Um, hey guys.

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Um, hey guys.

Um, hey guys. I have to introduce you all to someone. So I found a new Æ last night. And she begged to be created. SOOOO, here she is.

Hey guys! Whatcha doing? 

Yeah. This is Pinkie PIEper.

Yup! And guess what? Cakes do not exist!!! There are only pies.

(She's been reading a little too much of the Inheritance cycle)

No I haven't! 

Yeah, well guess what? We're getting replaced Blizzard. Actually, only you are. But I prefer you over this crazy ... creature. 

That's nice.

I know, right?

Um, hey guys? What's going oooonnnn?

None of your beeswax.

Yeah. If you don't know who Pinkie Pie is, go Google her.

♪And that pony is meeee!♪

Yeah. She has problems. 

submitted by Cho C., With Pinkie PIEper
(March 30, 2016 - 3:39 pm)

I have a question. Are you Pinkie Pie, or are you just similiar to her? Because your name is Pinkie PIEper.

Also, if you Pinkie Pie, this makes me want to not watch MLP anymore (I mean I don't, but I've been thinking of watching the new cartoons just because teens like it O.o) 

submitted by The Novelist, The Secret Forest
(March 31, 2016 - 11:46 am)

Well, she is almost Pinkie Pie's twin except Pinkie PIEper has an obsession with pies. O.o MLP is really good. You should watch it.

*pops out of nowhere* ALL CAKES ARE PIES!

Yeah ... you still haven't gotten over it when Shadow Dragon said a post up on this thread awhile back.


submitted by Cho C.
(March 31, 2016 - 3:13 pm)

Every time you mention a new fandom of yours, I grow to like you even more.

I'm a huge fan of the Inheritance Cycle!!!!! 


Taxi says heki. Heck what? Are you ok?? Ditty's starting to annoy him... maybe he just doesn't want another Ae....


Ditty: Heck, awesome! Pink, I'm Ditty! It's awesome to meet you! and I must argue: There are no pies, only cakes. YOU WERE WRONG!!!! 

submitted by TARDISrider, age 982, Gallifray
(March 31, 2016 - 6:36 pm)

Well, that's good.




(I'm currently reading brisingr)

Hi Ditty! And guess what? You were wrong!!!!!!!!! There are only PIES!!! *pulls pie cannon out of nowhere* MUAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! YOU MUST NOW SUBMIT TO THE POWER OF PIES AND ANGELA THE HERBILIST!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

submitted by Cho C.
(April 1, 2016 - 11:52 am)

I drew a picture of your new AE PinkiePIEper Cho. Here you go: 

She's holding a pie in both human form and pony form. If you want me to color her pink, I will. Otherwise, I'll just leave her blank. 


submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(April 1, 2016 - 7:22 pm)

Oh, thanks Joan! That's so sweet!

Oh my pies! Who is that beautiful pony?!

Really Pinkie?

Really whaaat?

That's you.

Oh. There's pies.

Yup. That's because it's you.

Me? Okay. *Trots off aimlessly*

I think she's a little scared of you now. Or something. 

submitted by Cho C.
(April 2, 2016 - 7:04 am)