I'm feeling sentiment

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

I'm feeling sentiment

I'm feeling sentimental right now.

I was reading that thread in PP "All the CBers..." and some of those old Nostalgia War threads and now I think I'm going to cry.

It's just... all these wars... I wish we could never fight, but such is the way of things, peace isn't as lovely without conflict and, after all, we are only human, no matter how far we bury ourselves in whimsy and imagination and magic.

Back in the Nostalgia War, I wanted to make everyone happy and I was depressed because beautiful people were leaving us and you want to cling on, selfishly, for yourself, and you want them back because you miss them and they were your friends and now you don't know if you'll ever hear from them again.

CB is the most amazing place in the universe and I love you all so, so, so, much. You are all spectacular people and I don't know if I could do without you. You are my friends, my siblings, my people, we here who understand me and feel me and are every bit as insane as I am.

I love you. 

submitted by Abigail S., age Feeling, Older Than 11
(April 19, 2016 - 9:28 pm)

I know. (I'm too geeky, huh?) ;p

submitted by Cho C.
(April 20, 2016 - 5:42 am)


submitted by top
(April 20, 2016 - 9:17 am)

I agree. I don't really know how to put this in words, and it feels kinda weird doing so, but I'll try.

This place probably is the most connected online community I have ever joined. I really like there are moderators that keep out the bad stuff, and people are really honest. Everyone is just about in my age range, which makes it feel like I don't have to act like an adult to get noticed. 

Aand yes, there will always be wars, and drama. But I don't think there's a place that doesn't have that. As long as we get through it, I think we'll be fine. 


submitted by ---
(April 20, 2016 - 9:49 am)

Wars were terrible. I remember nearly everyone threatened to leave at one point. And a lot of people did. Remember after the wars when new people would join? Well, this is what I would do. Hang on to the past. For about a month, I didn't want to welcome anyone new in fear that they would serve as a replacement. And CB was still and quiet, nobody knowing what to do. Remember how the last post on threads would be days before? It was terrible. It got better though. Scylla was the first person to introduce herself to me, and she was such a stranger. Now we're literally all family. I'm glad we haven't had a war in a while, and that the aftershocks are over, because to me that was the worst part. The Impersonator War was especially terrible because no one knew who was who, what was what, and what to do. 

But guess what.

It's over.

*blasts confetti cannons* *orders cake* *decorates surprisingly quickly* *throws glitter everywhere*

Lets celebrate CB peace! Imagine what your life would be like without CB! It's so insane that I just joined nearly 2 years ago, because I feel like I've been a part of the CB Family since I was.... NEGATIVE ELEVENTEEN! Which is totally a number.


submitted by Savvy44x, age Feeling, Younger than 11
(April 20, 2016 - 1:01 pm)

The Wars were horrible. I still miss everyone who left.

submitted by S.E.
(April 20, 2016 - 4:44 pm)

Abi, I feel the same way about you and each and every person here. I feel that I can speak my mind on this site, and I can share my feelings and everyone will open up their arms to me and sing joyously, "Come in! Come in!"

Well, maybe not exactly like that. :)

And about the wars: They were awful. They were saddening and maddening and heart-wrenching, and probably gave the Admins a lot of stress. Things happened too quickly, then too slowly. And now, we have a bigger community then ever before, and a peaceful and constructive one at that. We are this one huge CB family, and this is more than just a message board for readers floating in the midst of the internet. The people here are devoted. When you're part of the CB, you suddenly feel like you have a bond to people across the country (and the world) in a very intimate way. You have real friends whose faces you've never seen.

You also have frenemies. You also have people who you disagree with. But you take it in stride and create a thread for the purpose of debating!

Everyone here is wonderful. Don't you every forget that, peoples.

And don't forget the wars. We can only learn from the past.

Lastly, never forget to look ahead. 

submitted by OtR
(April 20, 2016 - 6:41 pm)

We're all so close here! Like, really. In most online forums, people don't really care for one another. But here is totally different.

P.S. I'm surprised that the "All the CBers" thread didn't cause another Nonstalgia War. 

submitted by Mei-xin (May-sheen), age Meaning:, Beautiful heart
(April 21, 2016 - 9:39 am)

Feeling nostalgic isn't the same as the war. Missing people who have left and embracing sadness are natural. The war to me was that some of the older CBers were getting upset about the newer ones and excluding them, saying that there were a bunch of newbies with horrible grammar who cluttered up CB with useless threads. 

submitted by Abigail S., age 11, Nose in a Book
(April 21, 2016 - 5:23 pm)

I know, right?! We're both relatively new, but we do NOT make useless threads! And your grammar is excellent. Also, my grammar has been better than my parents since second grade, or maybe even earlier. I suppose that may be cheating, because my parents are not native speakers of English, but still!

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh)
(April 22, 2016 - 9:29 am)

I'm sorry... I'm not starting an argument, but that's not completely true.


But there was a point in time where every day there would be a dozen completely useless threads that didn't go anywhere. And then there were other things as well...

But the Oldies didn't purposefully exclude the Newbies. It was more of a naturally forming segregation. The Oldies were used to one thing, and they did it one way, and the Newbies did things differently.

And so invisible boundries formed.

Bad memories. 

But I love all of you, so it's better now. 

submitted by S.E.
(April 24, 2016 - 3:49 pm)