Do your colors

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Do your colors

Do your colors have personalities?

submitted by Do You Care, age color, Place of Color
(March 23, 2015 - 6:45 pm)

red - angry

blue - calm

yellow - happy

green - excited

purple - relaxed

pink - lying about being happy

black - evil 

gray - depressed

white - pure



i don't know if these are really personalities or not. 

submitted by >0>
(March 24, 2015 - 9:07 am)

No, like real, true personalities? Not moods they put you in, sort of?

submitted by Do You Care
(March 24, 2015 - 8:14 pm)


submitted by >O>
(March 25, 2015 - 12:12 pm)

Aren't "calm" and "relaxed" the same thing? 

submitted by What?
(March 25, 2015 - 3:12 pm)

Yeah, but it's with numbers.

1: confused

2: happy

3: scared

4: nice

5: brave

6: helpful

7: a follower

8: careful

9: bossy

0: worried

submitted by Luna, age 11, Hogwarts
(March 26, 2015 - 3:59 pm)


submitted by DO You Care
(March 25, 2015 - 4:55 pm)

With me it's the colors I wear. I rarely wear a couple of colors, but others I wear a lot.

White: (I wear white very often) peacemaker, which I usually am

Black: (pretty much worn everyday) fantasy fangirl

Blue: slightly crazy, but not in a bad way :) ( commonly worn color)

Green: stubborn, firm in way if thinking ( another commonly worn)

Orange: Percy Jackson fangirling, because the only orange thing I own is my Camp Halfblood shirt (it's a personality trait)

Red: (I actually don't own one red thing) quick to anger, loud

Purple: (the only purple thing I own is a flower crown) graceful happines

Yellow: always happy (don't wear yellow) 

Pink: (I wear my pink converse and beanie hat a lot, but I own no pink clothes) cute, girly, charming 

submitted by Cloudy Dweller
(March 26, 2015 - 5:15 pm)

But it's just what they represent? They aren't.... alive?

submitted by Do You Care
(March 26, 2015 - 8:22 pm)

Hi! My colours don't have personalities, but if yours do, it sounds like you might have synesthesia! Synesthesia is a thing where two or more of your senses are sort of intertwined. That may sound really weird, but trust me, it's a pretty awesome thing. Most synesthetes (people who have synesthesia) find that their synesthesia doesn't interfere with their daily lives, and sometimes it actually helps them, especially to remmber things! There are many different types of synesthesia, for example, some synesthetes might see colours and shapes in the air when they hear sounds, or they might always see letters or numbers as having their own certain colours (many synesthetes of this type see 'A' as being red). Or, as in your case (?) colours have certain personalities!

Synesthesia is an awesome thing, and I first got interested in it (seriously, I was more like obsessed with this cool, crazy thing that I'd never heard of before) because I read a really good (fiction) book called A Mango-Shaped Space. It's about a girl who finds out that she has synesthesia, and it's really neat. I recommend it, whether you have synesthesia or not! One important thing to remember is that synesthesia is NOT a disorder. Think of it as more like a trait, like having blonde hair or green eyes. If you want to see more about it, just look up "synesthesia" online. One good website I found is called Synesthesia Test.

I'm not sure if I have synesthesia or not, but if I do, it would be spatial-numerical synesthesia, because I visualize numbers and dates in certain positions, which looks nothing like a calender. When I think of the year, I see it as a circle going clockwise, with various memories of the seasons arranged around it. When I think of the year as a whole, I see it from the point of view of standing above it between December and January, but when I think of a certain date in the year, I see it as if I'm inside the circle looking outwards at the dates going past me to the right. When I think of years in succesion, like when I'm doing history and we're talking about the Elizabethan Era, the years are arranged sort of diagonally with the years we're talking about in front of me, and the future going off to the right. It's an automatic visualisation, but I don't actually see it in the space around me, which is why I'm not sure if I actually have synesthesia. I might just be a really visual person...

Anyways, sorry if I presumed too much and this was just a poll question or something, but I thought I'd share a bit of the info that got stuck in my brain when I was crazy about synesthesia.

submitted by Pied Piper, age never, islandof synesthesia
(March 28, 2015 - 7:47 am)

I am Do You Care. Ya might as well know. And A Mango Shaped Space is one of my favorite books. I am obsessed with synesthesia, but alas, I do not have it. I wish I did, but.. I don't. My colors are just... alive to me. I see the year like that, too.. but...

submitted by S.E.
(March 28, 2015 - 8:18 pm)