I feel really...

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

I feel really...

I feel really... awful today.

Like, sad and miserable and all the other words invented to express distress. (That rhymed.)


So, I wrote this. I'm not necessarily like this every day, but... well... I am today.



Well I woke up one morning

Feelin' bored with my life

So in my mind I went to Tokyo

And made it seem nice


Even though all of the cherry blossoms

Died in the rain

Just like that cat from the Prophecy:

In pain


Oh I felt really bad

And I probably deserved it

'Cause they tell you 'bout revenge

But cold's never how they serve it


And they take away your comfort

And they rip holes in the seams

And they say that they're your demons

And they'll haunt you in your dreams


And they wish that they were someone else

But they'll never be

'Cause we're all just stuck

In some twisted fantasy


Where nothing seems right

And nothing seems wrong

Just right in the middle

Kind of like this song


And I wish that I could think up

Clever similes

And stop starting sentences with "and"

But that's too hard for me


And I make things a problem

When they don't have to be

And I wish that I could stop

But that's too hard for me


And I wish I'd be less nervous,

Pessimistic and brief

Oh, I'd like to be a brave one

But that's too hard for me


And I can't take the reigns

I might steer into the sea

I'd like to be a better person

But that's too hard for me


And I wish that I could tell myself

"You're a pearl in the sea,"

"Or a diamond in the rough,"

"Whatever you want to be."


And I wish I could do all these things

With effortless ease

And I wish I could be someone

But that's too hard for me


And if you can't comprehend this

It's about how I feel

'Cause there's no question that I'm worthless

You can't question what is real



So thanks if you actually read through that garbage. I'm sure I'll feel better soon.

I guess I'm reaching the age where I get really emotional about these sorts of things.




Admin: We disagree—a worthless person could never write such awesome poetry! 

submitted by hotairballoon
(May 21, 2015 - 1:50 pm)

Like the Admins, I must agree to disagree with you. You have made me smile with your comments many a time. We need you on the CB. I have felt like this before as well, and I can tell you for sure that every little thing is going to be okay. Hang in there. You ARE strong and brave and creative and you ARE going to pull through this. Besides, you were able to articulate emptiness and for that I greatly admire you. 

submitted by The Chocabookaholic, age 12
(May 21, 2015 - 4:37 pm)


submitted by Top
(May 21, 2015 - 4:40 pm)

For some reason, my previous topping didn't work. Maybe this will?

submitted by The Chocabookaholic, age 12
(May 23, 2015 - 7:22 am)

Your an awesome poet HAB! It wasn't garbage at all! If you smile (Even if you don't want to) I think that it makes you happy. I think it somehow it tells your brain your happy even when your not. My Aunt told me that. You could give it a try. A kuna mattatta!

submitted by Will , age 15, GA
(May 23, 2015 - 10:09 pm)

That was wonderful poetry, and you are a wonderful person. Smile and treat yourself to something nice! You are amazing!

submitted by Booksy Owly
(May 24, 2015 - 3:11 pm)

Lots of people get that feeling sometimes. Don't worry about it, it'll pass. Besides, you're not worthless, H.A.B. We all love you. Not in the gushy way, but in the way friends do.

(Besides, as the admins said, no worthless person could write such good poetry. Or song lyrics. or whatever. :P)

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(May 24, 2015 - 5:41 pm)

Oh, thanks guys :)

...I'm still kinda melancholy but a bit better. Glad to know you think I'm worth something (since I know a lot of people who don't).

submitted by hotairballoon
(May 25, 2015 - 6:40 pm)