Chatterbox: Down to Earth
I am easily scarred, and have tons of fears:
1. Mangle ( five nights at Freddy's 2 (don't even bother to look pictures up if you are easily scarred. I just woke up from a nightmare!))
2. thrill rides
3. Contagious sicknesses
4. Death
5. Car accidents
That's all I can think off of the top of my head! What are you afraid of?
submitted by MapleSyurp, age 11, Screaming in bed
(December 21, 2014 - 8:33 pm)
(December 21, 2014 - 8:33 pm)
(December 25, 2014 - 4:02 pm)
I have hemaphobia, the fear of blood. Oh my goodness, I am so scared of blood. Whenever anyone starts bleeding, I have to close my eyes and plug my ears and rock back and forth. If I see it, I feel really dizzy and shaky. I don't know why - maybe it's because blood is supposed to be inside the body, so when I see it outside the body my brain gets alarmed or something. I just can't tolerate blood.
Sorry for rambling.
(December 25, 2014 - 4:46 pm)
My friend has serious arachnophobia. We were camping with girl scouts and there was a spider in the cabin, and she started waving a broom everywhere trying to kill it, and we all ran out of the cabin. Then she sqaushed it and she said, "It's dead! You can come in now!" And we were like, "That isn't why we ran out." She is SERIOUSLY AFRAID OF SPIDers.
(December 26, 2014 - 9:51 am)
I can only think of one right now. I seriously freak out when I hear something that is low, but suddenly gets loud. I can't explain it, but it's like a phobia.
(December 27, 2014 - 2:52 pm)
1. The ocean.
2. Hospitals, doctor's offices, doctors, and basically anything that has to do with anything medical.
Those are the main two. I also really really hate bugs.
(December 27, 2014 - 5:49 pm)
Did nobody else notice that Brookiera said she sees DARK SHROUDED PEOPLE? @Brookiera: Oh my gosh, you have to describe them! Are they like strange shadows? You might be able to see spirits. I didn't think that any one person could see all spirits. You should look into that, Brookiera. That could be a really incredible scientific discovery. I know you think it is creepy, but I need you to describe them! This could get interesting.......
(December 27, 2014 - 6:25 pm)
This is in no real order.
1) I hear knocking at my door at night, but I open it and there's no one there. Here's the rhythm: tap tap ta-tap tap etc. It scares me a lot.
2) When I see creepy shadowey people in the woods and shadows (that was me who replied to Brookeira's comment).
3) bugs
4) Dodgeball (don't ask me why)
Sooo yah.
This is strange, but even though those creepy shadow-people scare me, I'm not afraid of death. At all. I write stories about death-related stuff all the time, and it gives people nightmares.
(December 29, 2014 - 2:31 pm)
Brookeira; I see them too!!! Eeeeeek, it's scary......
(December 29, 2014 - 5:24 pm)
1) The ocean (especially being on boats in the ocean) absolutely terrifying. (Lakes and rivers don't bother me, just the ocean.)
2) Outer space. I could never be an astronaut.
3) Large crowds of people
4) The eventual collapse of society therefore leading to anarchy, disorder and extreme violence
(This list is not in order by the way.)
I guess I'm not really afraid of normal fears like snakes and spiders and monsters and stuff.
(December 31, 2014 - 10:44 am)