Chatterbox: Down to Earth
So this is like a CBER picturing but with fantasy picturing! I am a druid, queen of the forest. Anyway, I will start with some people I know.
Joe the Stickfiddler: He is a bard, someone who plays enchanted music (in this case on a fiddle). He has sleek shoulder length brown hair tied back in a dashing ponytail and has a mischievous grin on his face. He has blue eyes and pale skin. He is a bit mischievous looking. He has a red shirt with cream-colored sleeves and black pants.
Everrine: She is a paladin, an elite warrior ninja person. She is petite but strong, her hair is braided back and their is a ninja like face covering on her face. Her eyes glitter, knowing she can defeat anything in her way. She wields two knives ahead of her, defending her king to the death.
(July 24, 2014 - 7:55 pm)
@ Brooke E:
That literally sent shivers up my spine from the pure evility of it.
(July 30, 2014 - 7:46 pm)
Tears came to my eyes.
(August 1, 2014 - 2:48 pm)
Someone PLEASE do me !
(July 30, 2014 - 12:32 pm)
Indigo K: You're a color fairy. You can only be seen in places with lots of color, and especially around rainbows. You can also blend in with your surroundings. Your dress shimmers and changes color as you move. You hair is a light, pale, blonde and reflects light into different colors. Your skin is milky pale, and you have large black eyes. You move easily and fluently like light.
(July 30, 2014 - 2:35 pm)
@BHR - That was written so beautifully and now I'm jealous and oh my goodness how do you write like that.
For some reason whenever I think of the CB, I immediately imagine books, so perhaps I will imagine you all as books on a shelf.
Starting the shelf is Forrest, who is an olive green medium-thick book with her name written in silver ink on the front cover, but not on the binding for some reason.
Next to Forrest is Moss, who is this beautiful shade of purple, like a plum, but softer. Moss is a thin book, only about a hundred pages long, and this time, the ink is electric blue, but in the same place as Forrest's.
Next comes True, who is a very thick book. Her covers are sky-blue, and her binding is white. Her name is very large on the front of the book. (I've always imagined True as a very important person.)
Then there's BHR, who is a sunny marigold color, and she is a medium-thick book. Her name is shiny with metallic gold ink on the binding and on the cover.
Then there's Nina, who is a lime-green thick book. Her name is in large, fun letters on the cover and in smaller letters on the binding.
More later. :D
(July 31, 2014 - 5:58 am)
Aw, thank you, Nora!
I really like your description of us as books. It's very fitting and unique! I wouldn't have thought like that.
(July 31, 2014 - 12:47 pm)
I just love that Nora. Although I wouldn't call myself important, I do like my book. :)
(August 1, 2014 - 4:34 pm)
Thank you! (:
(August 20, 2014 - 7:00 am)
Nora the Singer: You're a spirit of music. Whenever and wherever there is music, there you are. You become the phsycial form of the music, your appearance often changing with the melody. You have long, flowing black hair that sways and floats as you dance. You have light grey eyes, and pale skin. You wear an airy knee length dress that changes color according to the mood of the song. Your voice is unearthly and changes from anything like heavenly chimes to the winds in the trees. You're voice can be soft and comforting, or mystic and haunting. You dance with more grace than any human eye has every seen, like you float on the unseen notes of the song.
(July 31, 2014 - 12:56 pm)
*reads post*
*reads again*
*eyes widen*
*reads again*
*jaw drops*
*reads again*
*reads again*
*reads again*
*shields eyes from computer screen* AAAAAAAAAAH TOO MUCH BEAUTY I CAN'T EVEN ASDFGHJKL
*seven minutes later*
Okay. I'm back. *breathes heavily* Actually, I think you rendered me basically speechless. So I shall get back to you when I regain my calmality. Might be a while.
(July 31, 2014 - 7:22 pm)
Nora is a mermaid with a beautiful singing voice. She has rippling blond hair and sea green eyes. She has a pinkish fushia tail.
(August 1, 2014 - 10:39 am)
Ooh, I like that.
Brooke E., you're a deep royal blue colored book. You're quite thick, with many pages. Your name is imprinted across the cover several times, like a collage.
(August 1, 2014 - 11:09 am)
Aw, I'm glad you like it!
(August 1, 2014 - 11:09 pm)
I've always imagined BHR as a superhero that wears nothing but pink
and Everiene is an elf that lives in a tree house
oh yea and FEP is a cat with red eyes and a bow on her tail
and I've always thought Alice was secretly Alice in Wonderland
Blue Fairy is, well, a blue fairy
and Melody is a pink fairy who sings everything she says!
That's all I can think of but this is fun. I might do more!
(July 31, 2014 - 6:47 pm)
Also someone plz do me.
(July 31, 2014 - 6:49 pm)