Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Alright you fandom types, you listen here, you sit yourself right down and listen closely, so get your popcorn, buckle your belts, buckle your soul, buckle your mind, buckle your LIFE because this story will get AWESOME.
So today I went to River City Comic Expo, a ComiCon in my home sate of AR. I went as Nightcrawler from X-Men. I looked FABULOUS. I made most of my costume, including the custom fangs and tail.
So I arrive at the ComiCon looking fabulous, and people love it. The judge of the group costume contest that I wasn't even IN took a moment to say "Hey you in the Nightcrawler costume! You look awesome, bro." A bunch of people assumed I was a guy, but whatever,
I took pictures with a bunch of awesome fellow cosplayers (I can show you them later).
Then it was time for the kids' costume contest.
I went onstage last, and some of the crowd started yelling "BAMF" (Nightcrawler's signature teleportation noise) when I got onstage. It was amazing, especially because there was a guy dressed as Wolverine in the front row who kept chanting "ELF, ELF, ELF, ELF".
Long story short: I WON THE CONTEST, BROTHER.
And I got $100 sweet cash bucks as a prize.
Then I met Nichelle Nichols at her booth. For those of you who don't know, Nichelle played Lt. Uhura on the original Star Trek. When she learned I won the costume contest, she both congratulated my costume AND applauded me.
I think I'll have that engraved on my tombstone.
"Lt. Uhura Applauded Brooke."
Anyway, sorry to blow this out of proportion. I just loved today, that's all.
We're sorry, Brookeira, but we are not allowed to post any photos of people at all, even if they are in costume.
(June 11, 2016 - 7:09 pm)
Wow, Brookeira! That sounds SOOO amazing. I went to a convention once, too, and I met the illustrator of the graphic novel Corgi, and he even signed my book. Also,
AAAAH! AAAH! AAAAAAAAHHH!!! YOU MET NICHELLE NICHOLS?? I'M SOOO JEALOUS! I LOVE STAR TREK! That is truly awesome. Wish I could have gone with you! ;)
It sounds like you had an amazing day! Yay for the Nightcrawling Brookeira!
(June 12, 2016 - 2:31 pm)
Oh, good! This thread appeared! It took a while...
(June 14, 2016 - 12:14 pm)
(June 14, 2016 - 12:57 pm)
Congrats, Brook!
(June 15, 2016 - 2:45 pm)
(June 15, 2016 - 7:53 pm)
That. Is. Aaawwesooome!!! Congratulations Brooke! That's a big deal. I'm really glad you won.
(June 15, 2016 - 9:24 pm)