Pottermore Usernames

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Pottermore Usernames

Pottermore Usernames

I'm pretty sure that the Admins allow us to talk about this particular website.

So, I think we should share are usernames! We could be friends on Pottermore...even though there isn't chatting anymore. Boo hoo.

And I'm not sure my mom would let me be friends with all of you. The only person she let me be friends with is a girl from school. My mom isn't looking over my shoulder while I'm on the computer, but she said that I can only friend people I know. Still, it would be cool if we could! 


Yes, we allow Pottermore and Nano sites.


submitted by Over the Rainbow
(September 19, 2015 - 6:37 am)

I'm Midnightspell18843, and I'm in Hufflepuff!

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(September 19, 2015 - 11:48 am)

I'm silverstrike31602 and Im also a puff but im a gryffyndor at heart

submitted by Luna, age 11, Everywhere
(September 22, 2015 - 2:15 pm)


Or at least it used to be. Look what happened to the website! I don't know what to think!

submitted by OtR
(September 22, 2015 - 2:25 pm)

I know! it sucks bullets now. I used to have lots of great Huffie friends, and now the stupid moderators cut off chats. I've contacted them, but all I got was a very cordial message that was TRASH.

Apparently they're remodelling it, though, so manybe it'll get better...?

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(September 22, 2015 - 5:23 pm)

I agree with Danie. The new pottermore is too...sleek! No dueling! No Moments! No interaction with other users! No houses! Even though I joined almost 3 years ago, I was just getting good a dueling. Actually, yesterday I clicked on an already open pottormore tab which was on my wizard duels. I refreshed the page, and erased the good old Pottermore forever.

Well, we should have known something was up when they stopped letting you comment! And when they sent out the notification about something new coming.

But shiny moderness is not for Harry Potter! Arrrrrgh! 

submitted by OtR
(September 23, 2015 - 5:51 am)

the websssiiiitee


NO,nonononnono. Pottermore, you got it all WRONG.

shiny modern websites aren't for YOU! Wizards are all about the ancient and old, not new and shiny! No usernames, no dueling, no nothin'. Ewewewewewewewewewew.

Pottermore, modern isn't for you. 

submitted by Danie
(September 22, 2015 - 7:21 pm)

I LOVE pottermore!  My mom is pretty strict about chatting (like the CB is kind of stretching it), so I'm kind of glad I never was on there when they had it on. I do wish there would be more stuff though.  I would put up my username, but I think I might get in trouble so I won't. 

submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(September 23, 2015 - 11:24 am)

I agree! The new Pottermore is too fancy and new. And, I can't even figure out how to get to all the "spectacular" content that they are promising! All I get is pictures of Harry and random articles!!!

submitted by AVeryAnnoyedKate", age (TheGreat)
(September 25, 2015 - 10:10 pm)

Yeah. Pottermore sucks now. I say, if they want to do all of this "facinating" new content, then why don't they just put it on the little "Unlock new writing from JK Rowling!" part? I LIKED the old Pottermore. The new one is just... stupid. Glum and blah.

Personally, I prefer potion-making and meeting Potterheads to reading stuff I already know.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(September 26, 2015 - 10:03 am)


submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(October 1, 2015 - 3:48 pm)

What happened is that they tottaly redesigned the website and took away all of the fun part. Sure, I suppose it is nice to have a Potter enciclopedia, but that isn't what Pottermore is about. You should look at the feature about people responding to the new Pottermore. Some people actually like it! 

submitted by OtR
(October 1, 2015 - 4:52 pm)

THEY ARE CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(October 1, 2015 - 9:44 pm)