CollegeSo, I
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
CollegeSo, I
So, I'm quickly approaching the end of my junior year, so I've really started to research college a lot . Since Im graduating at 16 , I'm either going to college when I'm 17 going on 18 , or 18 going on 19 .
I'm planning on applying to Rice (#1 ranked university in Texas), Trinity (ranked second in Texas) and Baylor (ranke #8). I'm positive that I'll be able to get into all three of these schools , so it will definitey be a tough decision. Rice is my top school, but Trinity is about an hour and a half closer to home. And since I'm going to college so young, I don't want to be too far from home. Baylor is ony about 3 hours too , so it all just depends .
I was just wondering , what colleges are you going to apply too ? How are they ranked in your state ? And , if you're not looking into colleges yet , this mighht not be the right thread yet :)
(February 1, 2015 - 7:21 pm)
I have a pretty good idea between a few colleges where you would be going, since I do live on the east coast. Good luck, and have an awesome time!
(February 17, 2015 - 7:41 am)
Are you going away or still living with your parents ?
(February 17, 2015 - 8:36 pm)