Letters to Future
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Letters to Future
Letters to Future Chatterboxers!
Here you can write letters to the CBers of the future. Maybe, four years from now, a noble pioneering CBer will look through the back pages and find it, maybe even top it, so it can be read by Chatterbox: the Next Generation!
Dear Future Chatterboxer,
This generation is fun. Alter Egos reign supreme, as so random RPs and kind Chatterboxers. I wonder, what will RPs be like when a future CBer like yourself reads this? Will there still be CAPTCHA pets and Alter Egos? But I know one thing is for sure. There will always be kind CBers out there, like CayketheCook of our day. Like St. Owl of our day. The admins will stay responsible and unless the seeds of corruption make it in and take root, which I think is unlikely in such a wonderful place such as this, the rare insensitive comment will quickly be quelled. Keep looking through the back pages. Be curious. Read old RPs, and old discussions. Resurrect threads. Use interesting terminology. And stay considerate. I know the CB will change. But I think that the kindness will stay. Here, I was accepted. Hopefully, as will you be.
A past Chatterboxer,
(March 26, 2015 - 1:39 am)
Dear Future CBer,
Hi! My name's balletandbow! I hope that whenever you read this, the CB is still going strong. (As of now) I am 12 years old, but my birthday is on Saturday, same as Savvy's! (You may have seen my 'OMG SAVVY' post after her letter.) Anyway, a lot of people have been asking if you future CBers will have AEs or CAPTCHAs. My advice: If you don't, MAKE SOME UP!!! I have three AEs, which is pretty much the unspoken limit. Why is that an unspoken limit? Because there are only four different ways to type on the CB, normal, Italic, Bold, or Italic Bold. Obviously most of us past CBers reserve the 'normal' type for ourselves, so that leaves only three more options.
So, my AEs! I joined the CB in early September 2015, and at that point we were recovering from something called 'The Great AE War.' From what I understand of it, basically people were being a bit irresponsible with their AEs, and were clogging up all the threads with silliness. So for a while, AEs were kinda unofficially banned. Then, I got here. Now, at this point I had no freaking clue what had gone on with AEs, and after looking through a few old AE threads, I decided I wanted one. Enter BABTMP. BowAndBalletTheMechanicalPencil was definitely a bit random at first, and really her main purpose was to finish my posts. But almost right after I joined, a ton more people did too. And AEs rose back up again with the new generation of CBers.
Next came PSXtreme. PieSlingerXtreme is definitely very crazy. I made her in honor of my very first Ski Lodge, which was pie themed. For a time her existence was a bit iffy, my original plan had been just to have her for that specific thread, but she won out and is stil here.
Then I made Torstyn. Torstyn wasn't really made with a specific purpose in the AE world, I was just bored one day and decided to make another AE. (If you want to see where I made him, go into the Inkwell and click the replies button twice. It's the 'LONGEST THREAD EVER' thread.)
Soooo yeah. There's ballet's super long AE journal. After all the wonderful AE stuff, we had a few more CB wide events. The Nostalgia War, where a ton of the older CBers threatened to leave, left, and then most of them came back, the AE Crush War, where like, ALL of the AEs and CAPTCHAs got crushes on each other, leading to a few working relationships (Piesty, QuillFour, Zarwen), and plenty of broken hearts.
Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy your time on the CB as much as I do!
Yours in CBerness,
balletandbow A.K.A. Tonks
(August 3, 2016 - 8:22 am)
Dear All Powerful Future CBer's Of Whenever You Find This (APFCBOWYFT),
Hi! My name is the Riddler, and unless I still exist on the cb whenever you find this, I don't think anyone will remember me, but anyhoo...
The cb is pretty awesome right now. Do you still have AE's? If not, go back to some old, forgotten thread and find out. If so, what are they like? Wait, why are we asking questions to people who can't answer us? We won't be around anymore when they read this, and if we are we'll know all the answers. Eh, whatever!
I have one AE and one CAPTCHA. My AE's name is Stan (oops I accidentally wrote stab at first. Hehe. No no no, definitely no ominous foreshadowing there!) He isn't terribly crazy, but he's very random and prone to rants and chucking things out the window.
I am not!
Yes, you are. You've done it many times.
How have I done it many times?!?! I only chucked things out the window like three times, and they were little things like chairs and a piano. Honestly, you think everything I do is something wrong! Like there was that one time where I was trying to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich, but you said NO, I was usind the wrong jelly and that I had to use something else, and I was like...
Like I said. Rants.
And chucking stuff out the window. And, by the way, it was the wrong jelly. It was Petroleum jelly.
Oooh I was meaning to ask, do people still like Hamilton???? 'Caaause it's kind of the best thing on earth. Just look it up on Spotify or Youtube or something and ignore the swears YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE I PROMISE IT IS AMAZING ok I'll stop. But seriously. It's a broadway musical about the life of Alexander Hamilton told in rap and hip hop and stuff there are 46 songs and no scenes in between you will be obsessed with it ok rant over.
Yeah. And I have a CAPTCHA, Charles (who says wafo, whatever that means), who is a Niffler, from Harry Potter. He wears a red bowtie. And Stan wears a green and purple striped top hat and a green tailcoat. He's kind of tall and cartoonish.
Ok, bye!
~The Riddler
(August 4, 2016 - 5:03 pm)
Dear future CBers,
I hope that you all have great imaginations, kind hearts, a pinch of insanity, and all the qualities that CBers have now. I'm not sure if you guys will still have CAPTCHA pets, or Alter Egoes running wild, but I hope that you will remember the founders of this wonderful world were anything can happen. I'm also not sure how old I'll be when you read this, but right now I'm 11, and it's 2016. I hope you future CBers find this thread and add onto it for the next generation to read!
P.S. You shall never know my real name! Muahahahahahahahahaha!!!
P.P.S. Cardinal (my CAPTCHA) says "avvd". She is an avid reader just like me!
(August 4, 2016 - 9:15 pm)
Hello, futer CB,
If TV takes over the world, listen to Daft Punk's "Telivision Rules The Nation." And Daft Punk in general.
I am the only DJ (amature or otherwise) on CB, I like techno dance music, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, and Magic; The GAthering. I have two alter egos, Bob, and Lilliana. To a MTG player, they are House Dimir agents, and deadly Blue-Black mages. To a normal person, they are crazy people who storm random public events. I have a demiplane somewere around here, and you can probably find it. And I have started the Boarding School RPG, which is probably going to die out soon.
(August 5, 2016 - 12:35 pm)
Dear Future CBer,
Hi! I'm Icy. I'm 11-turning 12 soon. But I'll probably be 13 or 14 when you read this. What's up? If I'm still here, well...then we can talk.
I have an AE and an AETCHA. Frosty and Chilly. I also have a CAPTCHA I don't use called Snowy. Do people have AEs in your time?
I really hope you're slightly insane too! Also creative and nice I guess. But slightly insane! I'm writing this at 9:51 PM! Every monday I change my name to Crazy and go on a rampage! Kyngdom probably doesn't exist for you, but my Kyngdom name is Icicle 'Icy' Soul.
I really hope you find the wisdom of the (very insane) past useful.
(August 8, 2016 - 9:52 pm)
whoaaaa i was looking for another thread and stumbled upon this! as a certified CBer Of The Future, i think we should write our own replies to past CBers and letters to CBers of the even farther future :D i'll write my own letter later~
(January 21, 2024 - 6:46 pm)
(January 21, 2024 - 6:47 pm)
(January 21, 2024 - 6:47 pm)
(January 21, 2024 - 6:48 pm)
(January 21, 2024 - 6:48 pm)
hmm, this thread is being rather stubborn. maybe having some text in the body of the comment will help? TOP! (and sorry for spamming!)
(January 21, 2024 - 6:50 pm)
*doffs TOP hat*
(January 21, 2024 - 6:52 pm)
alright last try and then i give up. TOP! and sorry for the spamming :/
(January 21, 2024 - 6:52 pm)
oh my gosh this is crazy that two of us stumbled on this thread within two days of each other! we can now both be considered "noble pioneering CBers" XD
This post should hopefully top the thread? If not, I'll come back and top it again later. The thing is that when you're trying to top something, you have to wait until the first topping post shows up before making a second topping post.
but yeah, I don't think the CB has changed much, although it definitely looks like it was a little wilder back in 2015 :) there are kind people and wonderful admins and so much creativity and laughter. hooray!
also, this is the perfect time to top this thread, because hopefully it will still be on the first page by Valentine's Day so that the returning CBers can have a look at it!
(February 3, 2024 - 12:07 pm)
yay, it topped~
also, why did I write "within two days of each other"?? I meant "within days". A slip of the tongue, I guess - sorry, a slip of the keyboard XD
(February 3, 2024 - 5:46 pm)