
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Okay, this is a very personal thing I'm going to talk about. It took a lot of courage for me to write this.

Have you ever...wished you didn't wear headscarf? Now, I'm EXTREMELY proud to wear it. I see it as a symbol of my faith. But sometimes, when I'm out and kids my age stare at me and sometimes whisper, it's hard for me to keep my head up. I know I should be stronger, and I'm ashamed of admitting this.

It's just that a lot of times I want to be like everyone else. And then when I'm sitting alone and I think about it, I realize that I was being stupid. Who cares what some teenage girl thinks about me. Does it harm me in any way? No, it doesn't. And then I go out again and when there's another group staring and whispering, I look over and give them the biggest smile I've got. 

Do you know what I mean, Cayke?

submitted by Bookbug
(October 7, 2015 - 9:29 pm)

*hugs* I totally get exactly what you mean! When I first started, I started at the same time my friends did, so I had more confidence. Then, when I got a bit older and started noticing more of the stuff around me, I felt just that way. Like I was extremely proud of it, but just wished people wouldn't stare so and make me feel like...I don't know, it is a hard feeling to describe in words. Especially when I got a new swimsuit. The kind of swimsuit that is head-to-toe and with a headpiece. I was so ahamed of it, I was scared to go in the pool when there was anyone around because I knew I would stand out. When I went to Tahoe and two women told me that the very same thing I hated so passionately looked beautiful, that helped me so much to see the other side of things. Now, I still feel a little bit shy when going outside, but overall I just think " I don't give two pins about what you think, (staring viciously at whoever looks like they are judging me) and I'm doing this because that is what my religion says, and I am freaking proud of it." Next time you feel like they are judging you, remember that no matter what they think, you are still you and that you are proud of this headscarf, and that I am proud of you. I hope this helped! ~Cayke

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(October 8, 2015 - 1:12 pm)
submitted by peep
(October 8, 2015 - 4:48 pm)

Thank you so much, Cayke! You made me feel SO much better! You're an awesome friend!

submitted by Bookbug
(October 10, 2015 - 4:25 pm)

@Cayke and Bookbug- I'm not you're religion, but I just wanted to say this in case it helps. I was in NYC this weekend and there were people from all over the world there, so I saw a lot of people wearing headscarves. I had seen this thread before I left, so whenever I saw someone wearing one, I thought in my head I'M PROUD OF YOU. And it made me smile because I was thinking of you when I thought it. I hope what I just posted makes sense and doesn't just sound like a random jumble of words.

submitted by Dragonrider
(October 12, 2015 - 8:43 pm)

@Bookbug: Aw, I'm so glad you feel better! You're the most awesome friend ever too! =)
@Dragonrider: Wow, that is really awesome! Your answer made perfect sense, don't worry! I think it's so cool that you saw this thread and then saw the same thing it discussed. I think now you kinda have the inside scoop on what wearing a headscarf feels like. =)

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(October 13, 2015 - 12:03 pm)

@CayketheCook: Thanks!

@Dragonrider: What you said is so sweet, Dragonrider! I'm so happy to know that there are people like you who don't judge Muslims based on how they look. 

submitted by Bookbug
(October 14, 2015 - 4:58 pm)