Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Katydid: You are a young magykworker. You are not the best of them, yet, but you are learning. Your magic is of love potions and a few simple spells; and knowing the properties of specific magic plants and how to use them. You have leaves in your tangled brown hair, muddy feet, grass stained knees, and a wide minty toothed smile. You wear a tattered brown dress and carry only a basket with a collection of herbs and plants, and a spellbook. You travel around the country doing different jobs; sometimes you are hired to help charm some seeds during planting season to bear well and fully; othertimes you just sell some simple charms to help things be more sturdy. Often for spare money you sit in marketplaces and sing; your voice is like that of a lark, wild and beautiful, haunting as the moonshine on water, and even more beautiful. Your steps are light and soft, even if you are running; you walk one foot in front of another, tentativly. Your home is the forest and oft you can be found their, eatting nuts and berries instead of bread and meat. 

Teresa: You are the governess of the Royal children. You have the best of posturing, and always walk perfectly upright; you are kind and under you the Royal children have perfect manners and are well ahead in their studies. You wear a gray dress, and walk gracefully, and do well in the castle; but sometimes you can be seen when the children are bent over their studies, busy, sniffing a silken flower that never dies, given to you long ago by your mother, who was a friend of a forest.

Somebody: You are a hireable assasian. Your hood is black as night, your eyes glimmer under the darkness of the hood. You have been hired by kings and emperors. You are the One Who Watches. You seem to appear at every important event, at weddings and banquets and sometimes just in the marketplace, strolling unnoticed through a thick crowd. You seem to fade into the shadows, into the crowd, into the background; you are forgetable amongst many and terrifying when you lift your head, and once one has seen you for who you are, you will never leave their minds whenever they see a caped figure. 



submitted by Indigo
(November 14, 2015 - 11:08 pm)


Leafmist ~ An elf stands boldly in front of the council, defying their every wish. Two vines coil up her legs, stopping just below her knees. Brown leggings with green rims cover her legs. She is wearing a matching top, her bow slung at her side. A mist makes her hard to see. Leaves swirl around her. In a moment she disappears, obviously because of some magic or another.

@Mere, you might want to retry your envisioning of me, but I like the idea. 

submitted by Cho C., age 12, Episode VII
(November 25, 2015 - 5:05 pm)

Oh, please someone do me!!! I posted some but they got deleted and I don't really want to redo everything!!!

submitted by Abigail S. , age 11, Nose In a Book
(November 25, 2015 - 4:35 pm)

Abigail: You are a spirit of wind. A breeze continuously ruffles your light hair. It's about waist length, a little curly, but mostly straight. The breeze that surrounds you is tinged with the scent of cinnamon and has oak, maple, and willow leaves drifting in it. You wear a loose-fitting leaf green tunic that changes color depending on the season. A quiver is casually slung across your back and your bow rarely leaves your hand. Your hazel eyes stare determinedly forward as you sneak a hazelnut from your tunic pocket and eat it. You have a pendant with an emerald set in it around your neck.

Hope you like it! 

submitted by Scylla
(November 25, 2015 - 6:30 pm)

That's so pretty, Scylla! I love it.

submitted by Abigail S. , age 11, Nose In a Book
(November 25, 2015 - 10:06 pm)
Abigail S.: You were left on the doorsteps of a castle when you were one year old. A noblewoman found you and raised you as a young woman of the court, but you're friends with everybody from the lowliest maid to the princess herself. You're very pretty- your cheeks are rosy and your eyes are pale blue. Your blonde hair is all over the place, but it only makes you look prettier. You never lack the manners proper for any situation but are also known to be the most fun person in court. 
Leafmist: You are a forest nymph. Strands of your short blonde hair are interwoven with vines and strings of leaves, and you wear a circlet of green leaves and light flowers. You are nimble and light-footed, and when you don't want to be caught, you are very fast. You can seem to melt into the forest, disappearing to who-knows-where, but you really are right in front of everyone's noses, camouflaged. Your forest-green eyes have both an innocence and a wisdom that hold the gaze of all who meet them. 
Merenwe: You live in a treehouse in the forest. You're a sweet forest witch, and all look to you for both potions and advice. You have long, straight black hair and a slight and nimble figure. When making a potion of any sort, you always know exactly what effect each aromatic and mysterious herb in your cabinets will have, and you dart artfully around your cauldron, adding flowers and roots with quickness and yet a meticulousness that is unrivaled by even the most exact doctors. You wear clothes in the hues of the trees of the forest, browns and dark reds. 
submitted by Sydney C., age 13
(November 25, 2015 - 9:05 pm)

Sidney.... Uh, no offense, but does Abigail have color-changing eyes? Forest green or pale blue; you decide.

Leafmist: Your eyes sparkle playfully in the perpetual dawn of the land you live in. The sun never moves over the redwood trees of the forest, staying in one spot. It creates a beautiful and mysteriious half-light. You step out of the shadows to reveal a beautiful maiden wreathed in mist. You are not a fairy, not an elf, but a misteloch. You suddenly leap effortlessly up into a tree hundreds of feet above you, leaving a trail of mist in your wake. Your silver hair shines in the light and your tricolored eyes gleam. They are gold, silver, and copper. They have seen something dangerous, something terrible in this forest. You tunic of leaves hardly stirs the thin leaves around you as you sit, silently, waiting.

Hallia says ohmy. What could this mean? The terrible thing from Leafmist's forest is coming to kill us? 

submitted by Scylla
(November 26, 2015 - 9:10 am)

Could you please do me?

submitted by Applejaguar, age 10, New York
(November 26, 2015 - 8:46 am)

Thanks Cho!!!

submitted by Leafmist
(November 26, 2015 - 9:11 am)

Merenwe: You're a half-blood. Though you do not know it, your mother was a sea nymph, and you've always felt attracted to the water. Your father is a trader at the marketplace and is usually away, so you spend a lot of your time by the river. A quiet child, you found a silent, beautiful larea to stay. Willows lined the sides, and you leaned on their sturdy trunks as you dipped your bare feet into the water. You wore a simple blue dress, but underneath were leggings in case you felt like going for a swim. Your hair was a plain brown, and braided into two pigtails that you clip into loops on your head.

Abigail: You are a scribe. Your hair is brown and wavy, and though you try to keep it back in a bun, it never works. To be presentable, you have to wear a dress, but you keep it as plain and modest as possible: it's just a tan, long-skirted dress. You're known for your excellent voice and bursts of humor as you write, and how quickly you keep records for the Queen.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(November 26, 2015 - 1:52 pm)

Oh, scratch that, Sidney. I didn't see where you switched to Leafmist.

Applejaguar: You are a beautiful sky-blue jaguar. Rather than spots, you have neon-green ornate designs on your fur. Your eyes are a deep and mysterious purple, but it doesn't suit your playful personality. You live near an apple orchard and enjoy eating the apples so much that others in your tribe have dubbed you "Applejaguar" and the name stuck. Your tail is like a snow leopard's and is thick, fluffy, and beautiful. Everyone loves you and you are easy to get along with. 

submitted by Scylla
(November 26, 2015 - 4:31 pm)

Thank you, that's beautiful. I love my tail.

Scylla: You are a green sea serpent withe a scarlet tongue. Each of your scales has a tiny curlique at the end. Sometimes you will eat those who cross your section of the sea, but more likely you'll amuse them with a clever quip. When alone you often throw back your head and laugh.

submitted by Applejaguar, age !), New York
(November 30, 2015 - 3:31 pm)


I know that I already have been done but I will do you if you do me.

submitted by Elvina
(November 26, 2015 - 4:47 pm)


Elvina ~ An elf sits a top of a tree, swaying in the breeze. Her silky blond hair floats around in the breeze, creating the effect that gravity does not affect it. A silver circlet crowns her brow, sparkling in the light. Her bow hangs loosely at her side, ready for her to fire it at any moment. She may be the princess, but she does not enjoy all the so called 'privileges'. She would rather be racing through the forest or practicing with her bow. She is wearing a mottled green and brown tunic with matching leggings. Although she is not wearing shoes her feet don't have any dirt or scrapes on them. She is waiting. But the question is, for what, or who?

submitted by Cho C., age 12, Episode VII
(November 27, 2015 - 9:40 am)

Cho Chang.- You are circiling over a Quititch ( sorry I can't spell that) match on your Firebolt. Your robes are bright blue with a raven on the back of themIt isn't any ordenary match though, It is the World Cup. Suddenly the crowd gasps as you go into a flawles dive, your long black hair streaming out behind you.  You land neatly on the ground and hold up the Golden Snich. The crowd roars. 

Hope you like it.  

submitted by Elvina
(November 27, 2015 - 1:32 pm)

It's sweet. Thank you. :-) *hugs*

submitted by Cho C., age 12, Episode VII
(November 27, 2015 - 2:13 pm)