field, so this way, it will become nervous when it suddenly smells Artemis inside.

submitted by Micearenice
(July 28, 2016 - 8:34 am)