I don't know
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
I don't know
I don't know what's wrong with the "new CB". It's not really new, anyway - I mean sure, we have a bunch of new people, but is that a bad thing? Why do we continue to cling to the idea of reverting to a past chatterbox? It doesn't exist. It's gone, and it's never coming back. I don't see why so many people have a problem with that.
Sure, I never liked five-page RPs either, and the impersonations have to stop, and the alter egos need to die down a bit, and people need to stop trying to leave! But please don't discourage us with tales of this forgotten realm known as the Old CB, and how it will never be the same.
Plus, some of the Old CB still remains - Ellie, Ruby, Abigail A., ...me... are all still here! It's not like that era has been completely obliterated from existence. It's still here, but some of it died and some of it sprouted. And along with the ones that died, there were new ones that grew. New CBers. The "old" CB is still here, it's just changing. It will always be changing. In three years from now, do you think it's going to be exactly the same as it is right now? No! It isn't!
"The only thing that does not change is the fact that everything changes."
Everybody needs to accept that, and once we deal with impersonations and overuse of alter egos, the CB will be back to normal, and you'll learn to accept it for how it is.
And now I've wasted fifteen minutes of my life writing this rant and I don't even know if it was worth it. Oh well.
(June 25, 2015 - 5:33 am)
I absoloutly completely agree with you. The CB should be like a forest not a museum, old things will die and new things will take there place, it's natural, we shouldn't have old ideas sit around on shelves gathering dust with a few oldies tottering about and telling us young ones about the old days. We should cultivate new interests, new games, new ideas. Old members new members, it's no different, we should unite and help each other with what we're going through, not criticize. But there are some traditions we should keep, obviously some games are still fun so we still do them! And Alter Egos are fun, as long as we have control over them and they don't drive others away.
(June 25, 2015 - 11:15 am)
(June 25, 2015 - 7:18 pm)
I have no idea what the old cb was really like because I just joined in May, but based on what I've heard about oldies and newbies, and things like that, I completely agree with you HAB.
(June 26, 2015 - 8:37 pm)
I stand with you Dragonrider and Hotairballoon.
(June 26, 2015 - 9:40 pm)
Huh. Maybe I would be more appreciative of the newer CBers if I connected with them, but it's like brushing shoulders with someone in a crowd.
(June 26, 2015 - 9:45 pm)