Weird Test

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Weird Test

Weird Test

Take this test if you dare! Rules: no usage of outside materials (i.e. books, other tabs, google, your sister), and if you read the answers others put before writing your answers you have to say so on the test. 

1. Who founded Hogwarts?

2. Write 'right-side up' upside down.

4. Explain your answer to number three.

5. Write a biography of Sakura.

6. Who is the Time Traveling Hipster?

7. Escribe your repuesta ʎɐʍ ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ yo wrote my queastio.

8. Write a seven-sentence story based off the word "curdle"

9. What grade do you think you deserve? 

10. Your opinions on this picture, please. 

112. Write a paragraph explaining why the Admins are awesome.

12. Draw and upload a picture of a squirrel.  

13. Your opinions on the Hunger Games?

59. Give me a random number between -89 and -50


Congratulations! You have finished your test! Now sign your name and the date in the upper left hand corner and turn it in. 

submitted by Indigo
(June 5, 2015 - 10:15 pm)

1. Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff, and Godric Gryffindor! Duh! 

2. Well how do you type upside down?

4. No number 3.

5. Sakura was a person. I think she was somehow involved in the ski lodges. The end.

6. I have no idea.

7. You are a jar of peanut butter.

8. She collapsed onto her knees on the dirt floor. I knew I shouldn't have broken my promise, she thought. The corpse lay on the ground next to her. Her dizziness overtook the girl as she fell to the ground. As she died, she thought, I'm sorry. 

Her body was found the next morning. That day, doctors declared Melanie Conor dead of a stroke caused by a blood clot in her brain.

See? She broke her blood oath and her blood curdled!

9. On this one? Hm, how about Triangle?



112. The Admins are awesome because we're annoying and they put up with it. They post our comments while living their lives and are supportive and don't complain about how annoying we are.

12. Okay, but I can't figure out how to upload pictures.

13. Can I be in them?

59. -88 

submitted by Somebody, Oh A scalenetriangle
(June 6, 2015 - 12:24 am)

1. Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff, and Godric Gryffindor! Duh!

Four out of Four here

2. Well how do you type upside down? 

ǝuo ɟo ʇno oɹǝz

4. No number 3.

 Zero out of ten.

5. Sakura was a person. I think she was somehow involved in the ski lodges. The end.

 One out of eight.

6. I have no idea.

Zero out of five.


7. You are a jar of peanut butter.

One out of five. 

8. She collapsed onto her knees on the dirt floor. I knew I shouldn't have broken my promise, she thought. The corpse lay on the ground next to her. Her dizziness overtook the girl as she fell to the ground. As she died, she thought, I'm sorry. 

Her body was found the next morning. That day, doctors declared Melanie Conor dead of a stroke caused by a blood clot in her brain.

See? She broke her blood oath and her blood curdled!

Four out of five

9. On this one? Hm, how about Triangle?


l Ten out of ten.


Three out of three. 

112. The Admins are awesome because we're annoying and they put up with it. They post our comments while living their lives and are supportive and don't complain about how annoying we are.

Nine out of ten. 

12. Okay, but I can't figure out how to upload pictures.

Zero out of ten. 

13. Can I be in them?

Zero out of two. 

59. -88 

Twelve out of ten. 


Your grade: Q+ 

submitted by Indigo
(June 6, 2015 - 5:28 pm)

1. A certain person or a certain group of people.

2. some answer.

4. A certain explanation.

5. A biography of Sakura.

6. The Time Traveling Hipster.

7. A certain answer.

8. a seven-sentence story based off the word "curdle"

9. Some certain grade.

10. The picture has pandas climbing a... structure of material. How exciting.

112. a paragraph explaining why the Admins are awesome.


12. Here ya go! A transparent and invisible picture of a squirrel!

13. It's the Hunger Games.

59. A random number between -89 and -50. 


submitted by Danie
(June 6, 2015 - 5:50 pm)

I'm not taking the test, but I just want to say that question 12 requires the use of another tab.

submitted by Over the Rainbow
(June 7, 2015 - 6:37 am)
1. Who founded Hogwarts?  The guys who founded Hogwarts founded Hogwarts!
2. Write 'right-side up' upside down. Okay, I did. You said to WRITE it. Not type it. But if you want it typed: dn ǝpᴉs-ʇɥƃᴉɹ
4. Explain your answer to number three. Terribly sorry, but it seems to appear that the number 3 is missing. Hmmm................
5. Write a biography of Sakura. Sakura, or さくら, means cherry blossom in Japanese. The biography would be very boring, so I will leave this one unanswered. . 
6. Who is the Time Traveling Hipster? I dunno....
7. Escribe your repuesta ʎɐʍ ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ yo wrote my queastio. ??????
8. Write a seven-sentence story based off the word "curdle" The cheese gets curdled before being cheese. That reminds me of the poem. You know, "Little Miss Muffett"? She eats curdles. They don't sound so good though. Cheese is much better. I mean, BLEH. They look... squishy. 
9. What grade do you think you deserve?  Me? Uh..... B-? C?
10. Your opinions on this picture, please.  *groans* Not this picture again! They are playing. Helping each other.
112. Write a paragraph explaining why the Admins are awesome. Okay. Here goes. 
The Admins are awesome because they help us,  and basically made this place. Without them, this place would be nothing. Absolutely nothing! I wouldn't have met Indigo, Teresa, BHR, Cayke, Air, Vi, Corina, Ruby, Red, L, Theo, TNO, Sam, Olive, Jesse, Choco, and everyone else. I would be huddled up in a corner if it wasn't for the Admins. I would be crying my eyes out, not wanting to face things if the Admins didn't make this place. 
12. Draw and upload a picture of a squirrel.   Sorry, I don't know how to upload things. :(
13. Your opinions on the Hunger Games? Never saw it. 
59. Give me a random number between -89 and -50  -51
submitted by Butterfly
(June 7, 2015 - 9:58 am)

You got 51% of the questions correct... Next time chose -89. It's better for your grade.

submitted by Indigo
(June 9, 2015 - 9:31 am)

Your grade is B because of your lack of confidence. Everything else is good though.

submitted by Indigo
(June 9, 2015 - 9:35 am)

1. Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin! Like who else!?!?

2. 'right side up' updide down

4. Well I found my answer by multipling the variable by the denominator in the dividend.

5. Sakura Haruno is fictional. She's in the Naruto anime and manga series and was created by Masashi Kishimoto.

6. It's like a rumor of a photo of like a hipster who's apparently time traveling.

7. Ok!

8. I looked around the room. Where were they? Just a few minutes ago they were right next to me... Unless... "AAAAHHH!" I hear a bloodcurdling scream. "The milk is cuuurdddlliinnnggg!!!! CURDLING!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

9. A Circle+


112. The Admins are awesome because they put up with our craziness, always post our posts relatively quickly, and are always really nice. They delete rude comments just so our feelings aren't hurt. They always give suggestions, and are ok with receiving suggestions. The Admins are super nice and funny too, and that's why they're awesome.

12. I did but it's invisible.

13. I'm not allowed to read the HG but I like playing them on Minecraft and when I am allowed to read them I probably will because they sound cool.

59. -68 

submitted by SAVVY44x
(June 7, 2015 - 11:31 am)

Your grade:

submitted by Indigo
(June 9, 2015 - 9:38 am)

Ruby M.


1. Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Slytherin 

2. dn aplz-tualr Sorry, that was the best I could do.

3. A frog

4. My answer was so beautiful it made question three weep and quietly slink off for some soul searching.

5. Sakura was a girl who lived in my head for a while. She liked to wear dresses, but wore shorts when ever she had to beat someone up. She loved playing pranks on people and tricking them. Dancing was her pasttime. If you had to compare her to an animal, she would be a snake. She was a dancing cobra, weaving from side to side, tricking you with her false eyes on her hood. Watch the right eyes or else you will not see her strike, and that will be the end of you.

6. They time traveled before time traveling was cool.


^ I didn't write your question, so I didn't write my answer either.

8. Curdle

She was the girl with the enormous purple witch mark on her face, a witch mark that made the children throw apple cores at her from their perchs high atop the trees, and the apple cores hitting her head would make her look up at the dark green branches where the beetle-black eyes peered out from the shadows and the parrot-like laughter of the children resonated when she shook her head and moved on her way, and when the youngest child fell from the trees too early, trying to fly before his wings were developed, the parents took him to to girl with the witch mark, she who was born dead, smelling of the dead and speaking of the dead, smiled and rattled her bone-dead teeth in her awful beak, and promised that the child would be all right if only the entire village took their medicine, and she remembered her dry dark feathers, lusterless compared to those of the other villagers and how lusterless her life was compared to theirs, how they laughed and loved and flew among the trees while she was stuck to the ground and the rotten fruit, she with her witchmark and her smell of the dead, the smell that made them call her Curdle, like a creature who has spoiled, and she who was born dead had indeed spoiled, and her poisoned heart pumped with black ecstasy as she gave the parents the child's medicine, no the village's medicine, yes, they were the rot and the cursed, not she, not the witchmark woman born dead, yes, the village must sleep until the feathers fell off the bleak-bones and she became queen of the dead, and the village, always willing to help its own children, took the medicine deep down. Padre drank deep in his underground cavern where candles swung their shadows along the walls. Children nested in the treetops like small feathered fruit, their beaks askew as they fell into dreams and out of the trees. Cowherds drank their medicine in their sky fields and fell deep asleep in the clouds as their winged charges moved to graze on the dew elsewhere. Lovers settled down to dream deep in one another's embrace. Workers stopped where they were and crumpeled slowly into slumber. Curdle's queendom slept for a long, long time.

9. A really good one for that story I just wrote

10. Panda in the corner is practicing curl-ups but doing them wrong.

112. The Admins are splendidly amazing because they let me have fairly free reign with the stuff I do, but they know when to pull the plug when things go too far. I can't often see when I'm going overboard, so I appreciate whenever they edit something I do because I learn it is inappropriate. I thank them for their vigilance and interest in our fun, their sheer dedication, and their polite moderation of our heated issues. I thank them for having some measure of trust in us, because as kids, we never receive trust from adults. It is gratifying, and I am trying not to betray their trust. Thank you for forgiving us when we make mistakes.

12. Good grief, I can't even spell squirrel, let alone draw one.

13. I dislike the novels based on their writing style. I like the premise well enough.

59. -67 

submitted by Ruby M., age 15, Testing Land
(June 7, 2015 - 12:07 pm)

Your grade: L+. Whether or not that is a good grade is for you to decide.

submitted by Indigo
(June 9, 2015 - 9:39 am)


submitted by Daffodil
(June 7, 2015 - 4:17 pm)

I'm in a silly/find the loopholes, so  here goes nothing.

1. Who founded Hogwarts? Slathar Slytherin, Goderic Gryffindor, Helgda Hufflepuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw. (I know I spelled those wrong, or got them wrong.

2. Write 'right-side up' upside down.
'right-side up' upsdie down. 

4. Explain your answer to number three.
Very nice. I almost fell for it. (My reason, by the way, is that 52+89=4.) 

5. Write a biography of Sakura.
Sakura was an amazing kid and he loved to write - then, when he was about thirteen, he found Cricket Chatterbox and wrote some amazing pieces - a brother in our ancient Cricket family tree. 

6. Who is the Time Traveling Hipster?
Me. Nice to meet you.

7. Escribe your repuesta ʎɐʍ ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ yo wrote my queastio.
Donc, ej en em xuep sap eriaf cela, mais je peux essayer, non? 

8. Write a seven-sentence story based off the word "curdle"
Once. There. Was. A. Girl. Named. Curdles - that was because she loved milk and got mad super easily - but she wasn't happy; as she wanted to marry the crown prince ( who wouldn't marry her, by the way, because she threw such horrible fits if something didn't go her way ) but he did want to marry her - anyways, she worked herself up into such a fit that her face turned the color of a Rhode Island red chicken and she burst - I swear on my life that she literally, positively, absolutely burst - and disappeared, but where she had stood was a pain of curdled milk - and that was the end of Curdles. 

9. What grade do you think you deserve?
An A+ times two hundred.

10. Your opinions on this picture, please.
Oh! So cute! 

112. Write a paragraph explaining why the Admins are awesome.
The Admins are so awesome because they make this place a safe site for us kids and they add bits of humor when they add a line or two to the bottom of our posts. They are amazing in every way, and it's so cool that they make themselves known, and don't really hide in the background, like a ghost. Many thanks for all that they do! 

12. Draw and upload a picture of a squirrel.  

^ ^ 

.  .  


() ()

13. Your opinions on the Hunger Games?
What's the point?

59. Give me a random number between -89 and -50

submitted by True
(June 7, 2015 - 5:53 pm)

Time-Traveling Hipster, nice to meet you, too. Your grade is 80.999999999999768 out of one hundred. 

submitted by Indigo
(June 9, 2015 - 9:40 am)

Young Writer


1. Who founded Hogwarts?

Four people. Godric Gryffindor, Helena Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw (my House), Salazar Slytherin 

2. Write 'right-side up' upside down



4. Explain your answer to number three.

No number three.  

5. Write a biography of Sakura.

Oh, it's in the back of my mind! *bangs on back of head* 

6. Who is the Time Traveling Hipster?

*repeats above motion* 

7. Escribe your repuesta ʎɐʍ ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ yo wrote my queastio.


8. Write a seven-sentence story based off the word "curdle"

She stared at the potion, just starting to look like it should. She'd done it. The C.U.R.D.L.E's mission was complete.Gini would wake tomorrow. And then, well, her programmed mission would be complete. She could deactivate. 

I'm such.a.rebel.xD


9. What grade do you think you deserve? 

Life isnt "a pile of textbooks and words on parchment".  (Talking to self--->)Need toremember that.  

10. Your opinions on this picture, please. 

SO. Adorable.  

112. Write a paragraph explaining why the Admins are awesome.

They are just awesome. I could write  a thesis on that. No way can I condense it into ONE paragraph.

12. Draw and upload a picture of a squirrel.  

Me no know. 

13. Your opinions on the Hunger Games?

Book or Event? 

59. Give me a random number between -89 and -50



submitted by Young Writer
(June 7, 2015 - 6:54 pm)