Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Roster for CBers
So a lot of people have been saying that CB is changing really fast, and I have to agree. Thank you so much SC for basically summarizing that.
But while I agree this is not something we need to fix, we can definitely make it less confusing and by that I mean organizing (you should have seen this coming, guys. Organization and sci-fi -- that's me.)
So I was thinking we can try to make a list of everyone on CB currently, even if they only pop in and out every two weeks or so. Here goes!
A Curious Dragon |
Abigail A. |
Air |
Alias |
Alice |
Anne |
Blonde Heroines Rule |
Bookbug |
Brookeira/Masked Piester |
Butterfly |
Carolion K |
CaykeTheCook |
Danie |
EarthGirl |
Elena O. |
Ellie |
Everinne |
Fire Eyes Phoenix |
Forrest |
Hannah.S |
Horse Spirit Girl |
Indigo |
J.B.E. |
Joe the Stickfiddler |
Juniper Mae |
Kate W. |
Katia |
Katie M |
Keira S. |
LN |
Lyra |
Magic Dragon |
MapleSyurp |
Melody |
Nora the Singer |
Over the Rainbow |
Owlfire |
Pete the Trollslayer |
Pied Piper |
Queen Elizabeth |
Quicksilver |
Red/Ruby |
Rose Bud |
S.E. |
Sarah |
SAVVY44x |
SC |
Sofia P. (LilyPotter) |
Squeak |
St. Owl |
swimluv88 |
Teresa |
The Chocabookaholic |
Theo W. |
Tigerlily |
True. |
Verso |
Vida |
Violet |
Will T. |
Winter Firefly |
Young Writer |
I'm really sorry that formatting was weird. But hopefully this makes stuff more organized around here!
(February 22, 2015 - 9:47 pm)
Air.... I thin JTSF left.
(February 23, 2015 - 8:42 am)
WOW......That is awesome. I was thinking of doing that, but you did it first. =)
I think that's pretty much all.....
(February 23, 2015 - 11:42 am)
Glad you didn't forget me (:
(February 23, 2015 - 1:31 pm)
You forgot Cloudy Dweller!
(February 23, 2015 - 2:59 pm)
I realize I forgot a TON of people... Corina... ~BlueFairy~... Book Wizard... sorry people! If you're not on here you can post on it and I'll update the list if there are lots more people I forgot!
(February 23, 2015 - 10:05 pm)
No offence, but did anyone notice that out of the 63 CBers on the list, only 20 (or so) are the ones who have been here for a long time? When I say a long time, I mean A LONG TIME. Like, 2+years.
(February 23, 2015 - 4:24 pm)
I know what you mean... a lot of these people are only on Blab about Books though. (i.e. swimluv88)
I think it would be cool to track people's time on CB, and we could celebrate their first day on CB. That would be cool... except I've forgotten. lol
(February 23, 2015 - 10:02 pm)
I made a thread celebrating my first official independent post (November 25, 2013) but it died. I had been on Cricket Reader's Recommend since April and had been reading the CB posts for a few months before that though. June, maybe?
(February 24, 2015 - 6:17 pm)
YAY! You remembered moi!! Yeah and i joined cb July 13, 2014.... Seems like so long ago...... You forgot GlitterLover101..... S'okay she's new.
(February 24, 2015 - 5:37 pm)