Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Anyone interested in any kind of political discussion?  Who do you want to win the election?  Who do you think will be McCain's VP choice?  What do you think of the candidates?

Sorry if you don't live in the US!!! 

submitted by Hannah R., age 13, New York
(August 28, 2008 - 12:25 pm)

The reason Pallin doesn't support the endandered species act is because if the polar bears are on the list she and her oil company owning cronies wouldn't be able to drill the artic (which is really good that at the moment the bears are on the list).

submitted by Lily A., age 15, Portland, OR
(September 16, 2008 - 6:51 pm)

Sounds like I agree with her on every single thing!

submitted by Emily L., age 13, WA
(September 3, 2008 - 12:33 pm)

Hannah R., most of the reasons you oppose Sarah Palin are why I support her! She really connects with America.  

submitted by Maddy, age 14, Oregon
(September 3, 2008 - 4:08 pm)

You say Palin doesn't have any experience. Look at Obama, it seems like everyone wants to vote for him and what experience has he got? Two or three years as an Illinois senator. That's it. I think if Obama has a chance, then Palin definitely has a chance.

submitted by Drew, age Older Than, The Moon
(September 4, 2008 - 3:47 pm)

When I heard about Sarah Palin as VP I jumped for joy. Finally, someone who values life!

submitted by Hannah M., age 12, Ohio
(August 31, 2008 - 1:16 pm)

AND there haven't been any terrorist attacks since 9/11.  If we want war on terror, fight the Taliban or something, so there will actually be a reason to fight.

If all these people are so "pro-life" then maybe they could ADOPT one of the millions of unwanted babies in America??? 

submitted by Hannah R., age 13, New York
(August 31, 2008 - 2:54 pm)

Hannah R., since there have not been any terrorist attacks since 9/11, George Bush must be doing a good job protecting us. 

Also, there are many loving families in America who are willing to adopt. But many people can't afford or are not in the position to adopt. What about making homes for teen mothers? Then they could learn how to take care of their babies.

submitted by Maddy, age 14, Oregon
(September 2, 2008 - 8:46 pm)

..."there haven't been any terrorist attacks since 9/11"

Several have been prevented, here and overseas, but there are still regualr attacks in India, for example.

..."fight the Taliban or something"

What do you think is going on in Afghanistan?

submitted by Vendy, age 16, Museica
(September 3, 2008 - 8:28 pm)

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! There are SO many unwanted babies out there, that should be adopted! My brother is adopted.

submitted by Anais A., age 14, Bay Area CA
(September 14, 2008 - 8:52 pm)

I don't really like either of this election's candidates. The last
election was a clear choice for me, but I can't decide on this one... 

submitted by Hannah M., age 12, Ohio
(August 29, 2008 - 7:51 pm)

The only man who is worthy enough to run this country is Kucinich, but he's already out. So i think either Ralph Nadar or Obama.

submitted by Simon K., age 13, New York
(August 31, 2008 - 12:44 pm)

Yay! I'm glad we can talk politics here.  At school it just gets you into arguments with your friends, you know?  Personally I like McCain.  I think he is the better choice because:  he knows how the government works, he is a war veteran and knows that it is impossible to "just pull out" of a war, and he doesn't have slam Obama campaigns.  Of course, there are other reasons but these are the big ones.  I wouldn't mind if Obama became president, but I think he's too inexperienced.  He has these big dreams, but as soon as he sits in the Oval Office he's gonna realize that Congress isn't gonna let him change the country.  Also if anyone watches TV, they're bound to see an ad that is approved by Obama and is just a slam McCain ad.  None of his ads say what he is going to do!  Also in his huge speech Wednesday (I think it was Wednesday...) he mentioned McCain every 80 seconds!  I really wish he'd tell me what HE was gonna do, not what McCain would screw up. 

One more thing: does anyone else have teachers who talk about the election?  I don't mean like history teachers where it's part of the class, but other teachers.  I have a couple teachers who always bring up the election and their favorite candidate, it's really annoying.  That talk should be saved for after class, right?

submitted by Wendy C., age 15, Ohio
(August 31, 2008 - 5:46 pm)

wendy, i think that the election being talked about in scholl is super good, because a lot of kids don't follow the elections, and it is important to know this stuff.

submitted by mayr s., age 11, new york
(September 4, 2008 - 3:21 pm)

WOW. I am glad you guys are so involved. I watched the Democratic Debate a couple of nights ago and it was pretty interesting. Other than that, though, I really don't have anything else to say. I don't follow it that closely, but kids that do, GO YOU! That's just pretty cool that you are interested. Who knows? One of you that commented here could be running for president in thirty years!

submitted by Olivia B., age 13, Maine
(September 2, 2008 - 3:52 pm)

A Note from the Web Site Administrators


Dear kids contributing to this thread,


Discussing politics politely and civilly is usually quite difficult. On this thread it is especially important that contibutors strive to adopt a moderate and respectful tone, both toward each other and toward our nation's political leaders.  


Please remember that Cricket is read by children as young as 9. Some of the topics older kids are comfortable discussing are not really appropriate for all Cricket subscribers. Also, the tone of the discussion is becoming too harsh and partisan. People with strong views tend to post frequently, although sometimes they are just repeating the same points in reply to different comments. This can intimidate others who might want to join the discussion.


This thread is open to all viewpoints. If you submit a comment that is not posted or that is edited, it may be because there is nothing fresh in your comment, or that the discussion is devolving into mere bickering, or that the tone of your comment (especially one criticizing another viewpoint) is not sufficiently civil and well-reasoned, or that the topic is too mature for many Cricket readers or not presented with sufficient sensitivity.


Although many people have very strong views and emotions about politics, it is not right for this thread on the Cricket site to become a shouting match of negativity or a soapbox for a political harangue. We are happy to see a balance of viewpoints in this thread, and pleased that some of the pointed criticisms of our political leaders are matched with responses by kids who have different views.


Several contributors have raised good points about whether it's
appropriate for kids to be discussing politics at all. But as much as
possible, we would like Cricket readers to decide for themselves on the topics that interest them, and to discuss them with intelligence and due regard to others.


When in doubt, review Rule #1: Be nice.


The Administrators



submitted by The Administrators, Cricket Magazin
(September 4, 2008 - 11:32 am)